TUESDAY, JUNE 25,1991 Inside I)u<:k (;,ill the I'nivei sit\ s new phone rwgistr.i turn s\ stem worked well in it-- fiist Irnil run this summer About r> too stu dents used t!ie system to register tor summer < lass es See slurs . Page tl Sports Terrell Brandon I iinner Oregon basket ball slai Terrell Brandon is expected to be pit ked somewhere in the first round of Wednesday s National Basketball Asso ciation draft, whit h will be held in New York t.itv I here rt-aily is no con sensus among draft ex peits where Brandon will lie pit ked. bill there is a consensus that the former Dili k Will tie pit ketl somewhere ill the open ing round of the "el play two round draft Brandon, the Put if it It) (innleiunt e player of the year this past season was one of several under classmen who chose to forego their senior or ju nior and senior seasons to pl.n in the NBA The Portland Trail bla/.ers have only one pit k in tins year's drat! and that will tit- the s-ttli anti final selet turn in the second round The Thar lotte Hornets will dralt first in tht- opening round followed by New Jersev. Sacramento. Den ver and Miami National WASHINGTON I A)’) An Arrnv document proposes reversing (he service branc It s long standing ban on homo sexuals. saying there is no proof they post: am greater risk to security or morale th;:n heterosexu als However. Army spokeswoman C'apt Mar bar a Hoodoo said Mon day the policy "remains unchanged "The docu ment w as drafted by an action officer 18 months ago and has not been ap proved bv the depart ment, she said L J Fight to the finish Su/\ H.imilton (ri,uhtl hold* on hi n m //in women * mile ■y three Ihtiversity students. has received i ii in p 1 a i n I s I r n m ( hiiNll.in fundamentalist ami politti.ullv correct, ut It types alike It's c urrently show mg on i able (lhannel II at ‘t 10 p in mi U ednesdav s Abe liepner. I add \ an t ’leye and line e logman three broad i .in! journalism students at ti e I 'Diversity are involved with the i-Olltnn.erNi.il public access cable program. Our Version nt Ur 11 With Iti shows under then belts this !rit> has sin < eeded .it enraging some members of tin ( hrishan fundamentalist com monitv in l.ugene as well as I Ik- politic oils rorrei t ! rowd on (..nitpuH At tin* siinit: turn- flit* mghllv m*u s and shows sin h as *//} .in* popular because people te\ »d ill uthe! people s misers Vail t ’le\ e sa ui (.urrentlv Metrovision rims tin* show with a disclaimer Hepner said whic h is fine with him People arc* gluttons for punishment Here s flow muc h people hate* our show they watch it evers u eek I fepner said A fmndred thousand people t «m get killed e\erv year on IA hut you i an t d<> a skit about masturnat ion' Van (deve .isk *•«i An Australian student who watc hed the show told Hepner I'hulii h> |rM rj'.lr\ l turn Irtl / m\ri'>it\ stuilrnts l.uld \ .in < lr\r \hr Hrfinri .nut Hr\tv In^m.m i rr.itors nl Our \ rrsiun uf Mi ll s.n thr\ .irr rifii.il ofii>ortunit\ nttcndrrs l! was ill** rinses! tlim^ tc» Alls tnili.m nr British i nmnly he ii seen m \iner n a Australian nr British hnnmr is harsh .mil In till' point I li'piirr s.llil H\ i ompdrison Aim*ru .1 n T jr ! CABLE P;n|.- 3