Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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    Our world
of sports
I Iri'^mi javelm thrown
Paul.) Himr\ |abovr| threw
the best Ihrow ever in
thp history "I Par ilii in
( onferem t' woman s trai k
as v\i■ 11 as i aptiiriiiK tin- only
()rey>on lirst pl.ii r in thr
\( \ A (Ihainpinnships it
Ilav waril Field
iKiulit. I i) l.i/ \\ iIson and
Stephanie \\ essell prm idril
thr t )ri‘nun omen's i mss
i ountrv team thr e\perient e
needed to i apt lire tilth plai r
in tile St A A t ti.iinpin11
Oregon guard Terrell Bran
dun (ahoye) helped ( Iregon
heal ()regun Slate In n e in I’.i
i ifii 111 (amference play l 'n
fortunately for l)ui k Basket
hall fans. Brandon del lared
himself eligible lor the Na
lional Basketball Assoc ialion
draft a y ear early
file (Iregon men's Irai k
team (left) took third at the
N't A A (lhampionships at
I lav ward field. its best finish
smi c 1‘IH-t
( 'all hei lost basemen |ulie
( ay anatigh (lielnvx I hei ante
only the second Oregon suit
ball player to he named first
team all Ament an
Photo b \ Sr an Prtalon
So close
\fter llii' On*)iuii t<>i>ti><iI! tram
lift*’.iti'il thru \o -i Brigham
Vimi)|{ tJ Hi. till’ path was
cleared lot its m« imd straight
appearance Ml tli.it stood
m tlir wav ot a stellai finish to
the Ducks year was a deter
mined Colorado State team,
ulnih itself had been crushed
In ID I earlier in the season
When the dust had settled .it
the end ol the I reedotil Howl in
Anaheim. Calif., however. Hill
Musgrave s pass to Michael Mt
Chilian for two point conversion
attempt fell inches short of the
end /one Colorado State went
home w ith a ) I vii ton
Phulu bv S«tn Pu«lun
Musgrave left Oregon after
four years of ext client e f>otft on
the field and in the classroom,
and was taken by Dallas Cow
boys m the National Football
League draft.
__ ...... i
Photo b\ Mark \ Ian