Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 30, 1991, Page 15, Image 14

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    China applauds Bush disarmament initiative
BlilJINC (AIM China on Sunday praised .1 proj os
nl by President Bush that Washington anil Musi-, w m
gotiate the elimination of all their land-liase.l h.i! ;sti
missiles equipped with multiple nuclear warheads
The Foreign Ministry issui 1 China's first response t
the initiative, which Bush announced I ndus
The United States and the Sov iet Union "have a spe
cial responsibility for nuclear disarmament" be. a . >e
they have the largest nuclear arsenals, it said
The, should "take the lea'll - halting, the '
production anil deployment of nuclear weapons ami
substantially cutting the nuclear weapon's.,of all types
in their possession," said the 'slat nveht,..carried ley the
offi< ial Xinhua News Agent v
The statement made no refer em r to (Ihina s own nu•
ulnar arsenal, ihu smallest of thu fivu known nuclear
Hush-proposed that thu United Status anil Sov-iuf
' '.riiiItt reduce their nuclear weapons below thu levels
ruijaired by the recently signed Stratcgii Ainu. I\e I...
tion Treaty
Thu American proposal comes at a time of political
turmoil in the Soviet Union and uncertain!v over the
status of Soviet strategic vs capo:is, vs bn h Mo . . vs av ■■■
are purely defensive
The Foreign Ministry statement said China has ",d
wins stood fur nuclear <iisarinament. .uivui tiling nmi
piete prohibition and thorough destruction of -tun mar
flimiiviT, China has contributed to the nuclear
weapons programs of Ira.p Pakistan and India ll also
Mas sold ballistic missiles in Syria, Pakistan and Saudi
Helpr.p, announced last month that it planned In Man
the nuclear inn 'proliferation- treaty, but has not vet
done so,
!ts arms sales have been a growing irritant in Sum
U S relations, which are at their lowest point sirn e re
lations were i ".ta!»lishe<i in 1‘17'i
by rightists
BhRUN (AP) — Hundreds of
protestors marching to show
support for foreigners clashed
with police Sunday during .1
weekend in which extreme
rightists attacked refugee shel
ters in more than .1 dozen tier
man towns.
Meanwhile, state Interior
Minister Rudolf Krause, re
sponsible for security in the
new eastern state of Saxony, re
signed late Sunday.
The stall; has been one of the
hardest hit by rightist attai ks
on foreigners over the past
weeks and Krause had been ac
cused in media reports of not
doing enough to hull the vio
However, Krause was also
fat ing allegations that he once
worked for the former hast tier
man secret police. An Interior
Ministry spokesman, speaking
on condition of anonymity,
confirmed Krause's resignation
hut declined to provide further
President Richard von
Wei/saeckcr said he would vis
it a home for asylum-seekers
this week to show his concern
for the rising violence aimed at
foreigners in both the prosper
ous west and the economically
depressed east
ror nearly iwu ux
treme rightists have been at
tacking shelters for asylum
seoknrs across the country
Most of thu violence has in
volvud th(? throwing of stones
and firebombs at the shelters,
but some foreigners also have
been beaten.
Politicians from all parlies
have denounced the violence,
which has begun to appear in
western Germany The attac ks
began in former Past Germany,
where rightists say foreigners
are taking scarce jobs when the
transition to a market economy
has left many eastern Germans
out of work.
Police said more than u doz
en refugee centers across the
country were attacked Saturday
and Sunday.
More than it,000 people,
most of them young leftists,
clashed with police Sunday af
ter demonstrating against right
ist attacks in Hoyerswerda. an
eastern German town that has
been the center of the worst
Police said that about fit) cars
were damaged by demonstra
tors throwing stones and fire
works, and that at least 19 peo
ple were arrested. Police used a
water cannon to drench the
protesters after they refused to
Demonstrators carried ban
ners saying "Slop Neo-Nazis”
and "Down with Racism and
Nazi Terror."
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