Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1991, Image 1

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Weslncsslus Mas IS. 1,‘Wl
l ugom- (lu'^un
Volume 'K , Issue I S '
Through hard work
and sheer u illpovvei Mi
t liael Miner is recov ering
from a boating at t ideal
last summer that left him
paraly/ed from the shoul
dors down
See story. Page l>
Oregon's Pedro da Si I
va and Muhammad ()!i
ver placed second and
third, respectively, after
the first day of the Par if
ic 10 Conference de< alh
lon on Monday Mean
while. Kelly Blair and
hamnla Kohlmeier were
second and fourth, re
s|><■< tivelv after the first
day of the heptathlon.
Both r ompetitions
i (included late Tuesday
but results were unav ail
able at press time
The Portland Trail
Blazers treat I ,'tah 10 < 'Hi
Tuesday night to advalW e
to tht‘ Western ( onfei
ence tirials lor the seciind
\ ear in a row (.ame I of
the senes against the Los
Angeles IaLers who
heat Colden State -1 1
is Saturday in Portland
ASt JO Street lain- re
turns to 13th Avenue to
day w*.th more than tot)
vendors selling food and
craft items. Musical per
formers will play in the
KMU Courtyard each af
ternoon of the fair, which
is open from 10 a m to *t
pm through Friday. To
day’s lineup includes:
• 12:30 - 2 p m Glenn
Falkenberg (Celtic harp)
• 2:30 - 3:30 () m Paul
Prince (acoustic guitar)
• t 30 4 30 p 111 |ust
Avery (vocals and guitar)
Black greeks seeking recognition
Proposal would
add third greek
council to campus
By Miriam Winston
K iii).iit \ mii'i son illn’s, iii il
want tn i ri'.iif .1 hi.ii k and
white issue Ilf does mil
i nl f ml I n i ha 11 f n gf I lif
gieek system or llif I'nivfi
sit\ system or the st.it us 11 in'
Hut Anderson says his tI
low Kappa Alpha I’sis .mil
ini*mlifrs of m's f ii oi her
black greek urguniz.itions
arc looking lor recognition
on a i antpus that lias liffii
asking lor di\ i isitv all y«•*• i
long "
The National I’anhf Ilf mi
(louni.il an umbrella org.tiu
zation for traditionally hlai k
fraternities and sororities, is
seeking offii i.d rei (ignition
through the AM ()
I don't see how this i an t
happen ' he said It w ill
do nothing lint help this
campus " Proponents ot the
council plan to submit a tor
mal proposal to t’niversitv
administration sometime at
lei spring term
\ndeison said lie wants
tllf 1 'uiversltv In know lie
sffs .1 t>1 ^ issuf ill tllf pro
pOSftl l iff it 1<I 1 Ift ognit mu nl
the X.ilimutl I’anlif Ilf mi
(.mini il l hiiversttv officials
want to makf surf that iai c
relations do no' hfi onif a
proldfin within the gntk
s\ stem
lliis proposal to add .t
third giffk council to tin
I mversiH s luterlratfrnit\
I mini i i ,i ml I’a n Ilf I If n li
fin us on lil.ii k i ulture .mil
Issues (Hakes US illltell'Ilt
l hi- riitui .') non hi.n ks in
lil.u ks in .mi Inuisfs is 11riili
aids the '..lllir .is hi.II ks In
whiles in other houses
Kr uguitnm hs I lie. \Sl()
will require ill hl.u k greek
m gailizat u nu. .mil (lie t mm
i li In sum the \SI ( I s non
ilisi rimimil mu statement
hut one adminisli.itmii i mi
i eru Is tli.i! .ill while .uni
.ill lil.u k organizations will
I.ike I he pi,ii e ill mi lusiun (il
students nl .ill r.n es in exist
trig greek houses ..ml k ite
I’nivnsl (iens Mosele\
"I applaud am effort In
( e lei trait ■ i ulltlie anil llisln
is and m that sense the
I III versits Would ss eh nine
this i reation. Vtnselev said
Ms hope IS that (\ |’l It
ss i mid he represented m the
existing Intel 11 atei lilt S and
I'linhtdlenu i mi ui ils lie
sa id It road a< i e ptam e
i mild lie fostered Ihmugh
mutual i hanging id rules
HI.ti k greek i mini il pro
poneuts are ssillmg to make
i umpromises as tiles huild a
relatiunship ss ith existing
greek i mini ils said mem
tm■ iot hi.ii k tralci nihcs lint)
suioi it ics on ( ampus
