Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    "27 years of
Quality Service"
Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon
Audi • Datsun • Toyota
i 342 2912
?02f> franklin Blvd
Eugene Oregon 97403
Horn s: Sun i Inn
, I n ,i vkt-fk 1/ 00 oil $'< hr (? p* -j.lt*. | 100 Main St
Sun 1 hut-- '> 00 00 5 1 1/ht (? |m- plci 7-11 1777
I n f, Sat i-..mt ■■ 1 t hr {? [«-i i(>le) Springfield
*+ Haircuts.$8'°
* Haircuts & blowdry
& style.* | 2 00
** Perms.*28so
* Spiral Perms..$38so
1410 Orchard • 342-2165
Main Desk
, Sfs
I °?k af thc BENEFITS Of
J Biternational I.D. Card'
■ ,v ' rail, bus and ferry
shoPXOUmS °n‘,Cf0mmOda"'°n^
T^S:iSSi°n lo
,ol,'free Travel Holli„c
main desk store
1929 film by students reopening
lei a'r $lt> »rd
S' 'At gi.. put'". : i*
In tin* spring of
l'i_”i .t group of
I 'm\ immU students
i .line up w it It w lull
Ilvi'\ thought would
Im‘ .1 great idea to
shoot <• romantic
iomtrdv on c ampus
I hroe hundred s< reeri tests and
three months of hard work lal
ri Eil s ('a Eil was c c.mpletrd
It premiered lo mm li public 11\
in a midnight matinee at I hi
dow utown Me I )on.ild Iheater
As the tusl lull-lrngth silent
miilmn pit ture In he prodm ed
h\ < ollege students in the n.i
linn. I'll \ Cu hil ran for 1H
months, not only in Oregon,
hut m W •ishington amt Idaho as
Next week. to wars later
thal miporlanl fr.u lion of I m
versitx history will lie relived
for students ot the oils Ed s
( 'n Ed will reopen, featuring a
soundtrai k with musu from
lh.it era at the Willamette
Street I heater
I his is not |ust a i ham e to
i ati li a piei e of lilminaking
history this is ai tually a
unique i inemalii movie and
\er\ entertaining ill Its OWI1
light said Steve Hove genet
\fi im r |>niMii
/ </ \ ( n hri di'pii Is t iiinpus lilt* and Fenton Mall in
,tl manager of I he Willamette
Street Theater. wliieh is id
sponsoring the film s showing
along with tin- Committee for
thi' Performing Arts 'It ilofi
nitely has tin- stt li- of thu lost
art of tin' silt'll! tllm genre
"It's a \ it\ i ri'iiibli' soplus
tii atfii film w ill) i|iiality (ilio
tographt sail) f'mversitv ar
i lu\ ist Keith Kli haul who
originated the revival of I'd s
(a a -Ed
It's a great mitvie for our
I 'tnversitv students to get a feel
of what campus life was all
about then for their predeies
sots " said Art Maddox the
music.ian who eomposed the
movie's new soundtrac k it s
an eiiin ational film
1 think evert one w ill relate
to it People exponent ed about
tile same things then as tee do
now life hasn't i hanged vert
much I lie unit differenie is
that it’s tw wars down the
/-.'</ s (a) lui is a simple lirye
slor\ thot revolves around the
lilt- nt .1 i oiintrv boy named til
ward who. at the opening of
the stm\ is working at his la
ther s lumber mill ()ne das lie
meets Joanne, the y;irl of Ills
(maxed In Ins cousin, I d
ward sets oil to attend the same
college as Joanne What ensues
are the adventures he em mm
ters in his pursuit of life and
What is interesting in the
film is that scenes of the ram
pus m 1‘1‘to were added so
viewers ran see how the cam
pus has rhanxed The movie is
also for sale on video cassette
from the an.hive lor $ M '•">
By Ming Rodrigues
tmeuiUl l nteuamment Repotte'
April 22 May 25
n»r l < > lionkstorr !*» »|*»n
vrrlint a photo c »ililrst with
tilth thrinr
Sh•••* us thr t«rsl lline*. V*>t;
havr with your (rtciwU by
photographing what you
whrn you arr .ill together
Whether tt t* Spring Hirak
of a night out on the town.
v»r want tn %rr h A you <1-»
(.ir.it l'it/r* will t*r • Ilrrrd
.ukI v<-ui rnti\ photos will
l>r ilisplavri! in thr sltMf
Ihc winner** will l*c person
ally not Hint uini thru
fl.lltirs postrti In thr |»ihh\
<■1 thr Ikm<ksli *tr .»> wrll .is
.mn< r.l in thr Op ^
L>Al& Lutcjal'J " M*»v »J
H.ivr lots f t Inn with this
atki (1 in k‘
fTirir will l»r r.\i Itinjg
pn/r*v uw.trilnl t" lour
lui k\ Miurr> our
People s ( holt r prl/r
wmiwt will \>r x hoj*rn h\
you the |w*>plr*
nm Ptuc
A JV< (’on»j*u< |)i*»c I'Uyrr
(Value $ HXiJ
5cc«i»d l*iUc
$700 in rash
Third PrUc
Olympus Infinity I win
(a merit (Value $ 1H- *!
hirr pi(M'C!»»ln^ lo| >'J n»IK
i.l him |rnmij*h lor r.»< h
werk o| thr yraiI
• \
ff-rn taken MiKt Mai
• V • |)l< >lrSSM I :.i .1
JX-(S4)|1 wttOHT prllli IJkti
living is mud*- by taking
|iu turn*) mav rnirr
• . r- . ! pill * 11 | i'!'
. *r iiwllr M/r|
Muxlrnurn 11x14
Minimum 5x7
• • U'.llii! a bf 1. li< 1 >\
Quale*. 1m thr \ ()
. Journalism Drjk and
l«n al pM)|<*ssH>IUtis txitsitIr
i>I the l O lk«»ksl'>rr Thr
Judges uill IK)( be awarr ol
uho submitted any rntrv
The tiuratton o! thr J‘h< :
t !iiilr-.l Mill l«r
April 22 May 25
• Ml J ! «'! ill I*-. M . .
hr rrifivrU al (hr phol •
ilrparlmrnt ol (hr ID
tt<*>k*»lorr Ifir.u (hr hat k
«»l thr main ikj lain
than May 25
• ' >ri I hr hai k >1 \ ii
rfjirirf» yon pnnl
v rry * leaf l\
(1) > in mill'
12) Yt.m i !*Ir*
('!) Itic Ulk- »J v- Hi
(4) 1 hr U | > i: , : i
Irns .ui'l Him u^cxl
III jM.ssltilr}
will lakr plat r within thr
n|i ir May 11 2 »
• 1 r mis iinisl I*- | u k« . !
up by .Juiw H. 19*11