Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1991, Page 6, Image 33

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    Lawmakers show support for ROTC
:hr l . t.u", . Ohi* i State I
New legislation in Ohm .uni Illinois
ptohihtiing ihr temioval "I RO I ( pio^ianis
from (m)>tu eollrijrs .uni uiiiw imik•> has
rmuird that group’s status on < ampuse s
lint SOIIK M tivisl ^lotlps MT the* UH aSUIC .IV
a rciiilnHrmrni "1 dm i munatoiA hiring
jm'li< n s i .111 ic il mu vmtInn those \nm
leseiYt* units
I hr < )hlo me .tsuie . hut ire 1 III side the slate
budget passed Jul\ il I he Illinois
legislatme pasvrel a hill |une Jf» amending
the Ulllrllt statute v i\ e* I 111 n Hiltons
lughei rdue atn»n
It v ,» hie ak (I.IV to! those1 politic ali\
e om t f a! Ohio State l m\eiMf\ said < )!llo
Ne tt I ugeme W alls, R < »allowa\ v|x aklhg ot
the RO | ( Hie avllle
Watts w ho is a Iso an <)Sl asseiciatc
j 11 oh smii ut hlsioiv, said the' itieasuu
elisutrs all students eeiual access to
e dm a I mn thi ough R< ) I ( s< holat ships
ROM tdhe te v to the l S 1 kpal fine nt i *t
I >e tclise |m||es will! II state s "h< HllovXUalltN IS
imompatihle- with militan srixtce
N it toms ide . the R( ) 1 ( pt obtain has Ik en
t 11tie i/rd on e ollege e ampUst s het ause ol
the 1 U-paitrue tit ot Me tense \ anti ga\ and
lesbian pohe \ I hat pohe \ often e oil the ts
with some se hools noiielise t iininaiion
| x > I H\
I he in r asm < gives endlege s and
utmet Mtie's the legal aulhoiitv and
Schools protesting ROTC policy
Bowling Green State l
California State U system
U. of Cincinnati
U. of Connecticut
DePauw U
Harvard U
Illinois State U
Indiana u
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Kent State U
U Of Kansas
Lynchburg College
Massachusetts Institute of
U o' Minnesota Minneapolis
State U of New York
Northern Illinois U
U. of Pennsylvania
U of Pittsburgh
PiUer College
U. of Rhode Island
RUtgerS U •■'HU the ia-.tn- art! HCIL'
hat k h o n r lu sa\. \\ r < .m l 11 i ino\ r I Ik
K( > I ( Iioiii < .minus " said <)hio K< p
Rohrit Nrt/lcv, I lit < hiri sponsoi ot ilu
m< asurc \< t/lr\ said hr plans to him^ this
legislation to othri stall s at tin \inc iuan
l < 4isla!i\< 1 \< ballot ( omit l! lixrlinu this
11 o wc* v c l . m bools 11k< ( )hlo Stair and
Illinois Stair sa\ the- legislation "ill not alir< t
campus R( > I < illoits b< < .him nritln i tails
lot th< irmoNal ot the pro^iam
I hr legislation mraiis we t an l throw
k() 1 ( oil < am pus. hut \s« wnrn t ^oin^ to
iIiihvn them oil m the hist plate, said Pat
Smith o| th< Illinois St.ti<- Student Board ot
1 bin t«us
But the ()hin legislation tuuld stand in
the was ul .1 l of ( am innatt lac ult\ and
student 11 si ilntion c ailing tut the R< > 1 ( s
lililosal In 1992 it the- [joins is nest
u se melt'd
I lets legislation is not a vthae k " said Bill
Rllhrrwt till, till re ten e it the \llie’l te an ( nil
I i he i ties | moil 1 e-shian and (.as Rights
1*1 e I|te t " I he leg I sla tie It i I is es te le lie f e it
In ns se ai't-<i the- e ethfl sieie is
In i ‘tele I lot the lit pal I men I ol Iketense to
e hange- its [h .he s, gas l ights ads ex ate-s and
e atnpus tirgani/fis sas a tuajtit unisrisits
lie e l Is III sit the- lie nil IlS If tile IS I tig R( ) I (
lioin e ani[)iis in taking a lit in stanel against
Itstlist tjiltnafs [mile It s
But Ml 1.11 . Ill I SI 111 1(1 K 11.11 1 'll ;
A big m lii ii >1 neetIs ii i set llir |iici i iii
s.ml I’auI llcndlcs. .m A( I I s11• iIsi
"All c\cs.tie focused on si lionls liki
ol \\ is* onsin .mil die l id M in in s. ii.i
ilit re li.is been a lot ol progress
I lelidlcv said.
Nat ion wide. t he \( II has 11 ,n Led ■
least 7b i.iinpuses ih.it protest
Delense Department's polio
I lie R<) I ( with mmt’ than I
students enrolled supplies mote nth. in
the unlit.its than all the tnilitan a. A
i onibiiied. said |oe Batiles. |
inloi illation ollu et at hot I Kims Ks
1 ast ve.it, six R() I < si holarship s’
wen disi barged lot being homosev.
