Police say Milwaukee man confessed to killings MILWAUKEE (AP) Thu convictod i hild molester whose apartment held body parts of 11 men confessed to drug ging, strangling and dismembering the victims and boiling some of their skulls to preserve them, police said Wednes day Jeffrey L Dahmer, 31, told police be met his victims at taverns or shopping malls and lured them to his apartment for photographs, Police i.t David Kane wrote in an affidavit submitted In Mil waukee County Circuit Court "Dahmer further stated that he would drug these individuals and usually strangle them and then he would dis member the bodies, often boiling the heads to remove flesh so he could retain the skulls," the affidavit said Mr Dahmer further stated that he took Polaroid photographs of a numlter of these persons while they were still alive, after he had killed them, and of their heads and ixidv parts after fie had dismembered them." it said Circuit fudge Frank T Crivello ac cepted the nfndavit during a brief probe hle-cause hearing and set fiail at St mil lion i ash Prosecutors said they plan to file a criminal complaint charging Dahmer today Dahmer, a former i hucolatc factory worker on prohution for a sexual assault of a teen-age hoy. didn't appear in court burlier Police Chief Philip Arreola wouldn't address a report that Dahmer had confessed to cannibalism Arreola said it appeared all the vie tims were male Dahmer s lawyer, Cerald Boyle, said Dahmer field himself responsible for tin killings "He said, quote, he has no one to I lam< hut himself, not thi police not the courts and not the | rotation depart men! Boy It* told reporters He said there conies a time when you have to lie honest, and this is the time Boy le said his client is mentally com potent to participate In court proceed ings and wouldn't contest efforts to keep him jailed He wants to continue to talk to the authorities to assist the authorities in identifying the victims." the lawyet said The state- has cycry right to hold him Dahmer. originally from Medina, Ohio, served less 10 months in prison for a 10MH sexual assault of a I t year old hov in Milwaukee Dahmer was re leased in March 1000 and was on five years probation but his probation ofli i er never visited Ins home as is usually required lor felons Arreola c a led tli.il "u to SIS, tickets to the dinner and speech am also S5 to SI5 and the en tire event costs between SH and SI5 Advance tickets for the en tire event can be purchased for S7 at PeaceWorks office at 454 Willamette St. The day's events will all take place at the Hilyard Center. 2580 Hilyard St. Oregon Daily PO BOX ) IS9 lUGfcNt OHIGON9740J Tha Oregon 0««> yaar and Toaaday and Thursday during tha somma/ by tha Oagon Da y I • «/<»»• f r> ^ Co Inc . ai tha Un*arvty of On»gon I ‘ Display Advertising 146 3/1? Classified Advertising I4t> 4M3 BE COMPENSATED FOR YOUR TIME WHILE HELPING OTHERS See Eugene's newest and most professional blood plasma center Call 683-9430 for more information. J-MAR BIOLOGICAL 1901 W. 8th Right on the bus Hnol Having a garage sale? Advertise in the 01)1 classified section. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON rrr Well, one guess which table wants another round of banana daiquiris BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. (t-\i'lti(liiiK pits. Mipt rs and giants) V*w location onlv - ISSN Franklin Itlvd. M TCBV «« Next In 711 on \ illaril I til' C OUHttlf k YiXJIII I ■ ( OH ft* It! vxptl'vs Klltf */. IWI Quality Auto Repair ASIAN Bosch Authorized Service • Gasoline Fuel Injection • Anti-Lock Brake Systems • Diesel Fuel Injection • Electrical Systems • Hybrid Ignition • Electronic Systems • Accessories Tune-ups • Brakes European Auto has changed its name to Euro-Asian Automotive We have always serviced European ANI) Japanese vehicles Now you know1 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 485'8226 Pass it on. (please) Help us begin a succev ful 'ecy< ling program on (.ampul by pulling the Oregon Daily f morale) ba< k in its original rack when you've finished reading it The. will allow another person lo read 1! and/or be easily p.c ked up lor recycling Recycle. It works, (if you work it.) Looking (or a good deal?? Read the Oregon Daily Lmerald Classifieds.