Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 25, 1991, Image 1

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    TUESDAY, JUNE 25,1991
I)u<:k (;,ill the I'nivei
sit\ s new phone rwgistr.i
turn s\ stem worked well
in it-- fiist Irnil run this
summer About r> too stu
dents used t!ie system to
register tor summer < lass
See slurs . Page tl
Terrell Brandon
I iinner Oregon basket
ball slai Terrell Brandon
is expected to be pit ked
somewhere in the first
round of Wednesday s
National Basketball Asso
ciation draft, whit h will
be held in New York t.itv
I here rt-aily is no con
sensus among draft ex
peits where Brandon will
lie pit ked. bill there is a
consensus that the former
Dili k Will tie pit ketl
somewhere ill the open
ing round of the "el play
two round draft
Brandon, the Put if it
It) (innleiunt e player of
the year this past season
was one of several under
classmen who chose to
forego their senior or ju
nior and senior seasons to
pl.n in the NBA
The Portland Trail
bla/.ers have only one
pit k in tins year's drat!
and that will tit- the s-ttli
anti final selet turn in the
second round The Thar
lotte Hornets will dralt
first in tht- opening
round followed by New
Jersev. Sacramento. Den
ver and Miami
An Arrnv document
proposes reversing (he
service branc It s long
standing ban on homo
sexuals. saying there is
no proof they post: am
greater risk to security or
morale th;:n heterosexu
However. Army
spokeswoman C'apt Mar
bar a Hoodoo said Mon
day the policy "remains
unchanged "The docu
ment w as drafted by an
action officer 18 months
ago and has not been ap
proved bv the depart
ment, she said
Fight to the finish
Su/\ H.imilton (ri,uhtl hold* on hi n m //in women * mile ■<! In
<l.i\ s I’refont.une CLissu .iltei luikm£ elbow* throughout the r.ni
u ;f/i I'.ittiSue Plumei (left) I lie two nlso lo< keil .inn* ,it the finish
i .itisiin: I'lumei to toll to the ti.u k Sre stor\. I’.me 4
Photo li\ Mark \ Ico
Court throws
out complaint
over name use
By Daralyn Trappe
i • t .1 A , . ite { a _
i in Kl.nnii Sth iet\ nl hugene lost mil \lmnl.n 111 its
bat tie over ‘•'.i Iumu1 list* ol llif a,mu* Muslim Student
A mu i.itiim lull tin* group *. attorney s.tul llu* war is
nut 11v t• r
I..IIU- i mints ( in ml ( .mill Judge M.itirn i* Mcrluii
ilismis M*il llu* complaint brought by llu* IS1 against
iiu* I imi-isih students llu* A SI ( I .uni I Ml lull g.i\.
tfii* group's attorney < h.irles Porter permission in filr
a si*i mill complaint Portei is doing so .mil sail! In* ex
I hi Is a hearing w it hi n III da\s
Kmliifv < .1111• i attorney tor tin* five defend.mix, said
tin- suit was ilismissi'tl Ins ausi* private i iti/ens i annul
legally sin* fm exclusive list* of an assumed Inisiness
name Portei said he w ill refile on llu- grounds that the
student group's use ot the name constitutes mil.in
t nmpetitmn
1 111 dispute over the name is the restill ol a split
among Muslim students on i ampus that m t Hired la*.I
Oc.inbei \l that lime several Indents hied a colli
plaint with the \Sl"C) claiming that i erlain MSA
memheis had been ext lulled llniii voting for groil|i 111
lii ors
An ASl't) investigation suhst.mtinted the i barges
In addition the group's bylaws were found to lie uti
constitutional because only Sunni Muslims were given
lull membership
Rather than rotdntm lo ASI f) restrictions many
memheis ot the MSA moved their group oil t ampus
planning to lel.iiu the names MSA I t) and
MSA I ugene Oregon Noth n.lines were registered b\
the ISK a i (immunity gioup i loselv affiliated w ilh the
Meanwhile several students reformed the campus
gmup. under the a- aimptlon they were taking ovei tin
Ms A Ihev have refused to stop Using the name
I he ASI ( ) was named in the ai hull tor not dissuad
mg the new group Irom using the name MSA I lie
I Ml was named hei ause MSA still appeals on tin- ol
In e door
All \lmic one ol the defendants said he is pleased
with the ruling hut disappointed that the dispute le
suited III legal ai lion
I bis i ase has i aused mm h friction and animosity
m the i oinmuiuH hut it is nothing that is not irrep.ua
hie ' he said "We extend a hand to anyone to mine
and join us
Student TV show shaking up cable access
■Hell' sparks airwave controversy
By Dan Eisler
11 - i rc.ilors lout it .is I In
most explosive halt hum nt
(imii’il\ nimi t* II,i\ u ,iti h
the defunct hour long N H* t»*l
r\ isiun drama
(hu \ eniiw nt f lt%U. -i i mu
in unit y c ,i h 1 •• IS p i " y r .i in
billed .in ,m "equal opportunity
offender' and put togethei l>y
three Ihtiversity students. has
received i ii in p 1 a i n I s I r n m
( hiiNll.in fundamentalist ami
politti.ullv correct, ut It types
alike It's c urrently show mg on
i able (lhannel II at ‘t 10 p in
mi U ednesdav s
Abe liepner. I add \ an t ’leye
and line e logman three broad
i .in! journalism students at ti e
I 'Diversity are involved with
the i-Olltnn.erNi.il public access
cable program. Our Version nt
Ur 11
With Iti shows under then
belts this !rit> has sin < eeded .it
enraging some members of tin
( hrishan fundamentalist com
monitv in l.ugene as well as
I Ik- politic oils rorrei t ! rowd on
At tin* siinit: turn- flit* mghllv
m*u s and shows sin h as *//}
.in* popular because people te\
»d ill uthe! people s misers
Vail t ’le\ e sa ui
(.urrentlv Metrovision rims
tin* show with a disclaimer
Hepner said whic h is fine with
him People arc* gluttons for
Here s flow muc h people
hate* our show they watch it
evers u eek I fepner said
A fmndred thousand people
t «m get killed e\erv year on IA
hut you i an t d<> a skit about
masturnat ion' Van (deve
.isk *•«i
An Australian student who
watc hed the show told Hepner
I'hulii h> |rM rj'.lr\
l turn Irtl / m\ri'>it\ stuilrnts l.uld \ .in < lr\r \hr Hrfinri .nut Hr\tv
In^m.m i rr.itors nl Our \ rrsiun uf Mi ll s.n thr\ .irr rifii.il ofii>ortunit\
l! was ill** rinses! tlim^ tc» Alls
tnili.m nr British i nmnly he ii
seen m \iner n a Australian nr
British hnnmr is harsh .mil In
till' point I li'piirr s.llil
H\ i ompdrison Aim*ru .1 n
T jr ! CABLE P;n|.- 3