Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 01, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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‘Drowning’ a quirky offering
★ ★ Vi
Plays al ih* Bijou Fin* Art« Cinemas
• '<*or ! t*o#wa * • '•rtf I to -•»'(
* • * ‘»of >"nto # * * • ' « mux «m
Drown inf; B\
Vum/xTs I logins with
h scene that is am
biguous and eventu
ally grows tiresome
but riot Ih'Ioh inlou
trig tic' viewer with
fascination ami hypnosis It lea
turns a pretty voting girl skipping
rope and counting, naming the
first hundred stars in the sky
This type of actum mirrors what
will lie seen in the rest o! tin
I"he story is just as odd as you
would expect from the dins tor ol
The Cook, the Ihirl. His lVile
unci Hrr l.ovrr in a pit luresque
coastal town, dirts: women, ail
named Cinsv Colpitis. reside with
tiieir husbands
The first, played by the great
Joan Plowright, discovers tier
husband drunk, taking a post cm
tal bath with a young woman
While lie is passed out in the tin
bathtub, she drowns him She
goes to the local coroner,
.Madgett, who she knows will lie
on tile death certificate for her
because ol his obsession with
Kilter the two other tossy
Colpitis'. 1'hey too decide to
drown their husbands, leaving
Madgett to cover for them
Throughout the picture, the
numbers one through 11)0 appear
C our w • , photu
Drowning By Numbers stars (from let!) Jooly Richardson, Juliet *»to
vonson and Joan Plowright as three women who drown their hus
nn the 'ini'ii Much as \. - w ;;v t..
( .III h nil the numtiers. ti game in
variably goes nil in vnui mind In
tnit li all ilit' svmlxils lliruwn at
you Peter (imonawiiv knows
whnt lif’s doing to the audience
and gleefully docs so
I was watching for tlie mini
hers inti i ati lung as many sym
bols as I could But then I be
t ame wrapped ti|i in things as
simple as thf beauty ol the pho
tography (by Sacha Vinrny) and
imini nature
As far as the motivations,
multiple meanings and red her
rings piled on red herrings are
concerned, there are endless
possibilities lor pseudo Intel
lei tll.lis who love Id iii.il mil's
s.tulK alxnil hidden mi .Ininas
I still enfoved ihr film mi .1
gut level I vv.is I,ik.cn by the
scenery unil the skill vs 11 fi
which ('.reennwav inserts lui
man depravity into lie.iutv
There’s an uneasy message In
this film that women have a
conspir.u v In control anil mu
nipulate men Thai is probably
the point most worth ponder
mg II viewers find nothing olh
er than symbols to appreciate
in Drtnvning, they y\ 111 he
drowned by the numtiers
Lucas Gutman
Hmorald tootntiutoi
Theater showcases local talent
By Christina Komeshian
Emerald Contribulor
"Wit won'! !«• known tor our musii ills, jokes
Sieve lime, owner of the Willamette Si Theater
In addition In films, live theater productions bv
I<k al groups and other community events .ire to.i
lured el the Willunieiie Si The.it. :, rn-ik.:. i
stand out among the oilier theaters in Eugen«
"It’s something I've always wanted to do.
Hove said about the non film enleiluinment al the
theater "Film is manipulated lo the moment
while theater is the niagU ol the moment before it
disappears. ”
I bis is not the lirst time Hove has ow ned a the
ater l! all started hack in l‘)7t when lie brought
Screen (denis” to Eugene s WOW Hall, showing
classic American < inema and foreign lilms, as
well In 1 ’ 17 7, he operated the Mayflower Theater,
showing matinees and midnight shows
Between 1974 and IHli'l, he owned Cinema 7,
which featured foreign films, mi hiding an H-w T
international film lestival
In lilt* Spring 1)1 1‘IMB Move It it . k uvel I In- I’ll
Arts Theater in Springheld renaming il tin- Mei
curv ThiMlor in un homage to the great Orson
Welles Doublfi features ,iru) si t mill run lilnis
were shown, as wall .is rapurtorv pmmii n s s-.. h
.is Woody Alien's Sr/Hi'mlht ll vs.is In n tli.it the
si .mil.ilous Last Tomplathm ol t.hrisl played u
film th.it wasn't brought to other theaters in Eu
gene Hut Iwi .lust* the street in front of this theater
vs.is being torn up lor (i months, which m.ule tor
had business, it rinsed julv -1. tMB'l
All ol these endeavors had provided Lane
County with avant garde lilnis and Hove wanted
to continue this lor the i immunity With
years of film viewing behind hint, he was aide to
develop what he calls the art ol him program
mins" and he wanted to put his knowledge to
good use
I he Williameltu Street Theater opened on i b
ruarv 21 of this year Since the opening, many
events have taken place with the .'immunity in
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