Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    Faculty policy focus of hearing
By Lisa Millegan
I'liiversitv t iff ii i. i! ui.iilii like C ■ v; i • l t • • i i! >. 11 k
(iii .i proposed polii \ to regulate t.» ulli .lime
spent nil non i mversiH related .ii tiiitics \ put)
I ii hearing on tin j ■ I .i i i will bo held tomorrow .it •
p in m tin' I All (iumwood Room
Designed bv the 1 hiiversitv s Ion nltv I’rivate
Sim tor Activities ( Ulldelines ( oilllillttee the poll
i\ covers issues ranging from definitions ol ap
propriate .ind in.ippiopn.ite outside professiou.il
.ii tivities to how nuiiiv d.ivs pet week i l.u iilt.v
meuiber m.lV work ill outside business and pus
sible penalties for i onliii ts of interest
rite .itin is to a\old eth'ii <d and legal i oiiflii Is
and to ensure that sin h activities do not ( onflii t
with the proper ill si barge ol lim ersit\ lespollsi
bilities said |udith Brookshire i'liiversitv re
scare h compliant e i oordinator
All (Iregon law passed last vear requires all
state colleges to implement a < (inflict lrf interest
polii \ (uirrentlv the I’liiversitv has no written
guidelines regarding f.u nlt\ members outside
prolession.il ai tivities
The proposed polii v does not (list outage tai ul
l\ members from pursuing outside interests
Ai i ordmg to the plan su< Ii ai tivities i ontrib
ule to the advancement ot tile l.u ult\ member s
prolession I.)il<I i provide and opportunity tm pin
tessmnal growth through inter.11 tioii \v itli itvcius
! r\ business government ,uul other institutions
i.t mu leti However the policy says the primary
professional loyalty nl lull time tat tills members
must be In the t tm ersit v
It a !a< ultv person s outside professional ni
Indies are taking away time to the extent that the
person obviously. is not no in 14 to be able In 'fulfill
the funi tJon iit his or her position, then that situ
alum potentially would be invest igateii as Ians
inn a possible 1 onlln t ol interest Hrookshire
I he polii v allow s ear h department the leeway
to dei ide what faculty It 11V tiles 1 oils! It Utl a . on
tin I of interest
I aiultv memliers students ami 1 ommundv
memhers may examine the polity proposal dor
11 in regular business hours in the uffir.es of the
president yit 0 presidents deans and department
In ails and in the reserye set tion ol (lie t inverse
ty s Knight 1 ihrary
Written 1 omments 1 an he tiled with tin vite
presuient for researi h h\ . p m tomorrow 111
Koom 112 of lohnson Hall
Ihe I at nlty 1*11\ ate Set tor Yrlivities (adde
lines 1 omnilltee is expel led to make a (lei isum
oil the proposal two weeks alter I he Ileal i ng
Student receives Fulbright grant
OSl’IKt, wants your garbage
The group is asking students tu
bring noil r«•< v< table materials
to its table in the fXfl' l,obbv
on Wedncsdas to sbm\ support
tor ,i state bill that would e\
pand rei vc ling programs in Or
()SI’IK(i w ill take the gar
hage. ai l ompaiued In notes
troll) students to slate repre
sentatives in Salem to encour
age them to vole tor Senate Hill
titi l 'ndei pros isions of the
lull i it les ot more than 4 000
people would have to offer
i urliside receding programs;
st.ite and local governments
would have to buy more ret \
i led produi Is including paper
tires and oil, and industries
would have to use newsprint
glass and plastu containers
with a tngliei percentage of re
i \ i led ( (intent
t he ASI () Student Senate
and fcXei utive are ai ( epting ap
plit ations toi student reptesen
latives for University stu
dent (at tilts cominittees tor the
loot ‘12 at ademii yeai More
than 00 positions are open on
2tt com 111 it lees that oversee
sui h matters as acadeinu re
(|uirenients environmental at
lairs minnritl edmation and
student i oiidui l < .ommittee
si/e and workload r ar\
Applications are available in
I:Ml' Suite 4. deadline is Iri
d,l\ A senate committee will
review applicants and A SI ()
President elr< I lenmfer Hills
will approve the appointments
I'niversits senior 1 linstopher
Stems ssas awarded a I nlhiight
grant to stmlv in (lermarn dur
mg the l'i'il uj ac adeuiu sear
.Siems will graduate m June
with a ha< lielor ot arts degree
m international business and
tu'rman and a minor m Hum
ness administration
As a l-'ulbright si holat la
ss 111 st uds internalional ei o
tioillli sat t lie I' it IS e i s it s ol
About I ,HO(l I 1 S students
leat hers and st liolars will lias
el abroad next aiadetllU seal to
studs teat It or i tuldii't re
sc.in I) .is part of the 1'■ \car "lit
f ulhright Program
I tnversitv iiinior |ohn Htg
gins is line nf Id undergradti
ates hi the nation awarded .1
fellowship to the 1'1‘lf Hill knell
Sellllll,11 till 'l iillllgel f’nels
The monthlong seminar is
sponsored f 1 \ Hin knell t’nivei
sits in l.euistmrg I’enn and
features fhilit/er prize w inning
poet l.rniis Simpson among
oilier writers
Higgins won the 1*1(10 I.ane
literals \ward tor Poetrs last
tall and lead from Ins work at
the \V 1 ilei s at the Unit pro
gram during the Kugetie (ale
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A forum featuring:
* State Senator (irattan Reruns
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Kducation and Research ('enter
John Moselev. I 0 N ice President Kor Research
^ Tuesday, May 21 ►
7:00pm ‘
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l‘i (■'unit'll h\ ( i nit t rn ft / / iii ult \ for I’ttitt tint I hi si it t
^_ ^
Faculty, Staff, and (Graduate Student*
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A workshop on alternative employment through grant
seeking and consulting addressing the following topic*:
• Funding for Graduate Study and Item-arch
• Service* offered hy Item-arch A Sponsored Program*
• How to lln-nk into the Grant* Market
• Where to I^ook for Grant-Writing Expertise
• University Policy on External Consulting
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