Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Here’s the story
I In- purpose of this letter is
to make clear the historu al
i ontexl m whir h the I 'Diversity
( )ffir;e of I’uhlit Safety i onilm t
eil the r<*< ent investigation into
the posters alleged to he hate
i rimes
At the time that the jiosteis
first Ileg.in to appear on i am
pus there were complaints that
the posters represented hate
i rimes direr ted against people
of i olor and women When tin
posters were brought to I’resi
dent brand's attention he i on
vened a group to re\ ieyy tin
posters and dei ide what to do
a hr nit them
I he group i omened by the
president i (insisted of the ever
utive assistant to the president
the SSI ’( ) president ,ind v u e
president the diret tor of stu
dent adviM ar y mvself as dirts
tor of affirmative ar turn and
eipial opportunity and the di
ns loi of puhlii safely
The group looked at tour
posters on hiding the poster
( urrently under debate and dc
( ided that in our < ollts live
opinion the posters might rise
to the level of hate i runes dl
listed toward minorities and
ft was on tills basis that the
director of puliln safety was
i barged with conducting a
thorough investigation and
identifying the person respon
I linin' \\ mm
Direr lor. I lllii c of Aflirmatiie
\i lion .mil f ijo.il ()|>|>iiriii■■ 11\
Class role
I <1111 writ mi! to i larifs rm
role <<iul thi' mli* of mv i lass
Women's Studies t*)‘l. iit the
investigation of the now uit.i
moils satirit.iiI hate" tilers It
is trui- that <i student mentioned
m ( l.iss that the |Misters then
assumed to mi lude those with
targets superimposed on fat es
uere math* In a lesbian
Port it ipunls m tin- i l.iss iveii
i out erned Howev er I do not
know how tins information got
to ()I'S as I and other i l.iss
me nit MTS agreed to keep ituifi
dential w hat is disi ussed m
i lass ['he reason the (IPS offi
i els tame to ni\ class was to
talk with students about a se
ries ol h.uassments that main
ot them had suffered and whu h
were alreadv untler mvestiga
l'hese were entirelv unrel.it
ed to tile issue of the fliers 1
want to state emphatically that
it is of the utmost important e
to me that tin i lass he a place
of safety espec dally as it deals
with sensitive and painful is
sues ot harassment assault and
\adia I elsev
\\ omen s Studies
Name game
The I niiTiild \ polic \ on la
lading the fat lions in the de
hate over iht* right to abortion
"pro abortion and "anti abor
turn should lie i hanged Were
the dehate to lie over funding
art that some ma\ < all ohs< ene
would the / nirr.thl label them
"pro obscenity and anti oh
si enit\ " I don't think they
would, so their failure to .u i u
lately label the ta< turns in this
I ase makes them appear lilt on
sistent lhe\ should reiogni/e
that the right to a thing isn't
the thing Itself
The debate is over the right
to choose an abortion, and the
labels should reflet t till-. Sure
pro right to abortion is
< lumsv but "pro abortion is
mat i urate and does a dlssers
h e to (hose it tin’-' to label t’ei
haps the / nirr.ihl should use
pro < hoii e and anti i holt e in
S< oil Selllemier
Be happy
I n those w ho l* >*)k part m I hi'
protest against military rei ruit
nielli .it the I 'diversity on May
I "i Protesting is one thing but
burning <m Anierii .in flag is go
mg Ion f.ir I don't know if it
ever cw i lined to von people
hut nohodv is keeping you pris
oner here in Anieru .1 II you
don't like it here then go
idle,id .old leave You definitely
won't lie missed
|ust take .1 minute to think ol
all the fun pl.lt es you could go
to You could go to the Soviet
I ffiion and stand 111 line for
hours in order to Ims rotten
food ()i y ou could go to South
Aim a and deal w ith apartheid
And best of all you 1 ould let
on over to lr.n( and maybe even
kill some haloes yyitli Saddam
I ley the United States doe
sil t seem so had after all does
it' I'liere are so many people in
the world who would kill to
1 ome to America and have the
freedoms that you take for
granted every day I is ill admit
that the United States isn't per
feel hut no other i ountry
1 limes ( lose to it
I would like to encourage
those of you yv ho are ( 011 slant I y
protesting to lake some time
out from your incessant whin
mg and lie thankful for the free
doms and liberties that you
have m the I idled States
Si ott hshlemun
It is my intention to express
my gratitude toward the ASt ()
t dnldcare Administration and
respec live staff U ithout the
