Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Spirit world
I in thousands of years. per
Imps, Native A mericarts have
used |>eyote in their religious
( ereinonies
(Jut (’(institution protei is
these rights, and out treaties
fyvhu h have almost never lieen
honored by while people| at
firm ttieir rights as a sovereign
nation to govern then own at
(airs The anti drug people
speak trills of the dangers of
siibstaiK e abuse However, sse
shouldn't permit i ourt rulings
to slaughter the Native Amen
< an (.hutch
The nii'ilu me man ai Is as an
am hur tor the peyote sso
rshiper svheri they enter the
spoil world I'he worshiper
never confuses the spirit world
with the ss nh mg state
I’llis is where the <.usual user
gels into trouble bei ause he is
ai tuallv dreaming Nature has
given us sleep as a safely tea
lure to keep us from lumping
out of windows and driving
into lirii k walls I- vervone
knows lh,it when we dream wu
teel much better Dreams offer
us ,m opportunity to wolf
things out that otherwise are
impossible to work out in our
w ak mg stale
Where have all the buffalo
gone, mv brothers' When I was
(.old you lent me your coat and
ms heart was warm again
When I syas hungry and weak
you gave me meat and your
strength thundered through my
And even uoy\ I remembei
Nty heart is glad
<ieorge S/uatsek
Lower posters
I yyant the I'diversity admin
istrators that think they are Im o
|i ra/.v) parents to hums that I’m
grow ing up real fast and don t
need them to i ensor i anipus
posters for me
I also yyant them to know that
I'm growing up scared and sti
fil’d Imm iiusr thr\ .iif winking
h.irti lo i if.ilf I Ilf* Mi ( mills
I v | n • alinosphfrr I'vtt hf.irii
.ilimil I Iif .iilmimsli.ilors want
In harass and inlimulaif pfoph*
who pi’ai fftilh fxptfss an
opiiuun that ilifft’is from ihf
uni's lllfv imposf un others or
that might show itself In <1 iffi’i
it niiK thf aiimmisli.ilurs were
smart enough In know
A stnticnt whosf nanif has
not I iffn iflf.isftl iias In tii
hothered sim i- lantiurv hfi .him*
ilia V Ih’ shf was thf »m who
posit’d some tlifrs that wfrf no!
I spuki- a IfW months ago In
President Hrand ahoul ihf one
piohlfin I havf with postils
soitif art* plai fit loo high tor
short pfoplf tiki* nif to sfc Ilf
told ini’ that fVfii though In- is
thf president and oiif would
think lie d ha\i* a lot of puwer
hf really doesn't and Iif proha
blv (an t do anvthiug to makf
postfis niorf ai i fssihlf to stiorl
people ,iihI people in \\ hi•• • I
( hciirs
ll is strange the way Ins |iou
er j»r*-ss when lie s.m an nppor
lunils in suppress free expres
sion Ihe I,i( I lli.it ilic .ulminis
trators were able in come up
with ,i i barge against a student
misusing properly
(Iocs not |uslit\ their nutra
jjcmis behax nil
I urtltermorc you don't em
power the disadvantaged In ex
pandmg all \uur elforts react
iltg to their enemies
AI it *• Berry
Nnw lei me see the Women's
i enter has one of the largest
budgets among the student
groups on campus I hey are
against eipjalitv legislation IIIB
2rel4) and men's maga/mes
hut nut against women's nr gay
It you don't condone homo
sexuality you .ire automatically
labeled homophobe " al
though they don't consider
themselves heterophobii I hey
endorse magazines such as
"Women's Press ' which goes
into detail desi ribmg how
white heterosexual men should
be put on leashes" that all
men sexually assault < hildren.
and that men are tori ing worn
ell to be heterosexual by ecu
nomii sanctions They (unoffi
c lallvl enc:ourage their assoc i
ales to destroy any material
they don't like that may c irt.u
late around campus Does this
sound like genderism' '
l lus seems to have a ring ot
anti male activism Please i or
rei t me it I'm w rung on the
next point: This campus is
made up of roughly hall males
There aren't any serve es on
campus aimed to assist men in
any way Set we men are hay
i lift our lit money given to this
group llt.it i s politii ally mini'
in .itt.ii king nii'ii
Manx of thru servit es arc ex
tremelv important but they
have goni' too far in what they
<lo It they i annot get hat k to
tile realm of providing needed
services and away from ton ing
their IV fads and man bashing,
then their funding should be
w ithheld until they can
I'hese bigoted, prejudii nil
and sexist type activities
should not he funded hv the
college community regardless
if they are women, men. or
chipmunks (,ary Darby
Keiently George Hush asked
l idel Gastro for free elections
and freedom in Guha 1 didn't
knoxx Hush cared about tree
done human rights, anil jus
tire Ills at lions don't follow
Ins words
For example, he is putting
and keeping dii tators in power
such as Mubarrek of Kgypt. the
king of Saudi Arabia, and
Shikh til Kuwait The best ex
umples of tiis lack of < are for
human life are the killings of
innocent Iraqi civilians xvho
were asked by him to over
throw Saddam Hussein's re
gime and restoring the butcher
of the Mideast (Saddam) to
power Also, supporting Sad
dam in eight years of war
against Iran letting him use
all kinds of destructive xveap
onrv sut Ii .is i hemical gas
against Ins own people and
Iranian troops
