Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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NOV. 1,2,3
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Play portrays terror of racism
By Karen Engels
aid Conti^>u*or
\o( long ago a tilth- Syear-old white girl
who (alls me Drule l)a\ hi askeil me, 't tit le
Diniil. win -ire you in /.ill■" and I unswere,i.
Itei uu.se I lin e you and lx-mine mi/iii’ IkiiI peo
pie don't w.mt little while children to Ine on
earth anymore Lane in (hat's'Country
When !»• lirsl sum (.ml's Country last \ sir in
Ashland, )iii k Watson. iismm late professor of
theater .iris, knew ii whs .i piny mom people
had io m'i■
So hedecided to dinn.t the play himself ami
the result is thr University s version, which
opens i'ridav night at the Kohinson Theatre in
Viiiarti Hall
Sloven Diet/ \ provocative lirmna centers
around the actual events surrounding the mur
der o( a Jewish disi joi ke\ in Denver iiy mem
tiers of The Order. .1 white supromui 1st group
liiat in .111 offshoot of tiie Aryan Nation
The group's avowed purpose is to take ai
lion to ensure the supremacy of the while r <r e,
Watson said This can include robbery and a,,
sussni.ilton "It's like a documentary film in
manv ways it’s very cinematiche said
Part of the play's imp.it t is that HO penent of
(In1 test was taken from actual trial transcripts
and journals Glimpses into the lOft-l trial am
juxtaposed with monologues, narratives and
portrayals of the group s actions
Watson said he was st mod bs the [day and
hojies It will lie frightening for the audience us
"The play doesn't let you belittle these peo
ple*," he saitl "They are normal people on the
streel the nice guy who borrowed the lawn
mower That's the real terror
Although there is one skinhead role, the oth
ers are good, devout, (Christians,'" Watson
Skinheads o! America, like the Skinheads of
Europe, an- working class Aryan youth 'IVe
holieve in hard work We hehece that mother
hootl is the most iiohle position to which any
while woman can aspire " Skinhead
The play's power is augmented by the inno
Jell Burlew, Paul Willis and Roger Johnson, re
hearse lor God's Country. The play, which ad
dresses the impact of white supremacist
groups, opens Friday at the Robinson Theatre.
cent appearance of Order members, it's easy
to dismiss these (white supremacist) people as
losers, us not intelligent," Watson said. "They
aren't yokels or hicks They are just people led
by a powerful loader
"This play points out the danger and futility
of hate," he said "It alerts the community to
tiie power of hate and the presence of preju
dice in our community. It mukes clear that the
solution to problems of racism and hatred
must come from concerned individuals.”
Cast members echo many of Watson's per
spectives "What's scary is the real evil in the
play," said Kendra Fancont. "It's difficult to
understand the characters."
"The word 'belief' is so strong," said Haul
Willis, who plays The Order's leader. "(The
play) changed the way 1 use that word. I have u
respect and fear of these people."
"It opened my eyes to a bunch of things,"
said Wade Johnson, cast member and theater
Turn to COUNTRY, Page 7
We have a
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S Staff: Don Dnggars. Marta Ewell. Sheila Baker
I and Gloria Baker
^ ^^OOd through November 25. 1991