Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    Musique Gourmet
Catering to the
Discriminating Collector
CD s FROM $5 95
In the Fifthpearl Building
\ a.. 343-9000
! Mother Kali’s Books j
j Celebrating Women In All Our 77»tvrsjf)i’-s
/ \ > welcome
:>()(11 I r.inklm Hkd *r>
I I ii'ii'iii1 ()K l* ( HI 1
w-am*?r» s mmsf
jx.'t =* >«-1k
10 1> Mon I tin Sal
10.8 I n
MM .MS )Sf,4
Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe fea
turing home baked breads and desserts
Mexican, vegetarian and meat entrees
Good tood at a reasonable price
Weekend Dinner Special —
Friday & Saturday
Green Salad, Corn Bread.$4.25
W 5th at Lawrence
7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat
7 a m to 2 p m Sundays
Hreakfast til 2 p m
Speaker touts energy savings
By Brooke Brannon
t -i a c ■ ■* i* .* ■
\\ inona I aduke kapshesit
environmental activist has .1
simple philosophy about s.n
inn I Hi ■ 1 •< OSVSll’H) 'toll take
inilv what you need <nul tHat s
how von Int‘
I.. 1 >) 11 k• ■ prnjei I direi tor for
tllf While I nth Lind Kim nvrn
I’ r t> |(‘( I spoke \\ e il n e s 11,1 V
night about the ei ologu al de\
astntion brought about by ener
g\ development mi lulling umI
.iiiti uranium strip-milling, mi
1 le.11 experiments anil dams
1 he Rex oven I’rojei I 1 oorili
n.itos ileyelupmeiil and land ai
(positions lor the Chippewa In
din ns
I .adlike said th.it I S poli
( ics promoting energy develop,
ment are destroy mg the in osyx
tern She said the gmernment
must start working on energy
i onservation rather than trying
to find substitutes fill pet role
urn power
bnergv development is the
most destnn live thing tins so
i ii*t\ does to tile e< os\ stem
shi‘ said
The so( ial impm t on the Na
tive American population has
lie' ll intense I^iduke said high
suicide rates in v illages snr
founding lames Bav ( anada
i an lie linked to the massive
destruction of ancestral; hunt
mu grounds
(.rounds that tribes used lor
i outlines lire liemg c lean ut and
tilled w itli water, she said
Massive dam pro|ec ts are also
destroying ancient grounds in
northern Quebec Manitoba and
Ontario Thev're in the pro
I css ot devastating all ec.nsvs
tom the size ot < aldorma she
In a settlement the < anacban
government recently gave1 the
( hippevva Indians $2 1 million
\\ moil.i l.adukr hapshesit
and 10,000 acres of land out 61
jatinoo ,u res that the Kuvern
ment had taken however, it's
not monev 1 .aduke and the
(ihippewa want I hey just want
their land hm k she said
IFC office manager runs for seat
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Reporter
After working for .1 vear .is
lire office manager for the iru i
dental Iff Committor*. Anno
1 eig IrfllfVfs shf s leads to
l.ikf on thf responsibilities ol
.m 11 ( me 111 f >«• 1
A junior business m.i)or 1 mg
is ono ot eight simli'iiis running
for the three available one year
msits She s.ocl she has learned
.1 lot ahout the student groups
and thi' budgeting pro< ess
As the offu e manager I've
h.xl to handle almost all ol the
student groups budgets, so
1 ve seen thi* I0r111.il that the\
use she s.ilii I s.iis the steps
that (lies took tin* instructions
tiles were supposed to fnlluss
The 1 uTrent fee level of about
$!(K) per student ear h term is
too high. I eig said
(.roups that reads aren't do
mg nun h for the c ampus as a
whole I think that their liudg
ets need to he cut," she said
We need to look at groups
I till) ti'iui to hr r\t Illsivr th.lt
don't .u tualls ser\ r .ill thr stu
drills I'd 11 k < - to srr thosr
budgets lookrd <it miirr t .ireful
"Thill nit Indus thr big hudg
i ts such .is .ithlrtn department
.mil thr (All ' ' shr said
1 rig said shr would also likr
to srr thr AM () and thr II I
work inorr rlosrly
111 light of Mrasurr V thr
ASl’O and thr li t.' and rvrrv
one on this rumpus havr thr
samr goal to keep student
fees low krrp tuition low
shr said I would like to srr
inorr coordination between thr
li t and thr ASI ’O because this
is a Ing problem and vsr nerd to
hr inorr unitird
lit members have been re
ceptive and thr meetings havr
hrrn accessible tills vrai 1 rig
said hut not enough students
took advantage ot that
1 hr meetings arr si heduled
late because students arr so
bliss during the das shr said
"Tiles rr at tualls inorr ai cesst
Anne Feix
hit- being late .it night I've
been .it the meetings .nul stu
dents an* welcome to attend It
a student is there and raises his
hand, he will he heard
It was reail\ a shame tills
year that not many students
look that opportunity hei atise I
think it was there
We’ll get the job done right tor all students.
GOVERNMENT lor all students. We mean to be
inclusive, and not exclusive.
awav growth of Incidental Fees and replacement
• ISSl/E ORIENTED: Campus Safety, Child
Care, EMU, Alternative Beer Gardens and Athlet
"It's Time For A Change!"
Mike Colson, Barela) Cravson for VSl () President:)
FtuJ for h\ (_«>/*<**i Xiftiy v<>tt
Si’u/df’ore MiuUrttj Ivxkwiurn
‘The Land oj
tManij Cultures
21 April 1W1
t'XX.) pm
‘L'M'U ‘Ballroom
folk) per person