Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1991, Page 14, Image 39

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Bar charts are partial
tarty gaud far comparing
quantities To create
a useful chart, (rut units
(percentage of words
recalled) along they-axis
(vertical) On Ihex tixcs
(horizontal), show the
entities you re comparing
(} letter words, 4 inter
north, and 5 letter words)
Ttme-aeriee charts >
They 're used to show
/rends The units you're
comfaring go cm the
y axis. and the lime
(minutes, hours, days)
gees on thex axis
Scatter ptot* >
these are used to graph
many claiti points so you
am see rdattonshps
among them Scatter plots
can be used to shoo
i emulation Ixiutvn luv
factors In general,
dependent ixirbtties
go on the j> axis and
nukpmkrU umaHes
goon Ihrxaxis
If you rv explaining some
thing that few people have
wen before, yon may turnI
to tlltiantte font point
Pia charts >
Ihe i hurts tire used
to compart quatnittes
They rv liest used when the
"Sikes'are substantially
different, that a. uhen the
things >w< rv comparing
represent markedly
different iiuanitties If there
are too many sines, you ri
pniliality trying to camparv
too rmirty things
Summary diagrams »
Summary diagrams lwif>
to guv Ihv reader <l imud
mt M of the information
bung discussed They
summons a concept,
nliM or put in a utiy that
makes your writing mote
memorable or clear
Flow charts
These charts can help
yon explain a tmrcess. for A
examjde, the different slq
iriivhvd in conditc ting
a lah experiment
give the ntuhr a »mhl for
the entire expenvmit. in
a succinct ttujmat uv/ds
abut couktfi ten nbe
Memory Experiment The Effect of Practice on Word Recall
h«r> -■ i' »,*»
oi Wo'tf*
fta- afwj
AO -
Trial 1
Trial 2
■ Trial 3
3 i nu»w 4 «n«r *» l Htef
Wo«H Wwitt Wo«hi
Doctoral Degrees Conferred, by Sex of Student
19**70 1979*0 19* 9‘#0 iV97 9*
•,i ( . , j -t t* * > • .. •!-. ritn twT .r,
Corrolntlon Botwoon Advortlnlng Allocations nnd Annual Rnvenuns
In Amorlcnn Corporations
it I MI
' ■!. 0 ( .• i » •(». xwttwi ' 1 11 «•
I ‘ A
Archaeopteryx Skull Reconstruction
Foreign Languages Elected
by Freshman Student Body
Merging International Economic Interests in 199?
Procedur.il Outline tor Reinforcement Fiporlment
s< line things can't t)e said with
w< )rds all me
,s< tmetimes you need nx>re
to make yeHirjxiint.
(.hails anti graphs < an help
to illustrate an idea, shenv trends,
and otherwise1 make sense of a /
disorderly world. /
Nice, y<hi say. Hut you’re /
[in)ba!)ly thinking that i reatyhg
tlieiri w<mid Ik* (ttmplk attm
Ni it reallv.
Iliere are manv r.isv-fi )-use
pn igrams that i an help. <)n this
page, Vi m t an see si iipe of the
kinds i ifi harts y< >u t^ri prcxiuee
using those programs and a
\1a< intiisli Then air thradusn
t\ I k‘s i it [in >grait# v< m t an use.
Spreadsheet programs.
\ln;i r.i all Mat intan sprrat L her s
I .j, grains iw lupinglnf<xmix \\ing/
Mi'm 'ill lr (jJi'nt l.i itu- 1 j-3 it * i
M.i I'.' r-.|) 0 • ll.llll.'ii .it ODt
Hu m- |ik W'.ff ' ait; [Uitii :.ii . f «» if
tiiriitn.i’ in iT ul, *. k"iie!■ o • tff”
jp e*
i Iiarl.v AJp.i «i li.it f t< i > !i > ■ ■ < * .*
tV l! JP 'I '■ il.llt VI Ml tt.lO .!' ft
M.h jr’ish ttiil i •’■.ite it ,tu! e 'jT fit
V CP' i vf! v ' < '<■ | h i/T
j> ■ ■ i ji
Charting programs.
r 'M ' ! A ( [’• M
(11*ija ,ii(i i ifli,i( aapli -'.-.'•if tt’Hlt1
|| ■ ;t t ’ If.lIIIU ,111m ii ft I'M
tin . .i: it ft .in r.t# ttvii-i va:it I.
i i, Ii.i:i tv;* ill -a pi !■ !■■! "I
pi, m.-;,in. r ie i'||< A ( iv kfl (11:i; 1
.ii I! •.(<■ ir' jr cs|>f u . . «!
