The Forecast is Hot tor Solar Energy rut) (ini' in siu' clouiK Northwest. siilar eneup can 1h- \i!\ eth ■. ' u li ' ..!• Ss ('S"u ' heating i < isis Sti il h< >t w ater,i<>s!s ,nv Ilm\ mu \uu i < ild. let I ugene \\ater \ 1 li 11!it Board pm a link sunshine m omr hie II \ou own vour liome and have elecirk water heating. I \\ I Is is ottering a i ash rebate of up h > MOO|<>r installing a si i|ar wall ! In ati r Plus vou ma\ also qualil\ Ini a substantial state lav credit li s the holiest going snue mnning water si nl u ui w i mill like !< > si>ak up sc mre si >lai sa\ mgs. t all P\\ I B I nerg\ Management Services a! is i NJs I undtng is limited, su ai t si x m . A di EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97401 503 484 1125 iimiiiiiiiiimn uiimiiimimiiiiimiiimiitiiiiimiiiiiiiimmiiimiimiiiimiimimiiimiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiimiimiiiNiiiiiiiii Looking for <1 good deal?? Head the Oregon Daily Lmerald Classifieds. >iiiiiiiiiiiiiMtiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii!iiimiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiii«iiiiimii!iiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiti!iiiiiiiiiiiiii SPORTS Mile, two-mile races highlight Pre Classic By Ashley Conklin U hi ii k itU'c! pronniteis r.-H'ivi' .mv ness , the wn -k ni .1 meet, it ’s usualls I mi i ni’H s Hus Preluntitine ( lassit un it director Toni'■ Ionian has r«* i i'ivi'iI nothing dint good noSss tin- uni with tlii' addition 11 tun top Ajneritan middle-dis tarn !■ 'ruiini’r - tor Fridas s meet ■ it I fas u aril iu'ld t)n Mond.n Su/s Hamilton, formerls Sim Favor an n't ill nci'd sin* would run tin' mdi' at tin- I’relonlaine ( lassii I lien mi Tuesduv. I’attiSui1 i’lu iin-r said sin- would join thi* ill lit' f itdd as u i*ll I iiihn infill s rai n sets up a ri'inati h ot last ss otkond s File Athlotjc ( Hiujii'is national i iiarnpuirisliip l.alHt ini■ 11■ i run \\ in'll- Harniltnn and I’lumfi i'\t hanged i liiuu s in tin* iinnii1 stiitih bi'fnri- Hamilton won tin’ rail- In .i stride ovi'i Phi ini'f I in- women's mile is truly tin' moot s premiere event Iordan said It Man Slam's i an in- in it it will In- pvpn lift (■•I ” Hamilton and I’lu in r i sveren t expel toil to lull in tin" rnor! hut Ionian got a lot ot Ini k to bring the two into the r.u:o f in niwvh marnod Hamilton had been in Southern I alitor nia and wanted a rati' in tin* t ’nili'd States .inn 1 At iit'jorr heading In I mope Plumer was supposed lu run in a i.'uili mo tor lain in (.ormans this wook ond hut will'll that toil through sin- agreed to run in the Pr ofontaino (Jassii Slanei. who had to u ithdrau Iroin tho TA* moot with a sore i alt muscle. owns the top J. > (it I time in tin- nation Siam's will wait until Indus to make a do< i sum on whether to run Fridas night \lso in tile field are Dan s \ r r oil I a tin- \( A A I , h00 i hump and third plane finisiier at I \( Annotto i’eters the t.00(1 meter runuet up at 1 At . (uni St tit-mo. tilth at i At Mozambique s Maria Mutola, Irom Springfield High School ami la/ Wilson With PutliSue Su/s and maybe Mars Slant's. 0 ssill he a terrific rate mas lie the (lost TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA /7j Rnjht' All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza I'liis Side Of Anevvhere M-F 11 a.m. -1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 field ii( Amefn in distant e mil in-rs ever running together lortlii:; said You’re looking .it someone the quality iif a I.i/ Wilson being the slowest per sun in tile held and that's pret Is .iniii/.ing " I he womtui s mile could up stage thi' men's two mile w heir |ne I all on has asked for a J ifi rahhit pare tor the hist mile lie i an attempt to break tin world IH 1 ; iil and Amefitan ret orris (81712) II it * i *■ are i it her ini eiihses for I all oil as well,. Iordan is offer mi; a i ash bonus ol lor hie,iking the A merit an an oid atld another S l.tlOtl tf tile world let tint (alls I ait on will also lie trying to atone tor a third place finish m the I At 1 :>(M) I Jespite III' sill >w mg ,ll T \l Iordan believes halt on is strung enough In break both Jot ortts "Strength is more important m the two mite lortian said "There s a big diflereiK e he tw een being beaten in a 11)0 metei sprint at the end of a mile or 1 WOO and running an es ell pat e t it t> t seconds hir \ ir tually eight laps The A merit an ret ortl < er tainls i mild he broken, and a world record is not out of the quest ion loining falcon 111 the two mile are N’t \ A S .00(1 meter and I \( to ooo champ Shan nun Hutler and Kueben Kema the 1 ,\( i ooo runner-up The best i ham e for a World ret ord t on Id i time i n t lie wheelchair mile where Spring heltl s ( raig Hhtnt lietle is un dnubtedh the favorite Mlant belle has set world its ortls eat h ol the last two years at the Prefontaine Classic and will he Irs iug to improve upon the t ill 00 mark he set a year ago HI a lit liette has hail a silt t ess till spring in whit h his mils loss i a tile at the Boston Viar allton ( HI the 11at k the hammer and women's lastdin coinpeti lions should offer plents of ex i dement as s\ i ll Jud l.ogan. Ken Flax and lance Ileal, the top three ham met finishers at TAt are in the fielil and all six of Iasi year's lop A merit ans I lax. Deal 11 m I Jr i si of I , Mike 1 till liman and Oregon's Slot! Mi (lee are in the field Karin Smith the I At s\ inner who set ,i meet record of 211 o in last \ eai s javelin is hack to defend her title against Ore gun's Paula Berts Berry the N't AA i Itanip ssas sei mid at I At She ossos a sea son s best of 202-1 |ust Iwhind Smith's A tner it an-1 eadi ng JO. 1-7 korv Tiii pi'iimug wilt In* li tl) |i m w ith the hammer The women s mile is s< heduled for H Is with the men's two-mile the meet s final event .it ll The meet will he televised on a tape-delayed basis Saturday on i able station \\ T HS Check the ODE Classifieds