Oregon DAILY EMERALD Mond.iv June iwi l ugcm-. < Jrejion \ olumc Issue in' Almanac 1’his is the last issue of the ()rrgo/i Daily Emrrald i ii spring term I'idili cation will resume June 1H, •mil i ontimie tvvice ,i week during summer term Summer classes begin June 17 On Campus The In< idental Fee ( ommittee meets 1 iidav June 7. at r> p m in the 1 Alt Hoard Room to hear sper ial requests from Stic dents for the Kthit al Treatment of Animals. Survival f lenler and Inno vat ion Educ ation Also, internal business will be dist ussed The New man ( enter 1 B.">0 Emerald St is sponsoring on Friday a praise and worship ser ve e at 7 .it) p m and Mass at H p m Inside A bill that rec enth passed through the Ore Roll I louse would give "responsible off it nils the power to ban some students from the state's ( ollege campuses See slorx Page 5 Hubert O'Neil. an expert on the ins and outs ot free speei ti laws, w ill Ire tills year’s i ommeiu.ement speahei See story, Page ti From lhe Ducks' lasl second loss at the Free dotn Howl to campus re ar tion to the Persian (lull W ar the year in pic lures. See pages !l-12 NCAA champs ir\tis t inrlette tillltln (7IJI i elehnites the I,nm;/nmis t\ lOtt-meter reln\ it in met l-isther lout's (hUh) ,iml Inin si,m,t Shite (above): ()n-van's I'.iuLi Hen\ non the javelin title hetnre the home < nut tl .it tin it .ml I ielil /It'll I Sit stories pilot's 7, M II 11* Photos b\ |ett Pasl.it .md Nt.irk^leu New IFC votes Colson out of office By Daralyn Trappe Mike (iolson w .is voted out ut tile lilt lltrnlill I ft; ( ommittff oil Saturday in the first of fit lal meeting 11 it .lulling newly elet t etl members \fter the meeting however. Colson said the issue is tar from over 1 he motion to remove Colson was made b\ Anne l-'eig and set untied by Sara Dodge It passed VI. with Colson op posed In addition to 1 eig and I lodge I \ di