Terrific Tokatee By Robert Weber -s • In dtt ««*^»• whrr»* .1 t»f golf umi »illv < onsisls of S >u ^in'ii ftm*s ,in\ F hr I (llldltinll l it thr I oursr IS 14rr.it I \ I 1 I II ■ 1 I I • III Ui HM f est it ret nu's while the i (mist is ( loseil f.r«»m \<»\ 1 '’i t** I * t> 1 * * v r r\ vim! The rest l‘ir tin* golf ( our Sr real I \ helps keep it MU e Sullivan sa iii It helps cut down on ami teat the w i at 11it v;fi-t• n- mil (hanging the i ups positions daily during dir Mlilllllil Is i ■ v pt*lis l y e (.itlstmu sit id. lull il helps ease tin burden brought mi Ii\ roughly to (KM) gnlli‘1 s .1 year M;ini .ills we du a good tub of maintaining tin i.ouf>r (bustina said "We spend die money we have to spend !o keep il in good shape and We dun I \\ asle money 1 iikatee is 111 die prut ess ul being lenoy.ited with the building ul a new pro shop and an updating id the i nurse's iirigalion sy stem Work mi the irrigation system lias begun and should be i oiupleted In the end ul the Miinniei while work on the new pro shop whit’ll is to im bide an odii i a lid i niter shop fn addition to a pro shop area is r\pe< led to begin shortly and should be finished by next spring While winning awards rspet tally on the national level helps bring people to lokiitei t.iustma helirvrs word ul luoulll IS still tile lamrse s best form ul .ulvertising It is with that bi llet that (diistina offers a half-pritr disi mild to >tl 1 t tillege students with stuilent uientifn .dion (been tees are S-’J lot 18 holes and Sit ttu nine holes but students mu play 18 boles during the st Imol year Im St I and nine holes lor ST Tee limes .ire reeum mended throughout the yyeek and i am ellatinns should be i ailed 111 order In allow niore golteis til enjoy Ink.dee Sillily,ill salt! We'yr had the student rates from rurn it TOKATEE Page 17 '/d/M uultrrn /i.nr rn/la\in# the Ink.itrr (,olt ( nurse ( vnlrr photo Tokati'f hr.ul pm Wit kr\ Sulh \.tn (tu'hirul t ountvr) svlls a shirt to W.trk h Irminn Photos by Mark Ylen I hr / /i ire S inters Mountains ,ur in /»/.#//! \ir\\ tin unltm s on I akaler s btn k nine TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA Thar's Right! All YOU Can Possibly 1-AT Of The Best Pi//a This Side Of Anywhere M F 11 a m. 1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 v tJd Student rates Near Campus THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convamant Relaxing Affordable SunShonfr on campus —S 213» • $r* I « >«►