services of this group I don't
think I would he able to i .111
plete my edui ation Holli 'In
1 fnldi are subsidy program and
the quality of 1 are my two littli
girls have rei eived have made
my life and ni ndcmii pursuits
nine h easier I truly apprec iate
this program
It has been a great servin' to
me as a parent student The ad
ministration has always been
helpful regarding my childt drr
1 n•<-ifn My i hildren have a head
start on their education .is a re
Thank y mi AS! ( ) t Inldi are
I mi Moran
Last temptation
()n Iridav April a lane lie
(; id III dean ot students I.ailed
together a group of administra
tors to ilisi uss the thllversity s
response to offensive hut not
illegal liehavior \lisun (taker
i oordinator. Shirley W ilson
duel tin ot Counseling Center
( a rev I (ray ton. dint tor ol the
I ittn e ot Public Safetv lane
and I were present
\l tliat meeting I unei|uivo
tally stated that the distnhu
lion ot fliers do pit ting a patriot
missile vibrator and blow up
.foil ptiin lung hag thd not t on
stltute a V lolatioil ot the ( oil
tint t (aide I related that it
would he a shame tor the At I I
to come in ami dismantle out
( oiiilut t ( ode in response to
silt li a proser ul ion
Sint e that time I have been
tempted to tin tile dismantling
tin self
Marlene Orest her
Oiret lor
t )lln e td student \dynt at v
PCP reaction
To be a politically t oiret t
person (PCI*), von must he im
pervious to boredom anti bus
ballon l he enemies the PCP
, it ks you see are the least
halletigitlg intellet tually anti
t..e least likely to change no
titer how long anti hard you
i. tup them
\s their auger mounts and
their capat ity tor reason sags.
It l’s stumble i loser anil t loser
to a tmal solution to the red
net k problem whoops! Mel
In sve're in tin* middle of .1 hoi
in .iusl I),mg'
Mu* re,isons I seldom punish
jot ks ,md hillbillies anymore
•ind ,im growing sveary of tht
c orriN Ini'ss debate arc ses.
frustration and boredom Its
like arguing with dumb dogs I
will never be able to convince
them id the flaws in their in
nine value system much less
convert them to mine We don't
even speak the same language
Pius the brain begins to pin si
i alls shrivel after a while
Steve Perry is right 11)1)1
Mill 111 | The at live mind
moves on to othei tilings after
the novelty wears off l*t Ps in
e\ itahK get into trouble JO
sears down the road They find
themselves 111 middle age with
out a was to live Tiles find
that tiles have been spending
so mm h time hating their cn
emies and trying to determine
the i orris tness factors of their
emotions and behavior that
thes have lost the capai its for
Years of intellectual neglect
present them from pit king up
the pits es of their shattered
value ss stem and beginning
life 1 lies inevitably become
witios or Christians or commit
I odd Kishop
After reading sour letter Id
tu Brute 01)1 Mas 17), I was
hoping that I had misread you!
letter and simply missed that
this was merit to be satire or a
joke Upon rereading vour let
ter several times. I was still un
able to find the joke
I am not in any of the groups
you singled out in your letter
however I am still offended by
your degrading description of
those who fall m those catego
lies which you so laid
out for us
In my understanding, the
word patriotic (which you used
in your letter), is an aeljec the
meaning "one who is loyal to
and loves his her country
( aring about those in the ( mill
try and not wanting them to be
killed or maimed is patriotic
then You ( (aimed that these
people are your "avowed on
einies." and that seems very
unpatriotic to me
I feel very sorry for those
greeks whom you < rite i/.ed
bee ause they will probably be
labeled as "bigoted .end
"closed minded" along r\ith
y ou though they do care about
the rest of yvorld I mostly feel
sorry for y ou though bee ause
you will miss out on getting to
know some very spec ial peo
I only had to read about vour
views for five minutes, you
have to Jive with them J-t hours
a day that's punishment
I c\as noticing that your ma
jor is international relations
and 1 think y ou'd be a great am
bassador to another c ountry
Barbara \\ celling
I he Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all
letters t ontaining comments on topics of interest to the
l 'Diversity community
Letters to the editor must he limited to no more than
250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must he verified when the letter is submitted.
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