Lawmakers show support for ROTC B\ SHANNON |\( KSON :hr l . t.u", . Ohi* i State I New legislation in Ohm .uni Illinois ptohihtiing ihr temioval "I RO I ( pio^ianis from (m)>tu eollrijrs .uni uiiiw imik•> has rmuird that group’s status on < ampuse s nationwide lint SOIIK M tivisl ^lotlps MT the* UH aSUIC .IV a rciiilnHrmrni "1 dm i munatoiA hiring jm'li< n s i .111 ic il mu vmtInn those \nm leseiYt* units I hr < )hlo me .tsuie . hut ire 1 III side the slate budget passed Jul\ il I he Illinois legislatme pasvrel a hill |une Jf» amending the Ulllrllt statute v i\ e* I 111 n Hiltons lughei rdue atn»n It v ,» hie ak (I.IV to! those1 politic ali\ e om t f a! Ohio State l m\eiMf\ said < )!llo Ne tt I ugeme W alls, R < »allowa\ v|x aklhg ot the RO | ( Hie avllle Watts w ho is a Iso an <)Sl asseiciatc j 11 oh smii ut hlsioiv, said the' itieasuu elisutrs all students eeiual access to e dm a I mn thi ough R< ) I ( s< holat ships ROM tdhe te v to the l S 1 kpal fine nt i *t I >e tclise |m||es will! II state s "h< HllovXUalltN IS imompatihle- with militan srixtce N it toms ide . the R( ) 1 ( pt obtain has Ik en t 11tie i/rd on e ollege e ampUst s het ause ol the 1 U-paitrue tit ot Me tense \ anti ga\ and lesbian pohe \ I hat pohe \ often e oil the ts with some se hools noiielise t iininaiion | x > I H\ I he in r asm < gives endlege s and utmet Mtie's the legal aulhoiitv and Schools protesting ROTC policy Bowling Green State l California State U system U. of Cincinnati U. of Connecticut DePauw U Harvard U Illinois State U Indiana u John Jay College of Criminal Justice Kent State U U Of Kansas Lynchburg College Massachusetts Institute of Technology U o' Minnesota Minneapolis State U of New York Northern Illinois U U. of Pennsylvania U of Pittsburgh PiUer College U. of Rhode Island RUtgerS U •■'HU the art! HCIL' hat k h o n r lu sa\. \\ r < .m l 11 i ino\ r I Ik K( > I ( Iioiii < .minus " said <)hio K< p Rohrit Nrt/lcv, I lit < hiri sponsoi ot ilu m< asurc \< t/lr\ said hr plans to him^ this legislation to othri stall s at tin \inc iuan l < 4isla!i\< 1 \< ballot ( omit l! lixrlinu this month 11 o wc* v c l . m bools 11k< ( )hlo Stair and Illinois Stair sa\ the- legislation "ill not alir< t campus R( > I < illoits b< < .him nritln i tails lot th< irmoNal ot the pro^iam I hr legislation mraiis we t an l throw k() 1 ( oil < am pus. hut \s« wnrn t ^oin^ to iIiihvn them oil m the hist plate, said Pat Smith o| th< Illinois St.ti<- Student Board ot 1 bin t«us But the ()hin legislation tuuld stand in the was ul .1 l of ( am innatt lac ult\ and student 11 si ilntion c ailing tut the R< > 1 ( s lililosal In 1992 it the- [joins is nest u se melt'd I lets legislation is not a vthae k " said Bill Rllhrrwt till, till re ten e it the \llie’l te an ( nil I i he i ties | moil 1 e-shian and (.as Rights 1*1 e I|te t " I he leg I sla tie It i I is es te le lie f e it In ns se ai't-1 neetIs ii i set llir |iici i iii I’auI llcndlcs. .m A( I I s11• iIsi "All c\cs.tie focused on si lionls liki ol \\ is* onsin .mil die l id M in in s. ii.i ilit re been a lot ol progress I lelidlcv said. Nat ion wide. t he \( II has 11 ,n Led ■ least 7b i.iinpuses protest Delense Department's polio I lie R<) I ( with mmt’ than I students enrolled supplies mote nth. in the unlit.its than all the tnilitan a. A i onibiiied. said |oe Batiles. | inloi illation ollu et at hot I Kims Ks 1 ast, six R() I < si holarship s’ wen disi barged lot being homosev. Maim Doug Halt, a spokesman t Department ol Delense In all. tin dis< barges about I,()()() people eat I • honioscxiialits. be said Nationallv. a bill inttodui