Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 20, 1991, Page 8, Image 7

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    The Forecast is Hot
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Mile, two-mile races
highlight Pre Classic
By Ashley Conklin
U hi ii lr.it k itU'c! pronniteis
r.-H'ivi' .mv ness , the wn -k ni .1
meet, it ’s usualls I mi i ni’H s
Hus Preluntitine ( lassit un it
director Toni'■ Ionian has r«*
i i'ivi'iI nothing dint good noSss
tin- uni with tlii' addition 11
tun top Ajneritan middle-dis
tarn !■ 'ruiini’r - tor Fridas s meet
■ it I fas u aril iu'ld
t)n Mond.n Su/s Hamilton,
formerls Sim Favor an
n't ill nci'd sin* would run tin'
mdi' at tin- I’relonlaine ( lassii
I lien mi Tuesduv. I’attiSui1 i’lu
iin-r said sin- would join thi*
ill lit' f itdd as u i*ll
I iiihn infill s rai n sets up a
ri'inati h ot last ss otkond s File
Athlotjc ( Hiujii'is national
i iiarnpuirisliip l.alHt ini■ 11■ i run
\\ in'll- Harniltnn and I’lumfi
i'\t hanged i liiuu s in tin* iinnii1
stiitih bi'fnri- Hamilton won
tin’ rail- In .i stride ovi'i Phi
I in- women's mile is truly
tin' moot s premiere event
Iordan said It Man Slam's
i an in- in it it will In- pvpn lift
(■•I ”
Hamilton and I’lu in r i
sveren t expel toil to lull in tin"
rnor! hut Ionian got a lot ot
Ini k to bring the two into the
f in niwvh marnod Hamilton
had been in Southern I alitor
nia and wanted a rati' in tin*
t ’nili'd States .inn 1 At iit'jorr
heading In I mope Plumer was
supposed lu run in a i.'uili mo
tor lain in (.ormans this wook
ond hut will'll that toil through
sin- agreed to run in the Pr
ofontaino (Jassii
Slanei. who had to u ithdrau
Iroin tho TA* moot with a sore
i alt muscle. owns the top J. > (it I
time in tin- nation Siam's will
wait until Indus to make a do< i
sum on whether to run Fridas
\lso in tile field are Dan s
\ r r oil I a tin- \( A A I , h00
i hump and third plane finisiier
at I \( Annotto i’eters the
t.00(1 meter runuet up at 1 At .
(uni St tit-mo. tilth at i At
Mozambique s Maria Mutola,
Irom Springfield High School
ami la/ Wilson
With PutliSue Su/s and
maybe Mars Slant's. 0 ssill he a
terrific rate mas lie the (lost
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field ii( Amefn in distant e mil
in-rs ever running together
lortlii:; said You’re looking .it
someone the quality iif a I.i/
Wilson being the slowest per
sun in tile held and that's pret
Is .iniii/.ing "
I he womtui s mile could up
stage thi' men's two mile w heir
|ne I all on has asked for a J ifi
rahhit pare tor the hist mile
lie i an attempt to break tin
world IH 1 ; iil and Amefitan
ret orris (81712)
II it * i *■ are i it her ini eiihses for
I all oil as well,. Iordan is offer
mi; a i ash bonus ol lor
hie,iking the A merit an an oid
atld another S l.tlOtl tf tile world
let tint (alls I ait on will also lie
trying to atone tor a third place
finish m the I At 1 :>(M)
I Jespite III' sill >w mg ,ll T \l
Iordan believes halt on is strung
enough In break both Jot ortts
"Strength is more important
m the two mite lortian said
"There s a big diflereiK e he
tw een being beaten in a 11)0
metei sprint at the end of a
mile or 1 WOO and running an
es ell pat e t it t> t seconds hir \ ir
tually eight laps
The A merit an ret ortl < er
tainls i mild he broken, and a
world record is not out of the
quest ion
loining falcon 111 the two
mile are N’t \ A S .00(1 meter
and I \( to ooo champ Shan
nun Hutler and Kueben Kema
the 1 ,\( i ooo runner-up
The best i ham e for a World
ret ord t on Id i time i n t lie
wheelchair mile where Spring
heltl s ( raig Hhtnt lietle is un
dnubtedh the favorite
Mlant belle has set world its
ortls eat h ol the last two years
at the Prefontaine Classic and
will he Irs iug to improve upon
the t ill 00 mark he set a year
HI a lit liette has hail a silt t ess
till spring in whit h his mils
loss i a tile at the Boston Viar
( HI the 11at k the hammer
and women's lastdin coinpeti
lions should offer plents of ex
i dement as s\ i ll
Jud l.ogan. Ken Flax and
lance Ileal, the top three ham
met finishers at TAt are in the
fielil and all six of Iasi year's
lop A merit ans l.ng.m. I lax.
Deal 11 m I Jr i si of I , Mike
1 till liman and Oregon's Slot!
Mi (lee are in the field
Karin Smith the I At s\ inner
who set ,i meet record of 211 o
in last \ eai s javelin is hack to
defend her title against Ore
gun's Paula Berts
Berry the N't AA i Itanip ssas
sei mid at I At She ossos a sea
son s best of 202-1 |ust Iwhind
Smith's A tner it an-1 eadi ng
JO. 1-7
korv Tiii pi'iimug wilt In*
li<u k to defend his pole v.1 iiIt ti
tie (,'olleniate rec ord holder
Hills Payne of Bnvlor was a late
m rate h Iroin the meet
I he meet ku ks off .it t> tl)
|i m w ith the hammer The
women s mile is s< heduled for
H Is with the men's two-mile
the meet s final event .it ll The
meet will he televised on a
tape-delayed basis Saturday on
i able station \\ T HS
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