Maim Doug Halt, a spokesman t
Department ol Delense In all. tin
dis< barges about I,()()() people eat I •
honioscxiialits. be said
Nationallv. a bill inttodui ed ■ I
(.eralil Solomon. K N't . would di
In nils to schools that refuse am"
delense dep.u tilient Solomon ut
lull in t espouse to two (.alifot tun ■ !
districts which banned ledei al in i
■ I lie Illinois and ( )hio legislate
one mine 11i.idbli>i k we base to a'
said Mu 11.icI \ cruet. I o-pt esidi
Student \ssoi iatiotl at till I V\
national lampiis leadei in bn R(|lt
inocemriil In addition to Ii.
I atnpils lesel. we ate going III
on the state polltu al level as well
No more ‘Bert and Ernie’
for Oregon State prodigy
B\ I \l K1 KH S and kIMBI K1 \ Will II
/1> H.’ :> • < )irg< m Si.tt* l
I ike the uvei kid. I >av id \* »<»i has Iweii
having tun with his h lends this Mimmri
But lit w<m t he seeing nine h «»i them this
til! I>avid. \sliu vsdl h« 1 2 vsheit ( lasso
In-gm. util h< hus\ wnh his 11c shman vrai at
< > < g. m Mate l
David is the v<>uhgesi student ever
admitted u»< >sl
l in as nei\»His as a lollege lieshinan
would he ill said l doll t think the »>lhel
students will 1 m»the l lilt
rm nut nt ivnuv ahotit the i unit ulum
!k i aiiM I vi seen it hehuc and it s at mv
level '
Bet ause • >1 state admissions leijim emeu tv
David needed t • * take a high s i h u • d
( (jlllvalelK v test 1 !e passed the test, vshlt h !s
mumallv given t«* students D» and uhiei.
with no piublem
David s niotht t |a« ku \*»<»t said liei vnt
has hern ahead ut otliei » hlldien suit e an
i . i ■ S v ,tgi Si ,i s.iid Duv id * • ■ 111»I i • 'll 111 • 1 *'
a' 22 months. ( ould sav tin alphabet at 2
1 2 md taught hniisi H to lead hetuie lie
Vs as ^
He just j)h ked up a IV* 11 ami I t me U m .k
and staited leading it, she said
Ills ahthfs t*> trad at all eailv age meant
1 bisid ll.nl tu gum Uji fast \[ 1 ui a veal v old.
dub leading hum .m cmm lu|Hilu. Dasid
iliv im iciI ih.it S.mi.i ( I.ius \v.ism I ic.il
lie i.tnic in living, saving nhc
i IU VI It i prill a ■ s.ml ii vs a s a ms lh Ills
itiulhci said
David attended Lindei gut ten month lot
die six i.d unci hi tnhi with iilhei i liildien.
dun skipped in the i tin el i;i adi lh soon
finished clemenials sihnul and then had
some i hi i esjmndein e si huiilnig limn a
jinsate s( hi ml
I asl seal he i uinpleled Ills high si huul
i dm a in m a l In u ue Malh and si unee alt
aim ii ig his I as i ii lie suh|ci Is I las id said
lh is studs mg | in a ah ulus, ssliit h shiiuld
help ssith his tall i lasses m decimal
engineei mg en leulaliun and i heuusliv
\s tin David siaieel iihjet Uses, he plans
In map n in elei ti u a I engineei ing. dun
sluds lass He alsu hopes to giadliale hum
< I'sl bs agi l a. lie said
I might mil he able loscniL ai lass until
lali i, su I luuld ssuih in decimal
engineei tug. David said
Dasui plans in attend lass school at
Willamette l in (begun, then puisne a
}m ilttic al i aieei
lie is at lending < >Sl bei ause the si hi k il is
i lose tu home and it I' his fathei s alma
David Noor. 12. will be the youngest student ever at Oregon State U. when he staf
classes this tall.
lie plans In live ,il home with Ins l.miiK
«it In >u i pat in i pa mix "i extrac urrictilar
.u tivittes
I limi t lliink I il l« able in relate with the
ulilet students." he said
In his spate time David likes to pla\ vvtth
Ins It tends, mam ,,t whom also ate gtlted
and home-lauglu
Mi likes to pla\ with his dog and tat.
program eoniputeis and w-aleh television
Ilf sail I 111' t.iuil Itf If leWsioll '
“Quantum leap" and "Newton s M
David also enjoys placing the > hn i
placed first in tilt* solo and ttio di'i'11
regional music cotti[>etiiion
\i first. tus paicuts lie he \ c d ill
would attend college thiougli hi*
talents first “We thought he migh
college on a i larinet si holat 'hi]1
mothei said