China applauds Bush disarmament initiative BlilJINC (AIM China on Sunday praised .1 proj os nl by President Bush that Washington anil Musi-, w m gotiate the elimination of all their land-liase.l h.i! ;sti missiles equipped with multiple nuclear warheads The Foreign Ministry issui 1 China's first response t the initiative, which Bush announced I ndus The United States and the Sov iet Union "have a spe cial responsibility for nuclear disarmament" be. a . >e they have the largest nuclear arsenals, it said The, should "take the lea'll - halting, the ' production anil deployment of nuclear weapons ami substantially cutting the nuclear weapon's.,of all types in their possession," said the 'slat nveht,..carried ley the offi< ial Xinhua News Agent v The statement made no refer em r to (Ihina s own nu• ulnar arsenal, ihu smallest of thu fivu known nuclear powers. Hush-proposed that thu United Status anil Sov-iuf ' '.riiiItt reduce their nuclear weapons below thu levels ruijaired by the recently signed Stratcgii Ainu. I\e I... tion Treaty Thu American proposal comes at a time of political turmoil in the Soviet Union and uncertain!v over the status of Soviet strategic vs capo:is, vs bn h Mo . . vs av ■■■ are purely defensive The Foreign Ministry statement said China has ",d wins stood fur nuclear \s i>et >ttu4 Ihis otter ts .iv.til.ible i hiK t< >r ,t limited time Nr \out .tiitlti itved Apple i ampus revllei t(xLl\ tor det.uK And div i )\er the [tower < >1 M.n in t< idi Hie |x iwer to lx- viMil lx-Ml Macintosh Classic Macintosh LC Macintosh tlsi VfUi l>\! /; : 'mfmlt'f u ::fi t-.f'u-r jn i/f**' VytfU r jr 1 /V *\ .'•rn r»! uwcn ,* ji >•*.; j ifti . •/; .. >.v»» '< !//! n,7u* .4'! i/ifW- V!,i«-U rt/,f » ,;*( V if «* Ptrvutai l me* 4 »•:,* . r. . . " Sir 4 i: • ■ . i '!< \*>u frul /V^ »w/ hi * f yr-r hr* VC* V<*» -V»- f-M , J- ' i ■ *Up' :>•* *» Hie* r> -J«v h- J Mj* * 4* «.,n -4! «rp*r*rt> Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm • 346-4402