"27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota i 342 2912 ?02f> franklin Blvd Eugene Oregon 97403 Horn s: Sun i Inn , I n ,i vkt-fk 1/ 00 oil $'< hr (? p* -j.lt*. | 100 Main St Sun 1 hut-- '> 00 00 5 1 1/ht (? |m- plci 7-11 1777 I n f, Sat i-..mt ■■ 1 t hr {? [«-i i(>le) Springfield JUST-4-U introduces JANET WAGNER *+ Haircuts.$8'° * Haircuts & blowdry & style.* | 2 00 ** Perms.*28so * Spiral Perms..$38so 1410 Orchard • 342-2165 V* •f Main Desk , Sfs STUDENTS I °?k af thc BENEFITS Of J Biternational I.D. Card' ■ ,v ' rail, bus and ferry shoPXOUmS °n‘,Cf0mmOda"'°n^ T^S:iSSi°n lo ,ol,'free Travel Holli„c main desk store ARTS 1929 film by students reopening S*H»0*W*T»l*M»E lei a'r $lt> »rd S' 'At gi.. put'". : i* In tin* spring of l'i_”i .t group of I 'm\ immU students i .line up w it It w lull Ilvi'\ thought would Im‘ .1 great idea to shoot <• romantic iomtrdv on c ampus I hroe hundred s< reeri tests and three months of hard work lal ri Eil s ('a Eil was c c.mpletrd It premiered lo mm li public 11\ in a midnight matinee at I hi dow utown Me I )on.ild Iheater As the tusl lull-lrngth silent miilmn pit ture In he prodm ed h\ < ollege students in the n.i linn. I'll \ Cu hil ran for 1H months, not only in Oregon, hut m W •ishington amt Idaho as well Next week. to wars later thal miporlanl fr.u lion of I m versitx history will lie relived for students ot the oils Ed s ( 'n Ed will reopen, featuring a soundtrai k with musu from lh.it era at the Willamette Street I heater I his is not |ust a i ham e to i ati li a piei e of lilminaking history this is ai tually a unique i inemalii movie and \er\ entertaining ill Its OWI1 light said Steve Hove genet \fi im r |>niMii / By Ming Rodrigues tmeuiUl l nteuamment Repotte' CALL FOR ENTRIES P H O T O G R A P H Y CONTEST |l^2222!3l2S3i April 22 May 25 n»r l < > lionkstorr !*» »|*»n vrrlint a photo c »ililrst with tilth thrinr TICK 1IKST OF TIMKS Sh•••* us thr t«rsl lline*. V*>t; havr with your (rtciwU by photographing what you whrn you arr .ill together Whether tt t* Spring Hirak of a night out on the town. v»r want tn %rr h A you <1-» (.ir.it l'it/r* will t*r • Ilrrrd .ukI v<-ui rnti\ photos will l>r ilisplavri! in thr sltMf Ihc winner** will l*c person ally not Hint uini thru fl.lltirs postrti In thr |»ihh\ <■1 thr Ikm wrll .is .mn< r.l in thr Op ^ L>Al& Lutcjal'J " M*»v »J iwi H.ivr lots f t Inn with this atki (1 in k‘ fTirir will l»r r.\i Itinjg pn/r*v uw.trilnl t" lour lui k\ Miurr> our People s ( holt r prl/r wmiwt will \>r x hoj*rn h\ you the |w*>plr* nm Ptuc A JV< (’on»j*u< |)i*»c I'Uyrr (Value $ HXiJ 5cc«i»d l*iUc $700 in rash Third PrUc Olympus Infinity I win (a merit (Value $ 1H- *! PeopleaChoice hirr pi(M'C!»»ln^ lo| >'J n»IK i.l him |rnmij*h lor r.»< h werk o| thr yraiI • \ ff-rn taken MiKt Mai • V • |)l< >lrSSM I :.i .1 JX-(S4)|1 wttOHT prllli IJkti living is mud*- by taking |iu turn*) mav rnirr • . r- . ! pill * 11 | i'!' . *r iiwllr M/r| Muxlrnurn 11x14 Minimum 5x7 • • • U'.llii! a bf 1. li< 1 >\ Quale*. 1m thr \ () . Journalism Drjk and l«n al pM)|<*ssH>IUtis txitsitIr i>I the l O lk«»ksl'>rr Thr Judges uill IK)( be awarr ol uho submitted any rntrv The tiuratton o! thr J‘h< : t !iiilr-.l Mill l«r April 22 May 25 • Ml J ! «'! ill I*-. M . . hr rrifivrU al (hr phol • ilrparlmrnt ol (hr ID tt<*>k*»lorr Ifir.u (hr hat k «»l thr main ikj lain than May 25 • ' >ri I hr hai k >1 \ ii rfjirirf» yon pnnl v rry * leaf l\ (1) > in mill' 12) Yt.m i !*Ir* ('!) Itic Ulk- »J v- Hi print (4) 1 hr U | > i: , : i Irns .ui'l Him u^cxl III jM.ssltilr} • will lakr plat r within thr n|i ir May 11 2 » • 1 r mis iinisl I*- | u k« . ! up by .Juiw H. 19*11 UO BOOKSTORE