ed ■ I (.eralil Solomon. K N't . would di In nils to schools that refuse am" delense dep.u tilient Solomon ut lull in t espouse to two (.alifot tun ■ ! districts which banned ledei al in i ■ I lie Illinois and ( )hio legislate one mine 11i.idbli>i k we base to a' said Mu 11.icI \ cruet. I o-pt esidi Student \ssoi iatiotl at till I V\ national lampiis leadei in bn R(|lt inocemriil In addition to Ii. I atnpils lesel. we ate going III on the state polltu al level as well No more ‘Bert and Ernie’ for Oregon State prodigy B\ I \l K1 KH S and kIMBI K1 \ Will II /1> H.’ :> • < )irg< m* l I ike the uvei kid. I >av id \* »<»i has Iweii having tun with his h lends this Mimmri But lit wavid. \sliu vsdl h« 1 2 vsheit ( lasso In-gm. util h< hus\ wnh his 11c shman vrai at < > < g. m Mate l David is the v<>uhgesi student ever admitted u»< >sl l in as nei\»His as a lollege lieshinan would he ill said l doll t think the »>lhel students will 1 m»the l lilt rm nut nt ivnuv ahotit the i unit ulum !k i aiiM I vi seen it hehuc and it s at mv level ' Bet ause • >1 state admissions leijim emeu tv David needed t • * take a high s i h u • d ( (jlllvalelK v test 1 !e passed the test, vshlt h !s mumallv given t«* students D» and uhiei. with no piublem David s niotht t |a« ku \*»<»t said liei vnt has hern ahead ut otliei » hlldien suit e an i . i ■ S v ,tgi Si ,i s.iid Duv id * • ■ 111»I i • 'll 111 • 1 *' a' 22 months. ( ould sav tin alphabet at 2 1 2 md taught hniisi H to lead hetuie lie Vs as ^ He just j)h ked up a IV* 11 ami I t me U m .k and staited leading it, she said Ills ahthfs t*> trad at all eailv age meant 1 bisid tu gum Uji fast \[ 1 ui a veal v old. dub leading hum .m cmm lu|Hilu. Dasid iliv im iciI S.mi.i ( I.ius \v.ism I lie i.tnic in living, saving nhc i IU VI It i prill a ■ ii vs a s a ms lh Ills itiulhci said David attended Lindei gut ten month lot die six i.d unci hi tnhi with iilhei i liildien. dun skipped in the i tin el i;i adi lh soon finished clemenials sihnul and then had some i hi i esjmndein e si huiilnig limn a jinsate s( hi ml I asl seal he i uinpleled Ills high si huul i dm a in m a l In u ue Malh and si unee alt aim ii ig his I as i ii lie suh|ci Is I las id said lh is studs mg | in a ah ulus, ssliit h shiiuld help ssith his tall i lasses m decimal engineei mg en leulaliun and i heuusliv \s tin David siaieel iihjet Uses, he plans In map n in elei ti u a I engineei ing. dun sluds lass He alsu hopes to giadliale hum < I'sl bs agi l a. lie said I might mil he able loscniL ai lass until lali i, su I luuld ssuih in decimal engineei tug. David said Dasui plans in attend lass school at Willamette l in (begun, then puisne a }m ilttic al i aieei lie is at lending < >Sl bei ause the si hi k il is i lose tu home and it I' his fathei s alma ni.ilei DERRICK LEE l •* David Noor. 12. will be the youngest student ever at Oregon State U. when he staf classes this tall. lie plans In live ,il home with Ins l.miiK «it In >u i pat in i pa mix "i extrac urrictilar .u tivittes I limi t lliink I il l« able in relate with the ulilet students." he said In his spate time David likes to pla\ vvtth Ins It tends, mam ,,t whom also ate gtlted and home-lauglu Mi likes to pla\ with his dog and tat. program eoniputeis and w-aleh television Ilf sail I 111' t.iuil Itf If leWsioll ' “Quantum leap" and "Newton s M David also enjoys placing the > hn i placed first in tilt* solo and ttio di'i'11 regional music cotti[>etiiion \i first. tus paicuts lie he \ c d ill would attend college thiougli hi* talents first “We thought he migh college on a i larinet si holat 'hi]1 mothei said