1 'i u-ii'i' ■ ,f fiorniif .M ii ■: ■
and dure /
Drawing and painting programs
]' , $ IK If* I.M I ! i || : dla IK
li I , ^ Il.l.: I'T-.s ttiaf an itsit|.ic
' i \ III .yf'- .mil I' t III'.: live preexisti:
|i .ir iisf” »tv ■ 1 i.iiis M.i Paint.'
( .in : I mass A : • l-Vn i lam; .n. I
11 >'iM<ln
l;adi chart i >i graphic sin mid lust
a dear purjxise andonh one purjx ise
An; vi >u trving to < i impure two things'1
show a iieitd'Summuim a uhkv[H>
Muiw auMTclamhi'
Alter VIHI
determine what vou want a ilian it1
light is;h* . ’h’ l.ait ", ffne 'u -n
tvpo arc shown at left
\V!an creating
a i han, try to limit the immlvi of li ints
\i m use to twi tor tliur \uml using mans
dilleieiit panel ns It ir liars and adding
extra lines i h deiorutii hi l;t» us on
r-n rnr '^
. - . . . '
Bs lulx'lmg the > lun, \o-.i t an tell tin
rcadet wlut it saUuit II the t han is
toinplex. sou mas want to pinside a
main title fen tlu lun and ix low it add
a sulmtle that cxjilatns more l! it svi >uld
help, si hi mas also want ti i write a slit m
rapiit in tii tell tin reatla even moie
Often resulets
will want ti > kilt iw when- si hi gt >t sum ilit.t
III small tV|K* ^ * I >1 >int> t »t SO cilcssliete
the i lata i ame In >m
()ike sou ve
eompletetl a dun m giajilm, it's a simple
matte! t ' pin e it mi. sun pajsci All si hi
I use todi us tops' it In >m the program
sou nsetl to urate it and paste it into
Si HI! p.ljXT
Hu e sum t lun in a logit al jxisitH hi
in the |U|xh II the dun ontams maicnal
that net-tIs to Ik* uiuiciMuxl Ivtore the
reailei gets to a particular passage in sour
text, then plat e it Ins n that text It sou
want the made! to it»m at sour dun while
reading a | unit u! ir jussuge, then plate it
in tlie middle < it that passage It si mi t lun
is supp imxI 1.1 summ.in/e svhat's U en
II tseied. plat t ;t at the end t il the passage
lac in tosh you chooae from a wicto variety of font* and typt><
Ill's sav vou’ve lxvn \\< irking on an alignment
perhaps a pajxjon the- meaning of life, a problem
set on the t ho )i'v of relativity, a plan tor vourneXi groat
invent it hi. V ui’ve spent davs, weeks, maybe even months
\\( irking on it
It is i^tite ohvit hisIv something you care a lot about.
\m 1 \< hi wanf.jt to lot ikgixxl.
1 fere’s h< a Macintosh computer can help.
When vi hi use a Macint< ish, uHire in complete u >ntr< >1
(il Ik)\\ v< )ur wi>tk kh)ks. V hi can easilv change kHits, create
graphics and chans, and nu >ve text around on the page.
\nd unlike theva >rk vc hi do on me ist i it her o imputers,
what \ ou create on the screen of a Macinti>sh is precisely
what um il see when Mm print. That's a huge advantage
when vi m re trving t( > t rule something that makes sense
and k x >ks g< m k 1.
