Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1991, Image 1

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Mond.iv June iwi
l ugcm-. < Jrejion
\ olumc Issue in'
1’his is the last issue of
the ()rrgo/i Daily Emrrald
i ii spring term I'idili
cation will resume June
1H, •mil i ontimie tvvice ,i
week during summer
Summer classes begin
June 17
On Campus
The In< idental Fee
( ommittee meets 1 iidav
June 7. at r> p m in the
1 Alt Hoard Room to hear
sper ial requests from Stic
dents for the Kthit al
Treatment of Animals.
Survival f lenler and Inno
vat ion Educ ation Also,
internal business will be
dist ussed
The New man ( enter
1 B.">0 Emerald St is
sponsoring on Friday a
praise and worship ser
ve e at 7 .it) p m and
Mass at H p m
A bill that rec enth
passed through the Ore
Roll I louse would give
"responsible off it nils
the power to ban some
students from the state's
( ollege campuses
See slorx Page 5
Hubert O'Neil. an expert
on the ins and outs ot free
speei ti laws, w ill Ire tills
year’s i ommeiu.ement
See story, Page ti
From lhe Ducks' lasl
second loss at the Free
dotn Howl to campus re
ar tion to the Persian (lull
W ar the year in pic
See pages !l-12
NCAA champs
ir\tis t inrlette tillltln (7IJI i elehnites the I,nm;/nmis
t\ lOtt-meter reln\ it in met l-isther lout's (hUh) ,iml Inin
si,m,t Shite (above): ()n-van's I'.iuLi Hen\ non the javelin
title hetnre the home < nut tl .it tin it .ml I ielil /It'll I
Sit stories pilot's 7, M II 11*
Photos b\ |ett Pasl.it .md Nt.irk^leu
New IFC votes Colson out of office
By Daralyn Trappe
Mike (iolson w .is voted out ut
tile lilt lltrnlill I ft; ( ommittff
oil Saturday in the first of fit lal
meeting 11 it .lulling newly elet t
etl members \fter the meeting
however. Colson said the issue
is tar from over
1 he motion to remove Colson
was made b\ Anne l-'eig and
set untied by Sara Dodge It
passed VI. with Colson op
posed In addition to 1 eig and
I lodge I \ di<i I.erm.i Prist ilia
Warren anti Robert Cruz voted
m favor All live were elet led
to their positions earlier in
spring term
li t member I'reddy Vdt lies,
who will return tor the second
year of Ins two-year term, was
the only member not present
The ASI'() found ( arisen
also finishing the first year of a
two-year term responsible
for altering the minutes of the
jan It IKC meeting I le said In
is not responsible anti has
raised several questions about
the investigation process and
the objectivity of Kirk Hailey,
former ASIA) president and
Hobhv l.ee ASI'O affirmative
action coordinator
Hailey and Lee coutlut ted the
investigation following a com
plaint In Derma who worked
as li t set retarv this year before
being elet ted After they an
nounced their conclusion April
Mike (iolsnn
l ( olson filed .1 petition w ith
tlif (Ititistitution l ourl (pies
turning tlit* legality dI the m
The i ourt mini the mvestiga
lion was legal, 'iml <in IH vote
was taken April ill on (lolson's
removaI According to III
rules of procedure five out of
six or six out of seven votes in
favor .ire net ess.irv for the re
moviil of .in II I tnemher The
vote failed 4 2 1 hut committee
memhers s.ud the\ would sus
pend the remaining budget
hearings until I olson resigned
Hearings never resumed and
Saturdav s meeting w.is the
hrs! siIK e the tailed removal
vote The new III memhers
Turn to IFC Page 3
Information casts light
on IFC internal relations
By Catherine Hawley
t im-r.iUl A-. roc late I d.lm_
I hi' AS! () I \ei ul ivi- rt■
Ir.isrij mure 11!till in,11 mu
Iruiii its investigation uf 111«•
tin nlental I it i aiinmitloe mi
Thursday, mi lulling person
,iI i ommenls Iruiii II I iiii-iii
tiers ill.it were originally
leted Imm investigation dm
l lii' si.ili- .ittoriii'V gener
al's oilii i' ordered tin1 Kxei
lithe mi M.iv .M hi make
public all lint a feu "highly
inflammatory i .ommenls
that former A SI () (’resilient
Kirk Hailey and other stall
members withheld to protm t
confidentiality promised to
None of the newly re
leased information sheds
light on the note tampering
iik ident that prompted the
investigation, hut some i mu
merits reveal that relation
slops between former Chair
man Mike Colson and sever
al other I1C members were
strained long before note
taker l.vdiu l.erma filed her
i oinplaint with the ASI '() in
Iii handw i itli'ii notds hum
Hailey tind !.«•*- foriiu i i mil
m 11 tri‘ mi' mlii'i \ i in.imln
Mur.ilrs is |i,ir.i|ihr.isi'il ,is
s,i\ ing In- thought l ulsiiii
look advantage uf Ins politi
fill JMlWf i .mil t ll.lt ( I list 111
uses poyvei lu m.impuliilf
I hi hut it11* 111 lx*r JoSonja
Willson is paraphrased .is
saving sin* and ( ailson had a
hilsiiifss ri'l.illuiislii|i (hat
was "sari aslu ally formal
Current inrmhfr Freddy
Vdi ties said afler he found
oul about the note tamper
Illg, fie (lid not tell ( (lisiin
about the allegations he
i ause he thought < ailson was
sly " and ''manipulative.'
at fording to investigation
Most of the other newly
released information i on
sists of more disc ussion by
lit members about relation
ships among members
I eli-phone numbers ad
dresses and names that Hal
ley and I ee initially hlai fed
out to protei I priv.ii y were
also released in ai i ordain e
yy itli the order from the at
torney general's offii e