its side selectively’ and accord
mg to ils needs How can Bush
talk alrout a free society when
he didn't allow the press to tell
the truth to the American peo
pie about the massacre and
crimes against humanity in
I wonder how anyone can
trust the former head of the
Ali heyhan-lard
International Student
Religious recovery program appeals to many
By Michael Goldrick
Several months ago I re
i eisi'ii ,i plume i .ill inun .1
young man wlni expressed Ins
1 mu crn about tin- importance
(il using Rational KmntiseTher
apy (KMT) tc< hniipies in work
mg with all nhnlii amt otlici
drug addicted nuliviilu.ils lit*
expressed some 1 mu erns alimit
the madeipi.K \ ol the language
of the I«! Steps ol Ah oholit
Awmvmmis I responded In
telling him of my own consul
erahie exponent o w ith and ap
pret iatioil for Kl I and of niv
own scan h tor new wavs to oh
\iate some oi the problems
with the higher pnwm is
peits ol thi' anonymous pro
grams, espet tails for those non
theists who initially snspei t .1
hidden religions agenda
I immediately invited him to
meet W ith me <it the Sal red
Heart Vdolesi ent Ket overs Pro
gram si! \KI’) tai ilils so 1h.1t I
might lean.) what he hail to ol
ter in this regard His initial re
spon.se surprised mr Hi' said
tli.it In' didn't think th.it I
would want tu t.ilk with Inin
.mil tll.lt 111' W.IS astlllllslll'li .It
tin' I act th.it hc frequently cm
pln\ Kl I tiilinkpicN in ttc.it
incut .it si IAKI*
In .in effort tn convince him
lli.it I w.is seriously interested
in pursuing the conversation I
im itcil linn tu li.ivc him i
SI l.\K|' .mil him kcil init sen
hums nn m\ i .ili'iulci tu .ilhm
iiinplc time tur the i om. sa
t Hill
\t this meeting the young
m, ill appeared rigid. guarded
.mil very tense .is he railed
against the 'religions focus ot
the 1J Step . iiiuii\mulls pin
grams 1 shared with linn im
nw n exponent es as a mental
health wurkei in the early
Hints when lot a period ol
years I refused In send m\ al
luhulii ( lients to \\ and \A
meetings fur mam of the same
reasuiis he was presenting tu
I related tu him an unfortu
n, ite nit idfilt when I refericd a
vuuiig Jewish client tu one of
these meetings only tu he tuhl
In him Ihr next dev that the
meeting ended with the Lord's
I’ldVel ItWasOIlK SIX Veals lal
er Ih.it I i .line to understand
that the helmVIU1 was out o!
hue in cording to the traditions
.it A A and should never have
In i allowed to happen I hail
tin- i out the bain with the
!ia! ii it ater
M. personal triendship with
-it heist Ii ( olleague (w ho
■ e I to judge In the wav he
ited others I would t (insider
to he one ot the most "Lliris
I mu men I i e e\ er met | con
limed me to take anotllei look
at these programs and their
utilitv tin main perhaps not
all men and women who were
able to at I ept the powerless
ness ol their controlling their
Use ot mind and mood altering
drugs hut who wanted no part
ot abandoning their personal
responsibilitv for even other
aspect of their lives
I had hoped to receive from
mv visitor some information or
therapeutii ter hnirpies tor el
tei tivelv dealing w ith r heini
i .111 v dependent individuals
t idortunatelv Ins approm h to
the problem in quite narrow
and ligni
I had hoped that he would
have heard me when 1 men
tlotted that re< mei\ from
i heimcal dependent \ in sigmfi
t anlly more involved than (Iin
continuing the uni- of the
abuNfti substance I'nless one
lets go of "all or noth
mg bhu k or wbite thinking
one will be forever bent on in
NiNlmg that 'm\ rationale in the
only itat I believe that we all
have It it n ot thlllgN to recover
from int hiding our addiction
to om own opinion
I personally appret late that
A A and \A have helped more
people tlleistN and non-theists
alike letover Irom alcohol and
other psycho-active substance
addiction than anv other pm
i ess in Amerii a I haw also
met some rather unhealthv in
tliviihitils who insist th.it it in
the uni\ it.it lust as I have met
Nome who believe that KFTI in
the onh n.n 1 also Iwdieve that
this kind o! thinking w ill drive
a person to drink so to speak
I know too that A A and \A
have historu allv heen tar less
mii i essful with adolescent al
coholt* s ami addicts than with
adults which is wh\ m treat
ment at SHARP we approach
tin- complex problems oi the
suhstam e abuse die depres
Mini tile sexual and physical
abuse issues with a battery
of psyc htilogu al and psvi hiat
in tools and approaches
There are many wavs to ap
proach treatment of chemically
dependent adolescents and
adults because there are many
personal pretermit es and he
lifts among recovering individ
uals At SHARP we tr\ to meet
the individual needs of eat h
patient Treatment techniques
are derived Irum a variety of of
methodologies Our success
has come through integrating
ideas and needs of w idely varv
lug gioii|is and individuals It
is hoped that concerned mem
Ih-is ol the communitv w ill he
willing to participate in this in
tegration process to improve lo
cal services partit ipaling in
creating community rather than
seeming bent on destruction
\tit had CuldrU k is tin■ di
rrilnr ol thi' sat ret/ llr.iri Ailo
lost ml h‘i‘( <n rr\ Program