Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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In response In till* li'tler ii'
garding la-shian (liiy <imi Hi
sexual I’rule Week iIIDI'. May
Ax an organizer of Hride
U i'i'k I thank mu lnr your in
put Tin' lesbian. (.ay and Hi
sexual Alliam •' [formerly
(. A! A i apprcr i.ilrx all i mn
incuts ahoul nut cy cuts
In tail the Issues you ad
dressed in yuur lellcr are rum
IIHillly dlsi ussed among lieleru
sexu.lls and homosexuals I
would like III deal yyilli these
issues |nun Iy\ ii jaunts of view
As an organi/ei I state tor
the lei mil that the stli ker i am
paign in ijiicstiun yvas nut
jilauned as part id I’r ule U eek
Itle sin kers may lie nlilaiued
lliiili cither (Jueej Nation i if I II
gone hi the Hurl land liascd Had
ii al At tixist Truth Sipiad
Holli groups had sales hnutlis
at the (Juoei l est and festival
goers i mild liny the stli keis m
nut as they i house \s for tile
lest ut the week I feel tll.lt the
ireation ol understanding y\us
ai i iini1111shed. judging from
positive responses yy e hay e le
i.cly ed
1‘efsnnalls I was thrilled In
Imw many offensive stickers
worn present I sing qileerls
slim king slogans is about wak
ini’ sm acts il|) In lls own prole
Inns Somi' queers am limit n(
educating. sshuh often means
i ushiomng I lit* blow I am mil
Imre In hutln comfort /ones I
do not < imsiiler meekness In be
the most elfei live was of i real
tog .1 Ingot! s tree w ni Id
In i (inclusion. I lee! Ilia! both
Ibe "off n lal 1'rnle \\ eek anil
the unoflii lal displays of queer
p! nle w ere sm i esses Hill
llianks again lor the i ommeii
Marina H nil
( o-direi lor. I I >H A
In ins last letter to Ibe I'nirr
aid. publisbeil in jnnnars I
asked President Ibaml to i larils
Im me exaills which forms ol
speei h are pmbilnted on the
I ins emits i ampus
I le i hose not to respond per
sonalls bul I ares Ihaslnn. di
ret lot ol the Office ol Public
S.ilels and I lame I aeene ibe
f'niversltvs student i iindut I
mill? i.onriiindtor. have given
us u port la I answer in I hi* I mrt
u/(/ I’n1 s ici • -nl Mvles brand
iltfiiotini ed thil ai turns of any
one who ssages .1 war of halo
against ifioso of different siess'
or i ultures
Thiil serais fairls reasonable
War is OK in its |d.ii o llraq lor
insl,mto| Imi it probabls does
not belong on I In- I ‘iii\ i-rsil \
i iiinpus
Pursuant to the stamping out
of wars (in i a in pus 1.100110 and
liras ton inform us ( ll’S lias in
torviewod marls OKI mdrsiil
uals. and fill'd student (on
dui t i odo 1 barges against one
ol them for posting a liter \
flier protesting the war I ho
one 111 Iraq
I Ins Ke\stone 1 moods ol in
(i impel e in e, wasted el fort and
vtml 11 In e liu({(Miners would he
ss hulls laughahle and i 0111
mendelds amusing ss ere it not
lot three fai ts
One. it has oust tens of thou
sands ot dollars 1 ss o bland
and his hem hpersons appear
both willing and able to sort
ousls m|iiri‘ then hapless s 11
tun in order to prose a point
ssliuli tlies (annul eson state
(leails Ihree soinetlllK* soon
brand is going to have to ex
plain to some people up in So
lom sslis tlies should make
deep (Ills 111 state servii es to
provide more funds tor the
three ring ( in us he s running
here 111 I ugelie
t hat ss ill lie .in (Hc asion tor
|erome Berry lull
I'ln sic s
Pass the Buck
In response Id Jennifer An h
i l s letter |()l>l M.i\ H)
She i mild probably mantpu
I,ilf .1 iinr page paper into Ihri1*'
pact's b\ using five-inch mar
gills Iriplc sparing ami giant
sl/r type but I doubt that too
many professors or (111 s
would tall for it
In rase she hasn't notued
ne live in a six lets where good
writing takes a bar kseat to |ust
about every olhei torm of ioiii
inunii ation. 1‘sper rally to tele
vision and the other visual
I'll bet th.it a lot ol t hliversity
students i an barely ( ome up
with a i oherent well organized
DeMoci^nc Inform Cones v> Kmmt*.
<A>o iVv/ir
s>» :ivw .tdlj ineyi/^, it***
till)1 page p.i|Mir mnt li less
three pages of good work
Some students < .in barely
w rile t oherent letters to this p.i
per Mavbe we shoultl also stop
reading hooks in college lie
t ause vim sure i all t learn these
important sot lal skills" In
reading Ixxiks like Puradise
And while we're at it why
not throw out journalism, lie
t ause vs ho realls learns any
thing of great value In reading
.1 new spiiper'
Stev e Hut k
I nglish
Mother nature
I <>i every benefit we iifti\i‘
Irum Mother Nature or for ev
its ilt’viation (ruin her agenda,
she levies insls plus penalties
for ineffil loin \ arrogance and
delayed pas ment
In eftei t she keeps a ledger
utilizing and enfnn ing hei
bookkeeping equation ■ osl .
