Oregon DAILY EMERALD Weslncsslus Mas IS. 1,‘Wl l ugom- (lu'^un Volume 'K , Issue I S ' Inside Through hard work and sheer u illpovvei Mi t liael Miner is recov ering from a boating at t ideal last summer that left him paraly/ed from the shoul dors down See story. Page l> Sports Oregon's Pedro da Si I va and Muhammad ()!i ver placed second and third, respectively, after the first day of the Par if ic 10 Conference de< alh lon on Monday Mean while. Kelly Blair and hamnla Kohlmeier were second and fourth, re s|><■< tivelv after the first day of the heptathlon. Both r ompetitions i (included late Tuesday but results were unav ail able at press time The Portland Trail Blazers treat I ,'tah 10 < 'Hi Tuesday night to advalW e to tht‘ Western ( onfei ence tirials lor the seciind \ ear in a row (.ame I of the senes against the Los Angeles IaLers who heat Colden State -1 1 is Saturday in Portland Briefly ASt JO Street lain- re turns to 13th Avenue to day w*.th more than tot) vendors selling food and craft items. Musical per formers will play in the KMU Courtyard each af ternoon of the fair, which is open from 10 a m to *t pm through Friday. To day’s lineup includes: • 12:30 - 2 p m Glenn Falkenberg (Celtic harp) • 2:30 - 3:30 () m Paul Prince (acoustic guitar) • t 30 4 30 p 111 |ust Avery (vocals and guitar) Black greeks seeking recognition Proposal would add third greek council to campus By Miriam Winston K iii).iit \ mii'i son illn’s, iii il want tn i ri'.iif .1 hi.ii k and white issue Ilf does mil i nl f ml I n i ha 11 f n gf I lif gieek system or llif I'nivfi sit\ system or the st.it us 11 in' Hut Anderson says his tI low Kappa Alpha I’sis .mil ini*mlifrs of m's f ii oi her black greek urguniz.itions arc looking lor recognition on a i antpus that lias liffii asking lor di\ i isitv all y«•*• i long " The National I’anhf Ilf mi (louni.il an umbrella org.tiu zation for traditionally hlai k fraternities and sororities, is seeking offii i.d rei (ignition through the AM () I don't see how this i an t happen ' he said It w ill do nothing lint help this campus " Proponents ot the council plan to submit a tor mal proposal to t’niversitv administration sometime at lei spring term \ndeison said lie wants tllf 1 'uiversltv In know lie sffs .1 t>1 ^ issuf ill tllf pro pOSftl l iff it 111ini111k tur i lasses in self defense .mil loi in-.ilmn (ii-i* environ inents I)•■( Ini 10 said tin- new forms will .ilso .ml m ili vi'lo|imn .1 n■ j>I.n i-im• 111 si• r\ ii i- lor K.ipi! I risis NVluorl ,i hoi line .mil i mm si-linn i i-nli-r lh.il i losed winli-r li-rm I In hums .in- .iv.nl.ihli- .it tin- AMI) Is i-i ntivt*