Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1991, Page 16, Image 16

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PKulti In k1«ti k ^ Ifn
ILuhi ift.in! s in tin\ lilr skills i Lis s at //»#* h mn aid /ub ( ontrr art' wurktnn to obtain tin i onfulvm r and skills mu
I'ssai i to nr! hai k into thr w ork/ilai r
2nd anniversary
(ends !>-2(>-91) Everything is on vile at anniversary prices
Stop in and ask
to hoar any of tin's!'
Nar.wLi title's
Ix'tore you Ihiv
Doug Cameron
J ° U R N E Y
stop in and tiiter to win
aIxMutitiii framed
David Arkenstone
U\K II (Ml
thrsr titles)
nil H'HDKfM ss ( OllH. 7 /(>S
N \K VI )-\
{Pence, Brewer
'H£ p'P£ff s
If it's in stock
it's on sale
All storage units
c arr\ irij* ( .ihs
art* (Mi
(Lins a vuii.
21(H) W. 11th
Ac ross from
Emerald Job Center
seeks to be refunded
By Lisa Millegan
f f.e'aiO H-'!h ::!(*■
\ul too long ago. Gary
Baszler was .1 discouraged. dts
pi or i'd logger Itii mg welfare .is
sistanr e foi the fourth time in
1.! years
Today he has confident e,
ni'w skills and ambitions of he
i oinii’g a i able television in
stallef Kven better. Baszler fi
nallv thinks he'll be able to
leave the welfare system for
H.s/ler said lie owes his
newfound optimism to the Km
erald Job (Center, a federally
funded program designed to
help welfare ret ipients regain
self silffii lelK \
Sim e Or tuber the $l .r> mil
lion pilotproject has offered
i lasses m life skills. |ob search
stialegies and General Kdur a
tion Diploma completion to
over '*00 welfare rer ipients
I he i enter a Joint venture of
public and private agencies, is
located in the former Merritt
I),was Business (College build
mg at 7H (Centennial Loop
|ob (enter directors are (in
rent I v working to secure uni
tinned funding tor the project
from the (fregotl Legislature at
ter the i urrent funding ends in
J uIv L o direr tor K i Ie en
Mart roft t .eorge said Go\ Bar
bara Roberts and other state
legislators have led her to be
lieve that tin1 program w ill con
tinue at least until December
Kile Southern Willamette I’m
r ate Industry (Council adminis
ters the program in rnnjum lion
with the Adult and f amily Ser
y k es Division, the state em
ployment division the Lane
( minty Mental Health Div ision
l.ane (Community (College and
( atholir Community Services
George said she hopes to
have a precise dollar figure ol
support lot the (enter from the
1 .legislature by lune
Continued financial support
lor the Kmerald Job (Center ts
(ritual bc( ause ol the benefi
( tal serve es the program offers
she said
Kathpr than just focusing on
<><iin atinn or job plat ement. the
( enter tries to do a mix of both
We tn to give people the
tools they need to take th.it first
step toward seif-sufficient's
(ieorge said
The center’s life skills < lasses
foi us on sin li topii s as stress
management, sell esteem and
parenting skills
"We trv to gise (clients) a
good support svstem as well as
job skills said bate Stahl, a
life skills instructor foi the i en
(er s teen program "We talk
about vvhv ihev’re in tins situa
lion and how they can get out
ot it
I'erri I rent ois. w ho is en
rolled in tl.ie teen program.:'said
the life skills i lasses have been
partu ularlv useful to her
I learned about being asser
tne and how to deal with im
mother '' she said The . lass
es help you learn how to deal
w ith people in general
Partic ipants c an also take vo
c ational classes and gel help for
preparing for the tiKI) (ioun
selmg is also available
The eiuiter helps i bents with
start up costs associated with
job scare liing Tor example,
participants < an receive gas
mooes to get to interviews in
addition to stamps and erne
lopes for mailing out resumes
( bents c an use the center’s
phone and answering mac hine
to contact prospective emplov
ers Partic ipants c an also use
c enter funds to bin c lothing for
interview s
'People think sine e we re on
welfare (and) we want a hand
out but we really don't have
w b.ct it lakes to gel a good job
said center client Sandy I lever
eaux (ieorge said the center
gives c lients the* push then
need to get their lives true k on
trac k
"You meet \er\ few people
here who want to he where
there at. she said Most peo
pie here have a real desire to
improve hut then don't know
Students occupy office
By Carrie Dennett
Empiald RepoMec_
About tv stuiit'iits crowded into the office of University Presi
dent Myles Hrunii in .1 sit in protest Thursday against military re
i ruitment on < ampus
Students filled up a\aiiable seating, .is u ell as spat e on vs imiovv
sills desk tops and the floor waiting to speak with Provost \or
man U essells
Uessells is serv ing as .it ting I 'niversitv president until Brand re
turns Wednesday from receiving an honorary doctorate from his
alma matter Rensselaer I’olytet him Institute
When W essells arrived to talk to students, he initially agreed to
only talk to them 111 the Johnson I tall foyer. not 111 Brand's off it e
However by that point access y\as restricted to Brand's outer ol
fit e and if students left the uffit e to talk to Uessells. they were riot
allowed hai k 111
During that time protesters hung out the windtnvs to talk to Tel
ey ision t revvs. who were also barred from Brand's offices
Protesters issued a series of demands that the University abide
hy the anti-discrimination policies 111 the Oregon Administrative
Rules, that the University upholds recommendations made hv the
gay and lesbian task forte, that the University follow a five-year
phase out of the R()T(.'. that Ikepartment of Defense involvement 011
1 ampus including research, end. and that military recruitment on
campus end
Students left the office after they had an opportunity to talk with
U essells
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