Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1991, Page 11, Image 10

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    Thomas vote expected despite harassment charge
(AP) Tho Son
at<? struggled Mon
day with alloca
tions that Supremo Court nomi
noo Clarence Thomas sexually
hurnssed an assistant a decade
ago. But Senate leaders indicat
ed they would move ahead
with a Tuesday evening vote' as
the White House decried an
11 tli-hour "smear" campaign
Son. J. James Exon, I)-Neb.,
one of Thomas' earliest sup
porters, withdrew his support
and joined a handful of sena
tors calling for a delay on the
Thomas vote. Opponents said
more time was needed to assess
the allegations by Anita Hill,
now a University of Oklahoma
law professor.
"If the vote were 7 o'clock to
night, I would not vote to coil
firm because I would not have
the opportunitv to make a judg
merit," Exon said.
The vote can be ...postponed'
onlv when all 100 Senators
agree to do so. "II as many sen
ators have the questions on
their minds that this senator
has right now, that (Tuesday
vote) might be a rather hasty
action," Exon said
Ho urged a Senate Judiciary
Committee hearing with testi
tnony from both Thomas and
Hill. But the Senate made no
move toward that.
Democratic. Leader George
Mitchell of Maine said lie ex
peeled the vote would proi eed
as scheduled at 3 p in. PDF
Tuesday, even though "a mini
Continued from Page 9
livo and get to look down on
everything Instead of always
looking up at the world, as
wheelchair users usually do,
she said.
"You us the rider have total
control. The whole mental
thing changes They lose their
disability once thev gel on,'
McCarty said, adding that they
also enjoy feeding and groom
ing the animals.
"How often do these people
get a chance to take i are ot
something’ Someone is always
taking cure ot them," she said
All of the riders at Saturday's
hind raiser echoed McCarty’s
sentiments, saying what they
enjoy most ubout the program
is that it is a familyoriented in
tcraction with animals and the
Kathy Jenness, u single moth
er with three daughters ages 0
to 12, said she enjoys the fact
that she and her children ran
do an activity together, year
And even if family members
do not participate in the actual
riding, they clearly find it a
worthwhile experience to
watch, knowing that their dis
ubled relative is having a good
"It's good for her to do some
stuff bocause she's bored u lot,"
said ila Kriegh, 7, about her 11
year-old sister Rena. "I think
it's fun for her.”
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her of senators who hail previ
ously expressed their intention
to vote for Thomas have asked
for a delay
Judiciary Committee Chair
man Joseph Bldon. l) l)el , who
voted against Thomas in com
mittee, said there was no rea
son to delay tJie vote
Another early supporter. Sen
Harry Reid, D-Nev . said lie
would reconsider his vote !>e
cause the allegations were
"troubling in light of their grav
ity "
In all, eight of tlie I t Demo
erats who had previously an
nounced support lor ['homes
said they wanted to read the
1UI report of Hill’s allegations
"It seems to me a person
shouldn't have to violate the
law in order for his character to
he called Into question," Hill
told reporters in Norman. Ok. la
"I want to fix us on behavior,"
winch she said iiiuii'mimnl his
ability to enforc e the law
The allegations, which sur
fat eil over the weekend, threw
the Senate into tumult on the
eve ut the vote Thomas kept
out ol the public eye, and the
Supreme ('.ourt opened Its tall
session minus one justic e
Thomas, who is him k. would
succeed retired justice Thur
good Marshall, the first life k to
be a member ol the court
In statements to the Judo i.ir\
Committee and thr l-iil. Util
s.iid Thomas made explicit re
marks to her about pornograph
ic movies and his sexual Inter
est in her while she worked for
him .it the Kijual Employment
(Jpportunitv (Commission
I’resident Hush says he's not
worried about the allegations
I think he will he and should
he confirmed quii kly
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