LETTERS Here’s the story I In- purpose of this letter is to make clear the historu al i ontexl m whir h the I 'Diversity ( )ffir;e of I’uhlit Safety i onilm t eil the r<*< ent investigation into the posters alleged to he hate i rimes At the time that the jiosteis first Ileg.in to appear on i am pus there were complaints that the posters represented hate i rimes direr ted against people of i olor and women When tin posters were brought to I’resi dent brand's attention he i on vened a group to re\ ieyy tin posters and dei ide what to do a hr nit them I he group i omened by the president i (insisted of the ever utive assistant to the president the SSI ’( ) president ,ind v u e president the diret tor of stu dent adviM ar y mvself as dirts tor of affirmative ar turn and eipial opportunity and the di ns loi of puhlii safely The group looked at tour posters on hiding the poster ( urrently under debate and dc ( ided that in our < ollts live opinion the posters might rise to the level of hate i runes dl listed toward minorities and women ft was on tills basis that the director of puliln safety was i barged with conducting a thorough investigation and identifying the person respon slide I linin' \\ mm Direr lor. I lllii c of Aflirmatiie \i lion .mil f ijo.il ()|>|>iiriii■■ 11\ Class role I <1111 writ mi! to i larifs rm role <*)k part m I hi' protest against military rei ruit nielli .it the I 'diversity on May I "i Protesting is one thing but burning • .-v-’ .w jrv - - KJWWMW5 J a* >. uVj»r I •IV'S’ > a Vs- j —___ _ I r 4'm n r'A'iwts ? .v'