Poll finds Edwards leads Duke in governor’s race N|-;vv OKLKANS (AIM A now L poll shows Kdwin h ii w a r d s 11' a (I s Louisiana's hotlv < untested said Wednesday that a large numlmr of undi'i ided voters still could swing Saturday's runoff in favor of David Duke l.dwards. a Demur rat seeking an unprer edenled fourth term, spent Wednesday campaigning in the New CJrleans area Duke, a Kepuldltan and former Ku governor s race, but an analyst Kltiv Ktan leader, worked the I ..t (.1 v«'t !»• area in I ho Miulh ti’ii Inil part of I ho si,ili' A tnlophono poll tondut led hist Wednesday through Sun day by I ho l 'nivorsifv of Now Orleans Kesoart h Con tor showed that r>2 pnr< ont of re spondonts favored Kdw.irds and .'I, portent supported Duke Twenty-two portent w ere under t