Faculty policy focus of hearing By Lisa Millegan I'liiversitv t iff ii i. i! ui.iilii like C ■ v; i • l t • • i i! >. 11 k (iii .i proposed polii \ to regulate t.» ulli .lime spent nil non i mversiH related .ii tiiitics \ put) I ii hearing on tin j ■ I .i i i will bo held tomorrow .it • p in m tin' I All (iumwood Room Designed bv the 1 hiiversitv s Ion nltv I’rivate Sim tor Activities ( Ulldelines ( oilllillttee the poll i\ covers issues ranging from definitions ol ap propriate .ind in.ippiopn.ite outside professiou.il .ii tivities to how nuiiiv d.ivs pet week i l.u iilt.v meuiber m.lV work ill outside business and pus sible penalties for i onliii ts of interest rite .itin is to a\old eth'ii