Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1991, Page 16, Image 15

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By Robert Weber
-s •
In dtt ««*^»• whrr»* .1 t»f golf umi
»illv < onsisls of S >u ^in'ii ftm*s ,in<i stv
hour rounds nn poork k»*pt m.imil.n
tim'd (oiirsts it’s nut* to know tlr.it
pl.ii IS llkr I I I r .lll-i'
(lull ( lot) Mill nvisl
r'Vi‘11 if 11 is .til
hum s ilnvi hum I u
I .in iti'ii ! m ilus
u.ist oi I nKfiif 111
lihiv Kiwi Tnkali'i
Inis I'.irilfil ij irpuhi
I mn Hu r i in; its 2 1
WWI s Ilf I'Wstl lll ■■ ,ls
uni- nf (tn* must I'liinv.ltili* mil M I-IHI
It' linlr lesls III will! Ill I Jregnn .uni lire
■ uiinti \
I I,i it HI vard iiiiiiM- lOniiniH-s in
pile up si.ill .mil nadonwnh au.ml-,
ini hiding ri*i i*nl Inmurs 11 k * - lie In-si
|iul)ln iiiutsi in |hi \iirllm. .1 ih.n k
Xmr I'lH'i) .uni inn- uf Ann-fii i s (up
|iuhln iotirsi** l(-oil llifirst I'l'HJJ
\.i! (i i us 11 ■ i.i ,i partnei nf I .instill.i
I anil and I mibi-r in f ugene anil the
Mill- iiutii’i ul tlw course thought uf
Ink.1 fi*i* as something fnu and rxi Him:
In ill. '.vln*n In- In-gall building tin- front
snli- in rinli v\tlh de-ngnei I -d Kriliin
sun mi Miini' of tin- .tBO at re ram ft land
In owns hi I In- Him- Kivet an-a
Win u 1 slatted mil d "-is mini- ul a
huhln h im uf tiling lint I dm idl'd that
if I was going to do it I might as wull
tin il right said (iiuslina an avtd
i-ighl hamlii apper who said In finds
linn- li pla\ Inkati-i- a! It.ml .ini- ..
lin k during tin- suinimn
After tin- hai k sidi- was i nmpleted in
lu ll I nkati-i- In-gall In draw alli-nllun
with ds lii-atililul sotting, natural lav
out and minim iilah- i unilitinns
W'hilt- tin- hi'.iutiful sotting is sunn
thing lliat came with (ho tomtorv the
lavout and condition nf tin- ramrsi- an
luu l.n Inis that l.iuslma and In-ad pin
Mnkov Sullivan belieii sols lukalm
apai I Iruiii utlior i umsi-s
I think things liavo In look natural
mi lln- course.' (nustiua saitl 1 like
llu- uav (.ml mailt- it
Sullivan, wliu has boon running the
dav In dav gulling upniaduiis fur I ho
past l‘l wars, couldn't agree more
about what makes l okalee a spet nil
plu< r to plav gol!
l ive layout of th« i oursr tits in
lif,mtifulIv with tin- land and thr
trri’s Sullivan said Vat s standards
air hif(h and thosr air thr mildrliitrs
W r (JO l>\
F hr I (llldltinll l it thr I oursr IS 14rr.it
I \ I 1 I II ■ 1 I I • III Ui HM
f est it ret nu's while
the i (mist is ( loseil
f.r«»m \<»\ 1 '’i t** I * t>
1 * * v r r\ vim!
The rest l‘ir tin*
golf ( our Sr real I \
helps keep it MU e
Sullivan sa iii It
helps cut down on
ami teat
the w i at
11it v;fi-t• n- mil (hanging
the i ups positions daily during dir
Mlilllllil Is i ■ v pt*lis l y e (.itlstmu sit id.
lull il helps ease tin burden brought
mi Ii\ roughly to (KM) gnlli‘1 s .1 year
M;ini .ills we du a good tub of
maintaining tin i.ouf>r (bustina
said "We spend die money we have
to spend !o keep il in good shape and
We dun I \\ asle money
1 iikatee is 111 die prut ess ul being
lenoy.ited with the building ul a new
pro shop and an updating id the
i nurse's iirigalion sy stem
Work mi the irrigation system lias
begun and should be i oiupleted In the
end ul the Miinniei while work on the
new pro shop whit’ll is to im bide an
odii i a lid i niter shop fn addition to a
pro shop area is r\pe< led to begin
shortly and should be finished by next
While winning awards rspet tally
on the national level helps bring
people to lokiitei t.iustma helirvrs
word ul luoulll IS still tile lamrse s best
form ul .ulvertising It is with that bi
llet that (diistina offers a half-pritr
disi mild to >tl 1 t tillege students with
stuilent uientifn .dion
(been tees are S-’J lot 18 holes and
Sit ttu nine holes but students mu
play 18 boles during the st Imol year
Im St I and nine holes lor ST Tee
limes .ire reeum mended throughout
the yyeek and i am ellatinns should be
i ailed 111 order In allow niore golteis til
enjoy Ink.dee Sillily,ill salt!
We'yr had the student rates from
rurn it TOKATEE Page 17
'/d/M uultrrn /i.nr rn/<n n/ f>la\in# the Ink.itrr (,olt ( nurse
( vnlrr photo Tokati'f
hr.ul pm Wit kr\ Sulh
\.tn (tu'hirul t ountvr)
svlls a shirt to W.trk
h Irminn
Photos by
Mark Ylen
I hr / /i ire S inters Mountains ,ur in /»/.#//! \ir\\ tin unltm s on I akaler
s btn k nine
Thar's Right! All YOU Can
Possibly 1-AT Of
The Best Pi//a
This Side Of Anywhere
M F 11 a m. 1 p.m.
1809 Franklin • 484-2799
South Eugene
* Sports Injuries
* Stress Reduction
* Chronic Postural
Dr. Frank F. Muhr
396 E. 18th St.
683-9070 v tJd
Student rates
Near Campus
on campus
—S 213» • $r* I « >«►