Preparing your document:
fonts{ type sizes, and
(kul mimtx'i one Make \ Mini' > umrnt
»*'*'-* uwauttf) ••»»** ui<v
VIH) I'htXISf Hit HlViluls ■ >1 !(Hits .Ilf
.ivailal>!<• k >t i! ii' Mai intosh I Irte s j >:ik*
.idvk e . m hi >w (' ■ use them r * \ >ur
tk*'-c advantage
* In most vuses. \im il uant to use
,i sent lout limes,' I’alatuio,' I K
|<■ H'knuui,' New ( \ iiiuin s.,h.• iltxMik,
at let so forth foi tin- main text "f
your pajK'i (Serits ate the additional
nourishes at the ends o( letters.) These
fonts are espei tally easy to ie.nl
I he paiagraph venire reading now
is pi inted in a sent torn I lines
■ lb give vi mi | uper a visual
a. ids emplutsis and i Linty a > v» h a work
vi m ■ an use a sans sent 'without senh >
example, you might use Helvetica,
a sans sent tont. as we've done here.
■ gem raj yt hj II want tti limit the
nunilxT i il fi nits vi hi use m a jiajxT
unworn thiee l 'sing more than tluus
likelv ti s make vi mi pa|x t k»>k like a
I n x.lgqx xlge insteurl i >t a a iliesive whole1
■ . itad
use' 12 |x>mt tvjx: 1} vou Juve more text
than \< si have sji.ii c vi hi might consider
using Ith) M mu tvjv; doing that will le t
you tit more words on each jxige Vxt
| H'oluhlv won't want to use1 a Miullet
Ixmil stye tlun tint, however litlesum
ix- pnnietl in is j* >mi tvj>f orlatget Anei
siiUitie'sian U jinnte'd in I t-jxmit t\[X’.
j in bahlv using a elillerent font
■ i se apprt ipriate margins Aik >w at least
a oneatie h m.tigtn on the- le-tt and tight
and a little lews than that lot the1 top
and Ixxtom
The Print command.
1 els talk k H a mi >ment aim it what to do
i ini e voti ve Ii it nutted vr >ut wi uk the wav
vi hi like it Here s la >w to print it
M.tcinU ish make s jiunting c*as\ \ll vou
next I to do is e he*ise the- Print o uruiuixl
In mi tile* Tile1 menu V hi can t miss it
it's in plain Fngltsh And because all
Maui lit ish programs wt >rk in the
same wa\ i unlike programs fot < >thei
i t unputers). vt hi i It m i have to incmt>n/c
t onlnsmg pnni. t mimands when von
swift h k'twtvn si iftware jin grains
lust ■ ■ intent rate on dt mu; your wt irk
the waii \i hi wain n i tit> it, Maantt>sh
takes cure ■ >1 thr lest
Where to print your work.
You have a Itu of tiptit ns ft it wheie vt hi
• '* ' \i a' w n'k 1 Ifif arc tint <■
■ Yotlc school's library, computer
center,or computer cluster.
Mam ’k ;<"• ’ avc \il.r es when-sttulcnt
i an 1ii i Urtk vt irk hi a Mat tnti 'sh ( ho k
V' ii lilnaiV.) hii t< mi|mtta i luster ever
a d'Hin spine i olleges k-t students
print . « unit nt tree ■ >11 haiy.c, tin>st
iUci (Hinting nr a fee usually Ix-twern
i Ji1 and >! IK1 i Quite
■ Your local copy store. Main , \
Mi 'It s Mil ll as kll'lfc i, ( aijiynut,
ki'K iu (■ ijn. and 7't:a ( opy. t.. tuiir
I list a lew offet lasei Minting at reason
ai ilc tales I j ok in yt mr phone Ik* ik
undo Desktoj) IYiIiIlsI ;V 'Photo
II ipung. oi"( ojiying" to %i I the
closest cojiv store \
■ A friend's printer. Nut n\e sanlv
tlxlx-stwav to ktrji Inentls, 1% igood
ojHii m it you haveiHily aunt t tskmal
|XI[kt or assignment tOjxim \
Or get your own
Apple printer.
In an ideal world, of eourse, vou tl l .ivt
your own iinnter, and \ou vvt mldn't hfu
totonnt i m the libran orihetopvsit n
tolx-ojvn Alter .til, lateaught |>nntm.»
seems to lx1 the rule not the exeejitii 4,
in college i
\pple lias a lull line i it printers vt a)
cantlit msc from Three of them je
(lanMiiarly well suited to u^iims the
Yij'le snTAloka mhrtWft alxive), the
msMinal LiserWritn LS ,ind the Personal
; LiserVFnterNT lltey all offerextejitioruil
printed results at very affordable [ mt es