Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 25, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    Police say Milwaukee man confessed to killings
MILWAUKEE (AP) Thu convictod
i hild molester whose apartment held
body parts of 11 men confessed to drug
ging, strangling and dismembering the
victims and boiling some of their skulls
to preserve them, police said Wednes
Jeffrey L Dahmer, 31, told police be
met his victims at taverns or shopping
malls and lured them to his apartment
for photographs, Police i.t David Kane
wrote in an affidavit submitted In Mil
waukee County Circuit Court
"Dahmer further stated that he would
drug these individuals and usually
strangle them and then he would dis
member the bodies, often boiling the
heads to remove flesh so he could retain
the skulls," the affidavit said
Mr Dahmer further stated that he
took Polaroid photographs of a numlter
of these persons while they were still
alive, after he had killed them, and of
their heads and ixidv parts after fie had
dismembered them." it said
Circuit fudge Frank T Crivello ac
cepted the nfndavit during a brief probe
hle-cause hearing and set fiail at St mil
lion i ash Prosecutors said they plan to
file a criminal complaint charging
Dahmer today
Dahmer, a former i hucolatc factory
worker on prohution for a sexual
assault of a teen-age hoy. didn't appear
in court
burlier Police Chief Philip Arreola
wouldn't address a report that Dahmer
had confessed to cannibalism
Arreola said it appeared all the vie
tims were male
Dahmer s lawyer, Cerald Boyle, said
Dahmer field himself responsible for tin
"He said, quote, he has no one to
I lam< hut himself, not thi police not
the courts and not the | rotation depart
men! Boy It* told reporters
He said there conies a time when
you have to lie honest, and this is the
Boy le said his client is mentally com
potent to participate In court proceed
ings and wouldn't contest efforts to keep
him jailed
He wants to continue to talk to the
authorities to assist the authorities in
identifying the victims." the lawyet
said The state- has cycry right to hold
Dahmer. originally from Medina,
Ohio, served less 10 months in prison
for a 10MH sexual assault of a I t year
old hov in Milwaukee Dahmer was re
leased in March 1000 and was on five
years probation but his probation ofli
i er never visited Ins home as is usually
required lor felons
Arreola c a led tli.il "u <f,mining indict
menl of tfie judicial system
"Hen we sis the dramatic and tragic
results Arreola said
State corrections spokesman |oe
Si islowlzc said the requirement that
probation agents visit probationers
homes was waived in Duhmer s case he
cause the agents workload was heavy
and Dahmer lived in a high -c rime neigh
Scislowi/.r said the agent met with
Dahmer monthlv in Iter office
"There vve no signs, apparently, no
overt signs no i lues no hints, of a na
ture that would cause tins agent to do
anything oilier than wh.it she did he
Turn to KILLER Pago 5
Continued from Page 1
merit of education made ii pre
liminary ruling that Holland
had likely committed viola
tions. No subsequent violations
havu boon noted. Kcxiker wrote.
In the matters of the selling
of names and disclosure of rec
ords. it was determined that the
University has taken "appropri
ate steps" to ensure that such
violations do not occur in the
future, the decision said.
bight other allegations of pri
vacy rights violations involving
Hi Is were dismissed by Kooker
Hils, now a legal researcher
in the Southwest, said the rul
ing is "a fair decision, a just de
"I hope, with what's hap
pened to me, that students will
not take this, that they will seek
legal counsel when they are
Solomon talk
on media bias
Author Norman Solomon,
who co-wrote Unreliable
Sources: A Guide to Detecting
lints in News Media, will speak
in Eugene on Sunduy us part of
the Eugene I’eucoWorks Annual
The duy's events begin with a
reception for Solomon ut 3 p m
followixl hy a meeting ut 3:30
to elect officers and discuss the
future direction of the group
Dinner will served ut 5 and Sol
omon will speak at 6:30 about
media bias and what actions
can be taken hy people interest
ed in promoting change
David Zupun of PeaceWorks
said he expects Solomon to fo
cus attention on media cover
age of the Persian Gulf war
Solomon i an also be heard
Sunday ut 11 a m on radio sta
tion KIX X
Following his presentation
Sunday night, a contra dance
will be held at 8 with the local
band Give Us A Break perform
ing GonIra dance is a combina
tion of English country mush
and square dancing in which
the caller teaches participants
the dunces
Admission prices are on a
sliding scale. Tickets to the
dance only are from $f> to SIS,
tickets to the dinner and speech
am also S5 to SI5 and the en
tire event costs between SH and
SI5 Advance tickets for the en
tire event can be purchased for
S7 at PeaceWorks office at 454
Willamette St.
The day's events will all take
place at the Hilyard Center.
2580 Hilyard St.
Oregon Daily
Tha Oregon 0«<fy { rrxxatt *% pobiisbad dajfy Monday 'h/oogh T d ' --g ■'■♦» •» ?■<>«>
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