benefit (<ir ileviation) penal
ties Humanity ignores denies
transfers or defers i osts and
penalties whenever possible
hut Mothei Nature always rail
lei ts and balani es her ledger
Aberrations or afflii lions art*
rusts levied fi\ nature in re
spouse to deviations from her
agenda She ind 1st riminatels
<•xtr.ii Is pa\ incut ' .11 mg not for
individual justice Kxamples
an Down's Sviidrumc. diabetes
and homosexualilv . I rum obser
vations ul nature I have bei unie
convinced that homosexual it%
is ail alienation a 1 ust that is
n< 1.rued in response to genetii
six ed or environmental pertur
bullous to Mother Nature's pro
1 ess and that she applies im
mense assoi luted arrogant e
penalties to all ol humanitv
Inving the victims and hat
ing the aberration «e trv to
I lire other alllii lions bv search
II iK for and eliminating the
1 mist* Hut homusexuahtv is ai
iepted. promoted and extolled
and therefore comes arrogant e
penalties in< hiding All IS
AIDS is an epuleinu that was
brought upon us b\ male ho
unisexual activits and spread
to heterosexual societv In
bisexuals'' and intravenous
drug users AIDS could evolve
more deadly more 1 ominunii a
hie forms as other diseases
have l-'.verv human on this
planet is m< reusmgK at risk be
i arise we ret use to squarely t.n e
tiie aberration of homose\uaii
t\ liei ause ue refuse to re
tnembei that Motliei Nature al
ways balam.es hei ledger
Karl Dill
Students living ill greek
houses live and soi ialize al
most exclusively with people
that share a common set ot v.d
lies 1 his 1 feel, is obvious
My understanding is that the
greek system allows students to
establish connections that will
aid then i hanc es ol someduv
making "good tnones Hut in
a heterogeneous world does
the greek system offer exposure
to an adequate diversity of val
lies to aid students to he good
I lie answer to this question
could he more important than
one might think
David Iiiius
A I inn n us
The Oiviinn l)<iil\ Ijnrr.ihl will attempt Id print .ill
letters ionl.*iiunp comment:. on topic *> ot miriest Id the
I 'mversitx (omnumiK llie I'iiuthIiI reserves the rinlil
to rilil .mv leilei loi length m style
Hatzantonis’ daughter asks friends to share memories
By Chrisianthi M Hat^antonis
I.ift* never seems ipnto long enough
u lii'n ,i family Iricfuls i olleagucs stu
di'iils .mil .t i ommumts lust's someone
will) tcllK Ill'll till' lues of til,iii\ As the
daughtoi of Professor Kmmanuel
ll.it/antoins I aril proud to sav that tic
was the best father, friend and mentor 1
roil Id have asked lor I miss him overs
d.is and thank him for all that he taught
I write this letter with a heavy heart
Mthough I am not able to i hange vvh.it
has oil lured I would like to take the
time to share some wonderful memories
with, tile people who meant so mm h t>
him \ 1 y first memories ot ms lather'and
tin- l nisersits go h.u k to childhood
when he would take me there to sit with
iftu e
.Hid I remembei thinking "when I i;nm
up 1 want in go to lhe University so I
i.oi get 11'' cream even day from
Dad "
Well 1 iliil attend the University I
didn t net an ii e cream evervdav. hut 111
stead had the opportunity to study mi
der (in my opinion) the best professor
and department 1 was very fortunate to
see my dad doing what he lined shai
inn tos know ledge and experieni ex w ith
all ol his students All of you meant the
world to him I can remember driving
y\ith him on campus and as we passed
the students he would always say to me
He i .ireful Don't flit any ot tin- stu
dents We need all yyei an net
! have never met another professor
yy in - lined teaching as mill ll as itlV la
tfier He would get e\< ited every time
he Its lured about Dante and I i an n
meiutier last veal turn lie yy is mi proud
that his freshmen humanities i nurse
gave him a standing ovation llix eyes
were so bright and full ol x igot when he
stood in front of his students and Its
Itirt*d He loved his work <md wanted .ill
who (.line m iont.li t with him lo share
th.it love lor language literature and
lile We all will miss that walk talk
and smiling (are that crossed the I’m
varsity campus lor ill years
\ml so the ipiestion remains I low do
vou sav goodhve to someone who meant
so mm h to the people lie i arne in con
tail with whether contai t lasted tor
onlv an hour or lasted tor veals ’ I would
hope that none ol vou completely sav
goodhve tor he left eat ll one ot us with
special and vivid memories ot his time
\ 11 ot vou who knew him enabled
him to he the loving caring, humorous
stubborn wonderful triend tathei and
mentoi for without ail ol vou, main ot
die memorable moments in his life
wouldn't have existed He was atlii to
find the good in each and every one ot
us and always believed m our true rape
hdities ! know he gave main ol us ai
tunes tatherlv adv n e (which tor some
reason was alvv ns right tor me I which
helped many ot us realize arid seize op
portunities we never dreamed possible
I or those ol vou who knew him. I
thank vou lor lieing there lor him to en
jov each of your unique and loving per
sonalities lor .ill of you who would
have know n him I sax w ith inui h pain
that you were robbed of that beautiful
exponent e
I'here are h i years of memories and I
hope eai'h of you remembers those and
may e.u h of you beneld in some magni
tude from them he would have want
eil that l‘o ms father wherever you
may b< you are greatly missed and I
will ahx ay s loy e y ou.
If you would like to share some of
youi special memories y\ith me or the
family please rail ot ssrite a letter it
would tie greatly apprei lated lor those
o' you who have. thunk you
! tin‘••ml hi \l Hatzantonis is ihr
tid u/lhtt'i ill /’ro/essor hmm.inucl
H.it/jnlnnis \!rmnnr> nm i hr < on
revet/ In her nt ~HH summit Hhil
Sfinngiirld ‘i~-l"' .