EDITORIAL Success In response In till* li'tler ii' garding la-shian (liiy H A Clowns In ins last letter to Ibe I'nirr aid. publisbeil in jnnnars I asked President Ibaml to i larils Im me exaills which forms ol speei h are pmbilnted on the I ins emits i ampus I le i hose not to respond per sonalls bul I ares Ihaslnn. di ret lot ol the Office ol Public S.ilels and I lame I aeene ibe f'niversltvs student i iindut I mill? i.onriiindtor. have given us u port la I answer in I hi* I mrt u/(/ I’n1 s ici • -nl Mvles brand iltfiiotini ed thil ai turns of any one who ssages .1 war of halo against ifioso of different siess' or i ultures Thiil serais fairls reasonable War is OK in its |d.ii o llraq lor insl,mto| Imi it probabls does not belong on I In- I ‘iii\ i-rsil \ i iiinpus Pursuant to the stamping out of wars (in i a in pus 1.100110 and liras ton inform us ( ll’S lias in torviewod marls OKI mdrsiil uals. and fill'd student (on dui t i odo 1 barges against one ol them for posting a liter \ flier protesting the war I ho one 111 Iraq I Ins Ke\stone 1 moods ol in (i impel e in e, wasted el fort and vtml 11 In e liu({(Miners would he ss hulls laughahle and i 0111 mendelds amusing ss ere it not lot three fai ts One. it has oust tens of thou sands ot dollars 1 ss o bland and his hem hpersons appear both willing and able to sort ousls m|iiri‘ then hapless s 11 tun in order to prose a point ssliuli tlies (annul eson state (leails Ihree soinetlllK* soon brand is going to have to ex plain to some people up in So lom sslis tlies should make deep (Ills 111 state servii es to provide more funds tor the three ring ( in us he s running here 111 I ugelie t hat ss ill lie .in (Hc asion tor laughter |erome Berry lull I'ln sic s Pass the Buck In response Id Jennifer An h i l s letter |()l>l M.i\ H) She i mild probably mantpu I,ilf .1 iinr page paper into Ihri1*' pact's b\ using five-inch mar gills Iriplc sparing ami giant sl/r type but I doubt that too many professors or (111 s would tall for it In rase she hasn't notued ne live in a six lets where good writing takes a bar kseat to |ust about every olhei torm of ioiii inunii ation. 1‘sper rally to tele vision and the other visual aids I'll bet th.it a lot ol t hliversity students i an barely ( ome up with a i oherent well organized DeMoci^nc Inform Cones v> Kmmt*. WHO WANTS TO SKJ THIS m1 IN SWVTZCRIAND?... Italy?.... o iVv/ir s>» :ivw .tdlj ineyi/^, it*** till)1 page p.i|Mir mnt li less three pages of good work Some students < .in barely w rile t oherent letters to this p.i per Mavbe we shoultl also stop reading hooks in college lie t ause vim sure i all t learn these important sot lal skills" In reading Ixxiks like Puradise lout And while we're at it why not throw out journalism, lie t ause vs ho realls learns any thing of great value In reading .1 new spiiper' Stev e Hut k I nglish Mother nature I <>i every benefit we iifti\i‘ Irum Mother Nature or for ev its ilt’viation (ruin her agenda, she levies insls plus penalties for ineffil loin \ arrogance and delayed pas ment In eftei t she keeps a ledger utilizing and enfnn ing hei bookkeeping equation ■ osl . benefit ( ot miriest Id the I 'mversitx (omnumiK llie I'iiuthIiI reserves the rinlil to rilil .mv leilei loi length m style FORUM Hatzantonis’ daughter asks friends to share memories By Chrisianthi M Hat^antonis I.ift* never seems ipnto long enough u lii'n ,i family Iricfuls i olleagucs stu di'iils .mil .t i ommumts lust's someone will) tcllK Ill'll till' lues of til,iii\ As the daughtoi of Professor Kmmanuel ll.it/antoins I aril proud to sav that tic was the best father, friend and mentor 1 roil Id have asked lor I miss him overs d.is and thank him for all that he taught me Commentary I write this letter with a heavy heart Mthough I am not able to i hange vvh.it has oil lured I would like to take the time to share some wonderful memories with, tile people who meant so mm h t> him \ 1 y first memories ot ms lather'and tin- l nisersits go h.u k to childhood when he would take me there to sit with iftu e .Hid I remembei thinking "when I i;nm up 1 want in go to lhe University so I i.oi get 11'' cream even day from Dad " Well 1 iliil attend the University I didn t net an ii e cream evervdav. hut 111 stead had the opportunity to study mi der (in my opinion) the best professor and department 1 was very fortunate to see my dad doing what he lined shai inn tos know ledge and experieni ex w ith all ol his students All of you meant the world to him I can remember driving y\ith him on campus and as we passed the students he would always say to me He i .ireful Don't flit any ot tin- stu dents We need all yyei an net ! have never met another professor yy in - lined teaching as mill ll as itlV la tfier He would get e\< ited every time he Its lured about Dante and I i an n meiutier last veal turn lie yy is mi proud that his freshmen humanities i nurse gave him a standing ovation llix eyes were so bright and full ol x igot when he stood in front of his students and Its Itirt*d He loved his work nm i hr < on revet/ In her nt ~HH summit Hhil Sfinngiirld ‘i~-l"' .