COMMUNITY PKulti In k1«ti k ^ Ifn ILuhi! s in tin\ lilr skills i Lis s at //»#* h mn aid /ub ( ontrr art' wurktnn to obtain tin i onfulvm r and skills mu I'ssai i to nr! hai k into thr w ork/ilai r COMPACT DISC WORLD S 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE EVERY DISC IS ON SALE 2nd anniversary (ends !>-2(>-91) Everything is on vile at anniversary prices \ ■vVt\"V Stop in and ask to hoar any of tin's!' Nar.wLi title's Ix'tore you Ihiv Doug Cameron J ° U R N E Y T O you V'RAI>\ stop in and tiiter to win aIxMutitiii framed David Arkenstone lithograph (ends SAKAI >A U\K II (Ml thrsr titles) NARADA nil H'HDKfM ss ( OllH. 7 /(>S N \K VI )-\ {Pence, Brewer 'H£ p'P£ff s . If it's in stock it's on sale All storage units & c arr\ irij* ( .ihs art* (Mi silo (>83-6902 (7 (Lins a vuii. 21(H) W. 11th Ac ross from Waremart Emerald Job Center seeks to be refunded By Lisa Millegan f f.e'aiO H-'!h ::!(*■ \ul too long ago. Gary Baszler was .1 discouraged. dts pi or i'd logger Itii mg welfare .is sistanr e foi the fourth time in 1.! years Today he has confident e, ni'w skills and ambitions of he i oinii’g a i able television in stallef Kven better. Baszler fi nallv thinks he'll be able to leave the welfare system for good H.s/ler said lie owes his newfound optimism to the Km erald Job (Center, a federally funded program designed to help welfare ret ipients regain self silffii lelK \ Sim e Or tuber the $l .r> mil lion pilotproject has offered i lasses m life skills. |ob search stialegies and General Kdur a tion Diploma completion to over '*00 welfare rer ipients I he i enter a Joint venture of public and private agencies, is located in the former Merritt I),was Business (College build mg at 7H (Centennial Loop |ob (enter directors are (in rent I v working to secure uni tinned funding tor the project from the (fregotl Legislature at ter the i urrent funding ends in J uIv L o direr tor K i Ie en Mart roft t .eorge said Go\ Bar bara Roberts and other state legislators have led her to be lieve that tin1 program w ill con tinue at least until December Kile Southern Willamette I’m r ate Industry (Council adminis ters the program in rnnjum lion with the Adult and f amily Ser y k es Division, the state em ployment division the Lane ( minty Mental Health Div ision l.ane (Community (College and ( atholir Community Services George said she hopes to have a precise dollar figure ol support lot the (enter from the 1 .legislature by lune Continued financial support lor the Kmerald Job (Center ts (ritual bc( ause ol the benefi ( tal serve es the program offers she said Kathpr than just focusing on <>