llie groups .He .ill Intel
esleiI m i ointnunii .it ion ,iml
partnership hut ..pullv
i ertain tinit the\ want to
maintain then separate Ira
*1 il toils
We have tin support ot
the v.leek s on ( UllipilS Nil
ilersou said "We hope to
make a Ind to |oui the In
tel I latet 1111 v < 1111 in 11 and
I’anhel leiiu
Turn 1 COUNCIL I'age 8
Photo h« Viiilrr Kditwn
Ihnmi IrU) t.rnr Sh.itlrt ^ti .ithm.in Stan Million t.trmn Mnurtah ( nrnr
Inis lohnson III ffront/ Killian \ nth* t sun anil I annrs Wrnlirltl .nr tr\in«,*
to rstahhsh a hl.it k nrrrk i onto il on t aniptis
( outHiI wi ill ltl not ( re.ite dii 111 s p a n i < .iiul white
atmosphere ul segregation members are welcome in the
Anderson said N'PIK. system he said A
Forms tell unofficial story of campus rapes
By Carrie Dennett
ErnemId Repoite'
A new form used to unoftu ially report
sexual assaults Hiii\ provide otfu lals with
more accurate statistics of .111<I( ks on i .im
The form was developed fall term to tie
distributed i ainpusw ide .is .1 proiei t In the
l'nw anted Sexual Behavior Task I on e
Most people don t report rapes offii i d
lys.iid lane Detddlo. t niversitv dean of
students We wanted to find out what the
campus i Innate is really like
Detlldio said she heiame tniio'ined
about the numher of unreported rapes on
campus during a lirief stint as ailing dean
of students last year During that time she
heard of file 1 ampus rapes in one week
Brian Hoop ASt'O I 'niversitv affairs co
ordmatoi said estimates indii ate that only
one in 20 campus rapes is reported making
it the most underreported ( ampus i rime
This form is an alternative to the more
intimidating form used In the police fie
The document allows not only vii tuns of
sexual assault or harassment to tile an limit
filial report fait also anyone with knowl
edge ol such an incident to inform authori
tles of the attai k
Suzic 1I u liter t'mversitv publir safets ot
fleer .ml although the task Inn r 111 i'll
courages otfii lal reporting ol sexual as
sail Its mam students are relui taut to do so
So ssithnut unoftii tal reporting forms
mans i rimes would go (ompletely unre
i orded. she said
ton e members said
tin- administration lias tried to deny
that rape is a serious problem on i empus
I loop said I lies should he taking serious
steps to protei t women oil i ninpus
limiter said the statistics provided on
these forms mas peisiiade the adrniiiislra
‘Most people don't report rapes officially. Ue wanted to
find outw hat the campus climate is really like. '
-Jane Dedidin, University dean of students
Siik r tin' tin in hoc a me available l.ill Iitiii.
.!.( sexual assaults have been reported in
(luring till term, nine (lining winter term
.mil four till'' term .is of April It. \e.irk .ill
ul the iii( idents involved student vntnu
.liid were not reported to the polii e
these numbers dep.irt drastically Iroin
the handful ot i ases reported officially to
OPS or the huge He police department each
Hunter said it is important to obtain re
ports ottn nil or unoftic ial. of sexual assault
i ases to provide all ai i urate [ill tore ot the
problem on i ampus
The unottii la I reports may help open the
eves of the luiversity administration la-A
lion to proviilf >11ini111k tur i lasses in self
defense .mil loi in-.ilmn (ii-i* environ
I)•■( Ini 10 said tin- new forms will .ilso .ml
m ili vi'lo|imn .1 n■ j>I.n i-im• 111 si• r\ ii i- lor
K.ipi! I risis NVluorl ,i hoi line .mil i mm
si-linn i i-nli-r lh.il i losed winli-r li-rm
I In hums .in- .iv.nl.ihli- .it tin- AMI) Is
i-i ntivt* <iffsi i- tin- I )lfn i- ol Mmli-nl Aiivo
i .n v thn Hi-.m of Students offit I-. Ihi- I in
u-rsit\ ( oimsi-linn ( i-nti-i tin- Mediation
1'iont.mi off ii i- .mil lln- (Mini- ol I’uhln
I onus i .in In- mlmni'il lo ihi- ( omisi-lmn
( i-nlri hi person or h\ mail