EUGENE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SHOW & SALE NOV. 1,2,3 I ant* County I airj'rminds I Utfrnr \ lafgt'M anti mml *uc< rNvdul Not*- #t't Antique $000 Admission m 11mw Oay*. \ 1 I \ 6. I I ^ I !-\ I ! I* AV HOIKS hi Vai II CM) a m to 9 00 p m Sunday 10 00 a m to 0 00 p m i»M T(mm- n«Mi 4 1U* In 4 V#t I **•* Copper Penny Shows Information 5034iH.l M.'!5 4- 1991 mbined Fund Drive Coordinators: Get completed packets in by Nov. 1st to qualify for Civil War game ticket drawing! Return them to Sherrie at office of Legislative and Community Relations. 1991 Oregon State Employees Combined Fund Drive OFFICE OF L EGISLATIVE AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Play portrays terror of racism By Karen Engels aid Conti^>u*or \o( long ago a tilth- Syear-old white girl who (alls me Drule l)a\ hi askeil me, 't tit le Diniil. win -ire you in /.ill■" and I unswere,i. Itei I lin e you and lx-mine mi/iii’ IkiiI peo pie don't little while children to Ine on earth anymore Lane in (hat's'Country When !»• lirsl sum (.ml's Country last \ sir in Ashland, )iii k Watson. iismm late professor of theater .iris, knew ii whs .i piny mom people had io m'i■ So hedecided to dinn.t the play himself ami the result is thr University s version, which opens i'ridav night at the Kohinson Theatre in Viiiarti Hall Sloven Diet/ \ provocative lirmna centers around the actual events surrounding the mur der o( a Jewish disi joi ke\ in Denver iiy mem tiers of The Order. .1 white supromui 1st group liiat in .111 offshoot of tiie Aryan Nation Church The group's avowed purpose is to take ai lion to ensure the supremacy of the while r rrjjnn IhtMy hticnUd n an equal opportunity employer. GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon 97403 I Offer good with ■ selected stylists only by Don Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS cultomirea *’■)’ vour rw tvoe iTV U.JL>W, '■ r ' it & S now$27.95 Longe* o< cot* t'eateo Tva* mj* be e»tra? ILLUSIONS 1511 Lincoln LOOP RODS-SPIRALS § V K/O**'-- ' CWXMiQn*r\ cut fc I ftarttn* at *39.95 HAIRCUTS I ■ jO**s s' jmcoo and ■ cwKWOOeri ? _S7 OO I =-Illusions • 345-1810' S Staff: Don Dnggars. Marta Ewell. Sheila Baker I and Gloria Baker ^ ^^OOd through November 25. 1991