TTT vLu nn ‘Drowning’ a quirky offering ★ ★ Vi Plays al ih* Bijou Fin* Art« Cinemas • '<*or ! t*o#wa * • '•rtf I to -•»'( * • * ‘»of >"nto # * * • ' « mux «m Drown inf; B\ Vum/xTs I logins with h scene that is am biguous and eventu ally grows tiresome but riot Ih'Ioh inlou trig tic' viewer with fascination ami hypnosis It lea turns a pretty voting girl skipping rope and counting, naming the first hundred stars in the sky This type of actum mirrors what will lie seen in the rest o! tin film. I"he story is just as odd as you would expect from the dins tor ol The Cook, the Ihirl. His lVile unci Hrr l.ovrr in a pit luresque coastal town, dirts: women, ail named Cinsv Colpitis. reside with tiieir husbands The first, played by the great Joan Plowright, discovers tier husband drunk, taking a post cm tal bath with a young woman While lie is passed out in the tin bathtub, she drowns him She goes to the local coroner, .Madgett, who she knows will lie on tile death certificate for her because ol his obsession with her Kilter the two other tossy Colpitis'. 1'hey too decide to drown their husbands, leaving Madgett to cover for them Throughout the picture, the numbers one through 11)0 appear C our w • , photu Drowning By Numbers stars (from let!) Jooly Richardson, Juliet *»to vonson and Joan Plowright as three women who drown their hus bands nn the 'ini'ii Much as \. - w ;;v t.. ( .III h nil the numtiers. ti game in variably goes nil in vnui mind In tnit li all ilit' svmlxils lliruwn at you Peter (imonawiiv knows whnt lif’s doing to the audience and gleefully docs so I was watching for tlie mini hers inti i ati lung as many sym bols as I could But then I be t ame wrapped ti|i in things as simple as thf beauty ol the pho tography (by Sacha Vinrny) and imini nature As far as the motivations, multiple meanings and red her rings piled on red herrings are concerned, there are endless possibilities lor pseudo Intel lei tll.lis who love Id mil's s.tulK alxnil hidden mi .Ininas I still enfoved ihr film mi .1 gut level I I, by the scenery unil the skill vs 11 fi which ('.reennwav inserts lui man depravity into lie.iutv There’s an uneasy message In this film that women have a conspir.u v In control anil mu nipulate men Thai is probably the point most worth ponder mg II viewers find nothing olh er than symbols to appreciate in Drtnvning, they y\ 111 he drowned by the numtiers Lucas Gutman Hmorald tootntiutoi Theater showcases local talent By Christina Komeshian Emerald Contribulor "Wit won'! !«• known tor our musii ills, jokes Sieve lime, owner of the Willamette Si Theater In addition In films, live theater productions bv I m I«) 11 ami s I \ 11 in c ulois that i amir 11 om bask to In i 11 ian I l\r i any .ill available bi i konst oc k shies B t r k c n s I <• < k e •. Market • r • uly 106 SOMMER DRIVING CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call us TODAY! Great prices on the services you need! Tirc$tonc * AMIWICAS HOMf FOR CAW SEPVICE LUBE, OIL & FILTER •U i, I.: • U; ! ■ ;' ■ a • N• ■ * f ■ ’ • ' • s16" i r MAINTENANCE TUNE UPS s d. Q 9 c> “ ^ 4 (. y I $5999 $1,(99 L_J AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE SERVICE $29" Evacuation and Recharge 49^ * RADIATOR SERVICE SOQ99 f ffc itr P, ! lush S4Q99 Inumph 1200 LOWEST PRICE ' ' ' is, -fi > *• >" r> '• •• ’ *. ' '• - 3999 4r, 99 ‘ 49 99 ’i>‘” 4999 c No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th J Recycle This Paper