LETTERS Spirit world I in thousands of years. per Imps, Native A mericarts have used |>eyote in their religious ( ereinonies (Jut (’(institution protei is these rights, and out treaties fyvhu h have almost never lieen honored by while people| at firm ttieir rights as a sovereign nation to govern then own at (airs The anti drug people speak trills of the dangers of siibstaiK e abuse However, sse shouldn't permit i ourt rulings to slaughter the Native Amen < an (.hutch The nii'ilu me man ai Is as an am hur tor the peyote sso rshiper svheri they enter the spoil world I'he worshiper never confuses the spirit world with the ss nh mg state I’llis is where the <.usual user gels into trouble bei ause he is ai tuallv dreaming Nature has given us sleep as a safely tea lure to keep us from lumping out of windows and driving into lirii k walls I- vervone knows lh,it when we dream wu teel much better Dreams offer us ,m opportunity to wolf things out that otherwise are impossible to work out in our w ak mg stale Where have all the buffalo gone, mv brothers' When I was (.old you lent me your coat and ms heart was warm again When I syas hungry and weak you gave me meat and your strength thundered through my veins And even uoy\ I remembei Nty heart is glad