Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    Poll finds Edwards leads Duke in governor’s race
(AIM A now
poll shows Kdwin
h ii w a r d s 11' a (I s
Louisiana's hotlv < untested
said Wednesday that a large
numlmr of undi'i ided voters
still could swing Saturday's
runoff in favor of David Duke
l.dwards. a Demur rat seeking
an unprer edenled fourth term,
spent Wednesday campaigning
in the New CJrleans area Duke,
a Kepuldltan and former Ku
governor s race, but an analyst
Kltiv Ktan leader, worked the
I ..t (.1 v«'t !»• area in I ho Miulh ti’ii
Inil part of I ho si,ili'
A tnlophono poll tondut led
hist Wednesday through Sun
day by I ho l 'nivorsifv of Now
Orleans Kesoart h Con tor
showed that r>2 pnr< ont of re
spondonts favored Kdw.irds
and .'I, portent supported
Duke Twenty-two portent
w ere under t<ie<l
hdwurds still loti h\ -to per
tent to 40 percent after the sur
vey was adjusted (or an expert
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I'd hidden vote of people
who don't want to admit they
support Duke, pollster Susan
Howi'll said
However, then was a week
to go in tills rill e when we t om
plcted the poll, and because of
the emotion involved in lilts
campaign, that's an eternity,
she said The adjusted survey
found i-t pert ent undei ideil
Howell, a politual science
professor, said the revised fig
a res t hanged upward for Duke
when tie was-given the votes of
those who i harat lert/ed him as
thspiritvg or "really < ares
about people like me
i fie university surveyed 701
registered voters The jm>1I had
a margin for error of plus or mi
nus I i> percentage poinls
Duke said hr evpet Is strong
support from undecided voters
t uni!' Saturday
There's a lot of under ided
vote out there That's mine I
think almost .ill of it is mine."
Duke said before an appearam e
in Lafayette "I think we ll win
by a whisker "
A New Orleans newspaper,
meanwhile, reported Wednes
day that Duke espoused anti
Semitii views in a 1 U<)0 inter
view publlslii'd In an lid in*
burgh, Scotland, newspaper
Milled Scotland on Sunday
I he Times-Pit avune said Duk'1
told an interviewer that Jews
are a plague on the white rai e
and that Rudolf Hess, one of
Hitler's top advisers, should
have won (lie Nobel Peace
Duke denied the allegation
" There were no dint* t quotes
in there on me knocking the
Jewish people," Duke said
"Again, some lifiera! journalist
savs I said something Win
didn't she have a tape' She
taped the interview Why
didn't she produc e It? It's just
the same old stuff."
Constitution talks to begin soon
South Africa seeking extended voting rights for citizens
r11 ,i (AI*) Niogot tat ions
with President 1 W ti e
kh rk s government on a non
r.u ■ a I constitution should lie
gin hv tin* end ol the month,
Afrit .in National ( nngrcss leader Nelson Mandela
said Wednesday
!'h<' white government and blank opposition
groups hope to start talks Nov JO on .1 lonstitu
tion lli.it would extend voting rights to thu it)
million I1l.11 k majority
V\. art- prepared to sit around the table with
everybody who wishes to ntakr .1 positivu 1 ontri
button toward the sin cuss of tin- < onferont e,'1
Mandela said
ANt spokisw oman (dll Mart us said tin- gov
timing National 1’arty anti tin- ANt had lentative
l\ agreed to thn Nov JO date and were dist ussing
the issue w tth other parties
• \N< •< ,
nterim govern
says his government vvii! not relinquish power
until .1 new constitution is agreed upon
1 )e k ler k .mil Mandela, w ho frequent I \ have e\
pressed mutual respect over the [last \ ear. have
bis mill' increasingly critical of each oilier in re
cent weeks Mistrust is especiallv high over the
issue of hint k on black violence in the townships
The AN(. savs the government is partly to blame
lie k lerk docs not have to (all an elect ion until
lmn and considers that his deadline for negotiat
ing a rum-racial i onstitution
I he president has said the dot iimenl must give
voting rights to all i iti/ens, hut that he envisions
i lauses giv ing whites and other minorities veto
power on major policy issues
Other porth ipants in the negotiations are likely
to he the Zulu-based Inkatba breedom Party, the
militant Pan Afrit anisl (Congress and the Demo
i ratu Party, a white, anti apartheid group
1 wing w ! ies and the l?; u k militant
n Peoples Organization have so far rejet led
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