Our world of sports I Iri'^mi javelm thrown Paul.) Himr\ |abovr| threw the best Ihrow ever in thp history "I Par ilii in ( onferem t' woman s trai k as v\i■ 11 as i aptiiriiiK tin- only ()rey>on lirst pl.ii r in thr \( \ A (Ihainpinnships it Ilav waril Field iKiulit. I i) l.i/ \\ iIson and Stephanie \\ essell prm idril thr t )ri‘nun omen's i mss i ountrv team thr e\perient e needed to i apt lire tilth plai r in tile St A A t ti.iinpin11 ships Oregon guard Terrell Bran dun (ahoye) helped ( Iregon heal ()regun Slate In n e in I’.i i ifii 111 (amference play l 'n fortunately for l)ui k Basket hall fans. Brandon del lared himself eligible lor the Na lional Basketball Assoc ialion draft a y ear early file (Iregon men's Irai k team (left) took third at the N't A A (lhampionships at I lav ward field. its best finish smi c 1‘IH-t ( 'all hei lost basemen |ulie ( ay anatigh (lielnvx I hei ante only the second Oregon suit ball player to he named first team all Ament an Photo b \ Sr an Prtalon So close \fter llii' On*)iuii t<>i>ti>otft on the field and in the classroom, and was taken by Dallas Cow boys m the National Football League draft. __ ...... i Photo b\ Mark \ Ian