Thomas vote expected despite harassment charge WASHINGTON (AP) Tho Son ate cause the allegations were "troubling in light of their grav ity " In all, eight of tlie I t Demo erats who had previously an nounced support lor ['homes said they wanted to read the 1UI report of Hill’s allegations "It seems to me a person shouldn't have to violate the law in order for his character to he called Into question," Hill told reporters in Norman. Ok. la "I want to fix us on behavior," winch she said iiiuii'mimnl his ability to enforc e the law The allegations, which sur fat eil over the weekend, threw the Senate into tumult on the eve ut the vote Thomas kept out ol the public eye, and the Supreme ('.ourt opened Its tall session minus one justic e Thomas, who is him k. would succeed retired justice Thur good Marshall, the first life k to be a member ol the court In statements to the Judo\ Committee and thr l-iil. Util s.iid Thomas made explicit re marks to her about pornograph ic movies and his sexual Inter est in her while she worked for him .it the Kijual Employment (Jpportunitv (Commission I’resident Hush says he's not worried about the allegations I think he will he and should he confirmed quii kly 12 reasons why you’ll love Macintosh 1. It's easy to use. Hon# h *i* Ma bui ish* «< «n(iuta :* »U\ IfH1 i\r if * *• v ,i -••v; '• rv/-. !a r n4! 4 It'* a be**** to copy information and pa«t* it into anotbor dotumwii J 5- All Macintosh program* wort In tb* unw way. Lr.un ti' iw «*' HU mi» nil \ >v %cr.un ir n i vt»u w k'jfnal the iu^ v«-t usin^ tJtcni ali h * example tin 11 tnurunth s* *j unt mkh i i >•« n < kiM ( Paste Sj\r (\fl f*nm axil i «ntk i air k wml in iltr vatic }U» even unit 6. It gui gn av with you. Hits vurk vt ju rr nu|unjlK U! jVuk N^i\ rti’Xl 'AU K it N MiM k*Oi jlh'.S* s Mut oil, IK -• <* kiv "an cut tK a tut ttr future AtlS lum* Hut s Atn mifin ms i 4 stiMkiits tuvr tnufxi that must iMk* it. -t M* nv rsh in 4 Miurl rr* m- Hn .hw Mu nut r*h v at) immniufriY hdp w m »k * a tut ever viri k> Uiin Aral ii,«umc it muni* * tiiki that vt xi wm tmk* y jnxihmg. iilfrrrtti. tu > [HiWent It *-jn\ ti uj^roik- wnu Mat uif* *vh to hdp >» *j rr*' U • the > lulktt^' 7. It'» yr««l for coll»u work with alias. Evrrv '•la me? ish is ajuifijirtl Aith .in «»k s,,{irr l )h\t a uiutjur fit ^ >\ >v li\k « irm ■ that1 a; use f* x x.f. M* inlt ish disks l*jt .iis<» MSI* is ai»lOS .; loks ir.iio! * h HIM« -uvv ,ti kii(H tu3 i K v rftV.Off 11 You con coiuhkI to your ichool'i mcMram* or rrrtn»< omput mr MJt HIM *Mi vi Hi on hi -tNXKfuncn^ &un m '■ r\s U» >4 ttfwan v< Hi fieri i ft * 41 Uv* un! fit nvr b;!ufr rx n^u In mi \»*ir •■A' j 12. It’s UK MV aH( )ii Ld )lc tlrui t *\c*i: VU !ft!: Pvtl Jin* lu'.t fHM’f til > ulK a iff ■>* Mint n* j)fVU>K JVUltl/w' tnan yuur A J >i Hi HUY cvm ' |l Llill\ ft* fi/unung, wtirh nukr-s NU.VH' *li C%tfl IT* *r jrtwtihk* Hx-nt rrOM ail jtk! up u > tlx; [■ >•*< • it Vih If i! r !: IV |* rtfctl ' • « v *UI |lt*M * Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm • 346-4402 C ■ *i tyl* • ■ Si* * iC *tj» all tnU TV ,•*»*■* r r 'ru nr 4 Ajh« «• , at *>•.*» 4 Si«r .* ... « ' MM*.-. •**«•«»*» 4 lw»r1*..-»ji H* * r. H ft .1 j .'rjiun- .»»Tr.trt /*. «./■ «;•«*»«