Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMEO CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CD s FROM $5 95 TAPES FROM $2 95 In the Fifthpearl Building \ a.. 343-9000 AYS • ! Mother Kali’s Books j j Celebrating Women In All Our 77»tvrsjf)i’-s I / \ > welcome :>()(11 I r.inklm Hkd *r> I I ii'ii'iii1 ()K l* ( HI 1 w-am*?r» s mmsf jx.'t =* >«-1k 10 1> Mon I tin Sal 10.8 I n MM .MS )Sf,4 Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe fea turing home baked breads and desserts Mexican, vegetarian and meat entrees Good tood at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday SAUTEED RED SNAPPER Green Salad, Corn Bread.$4.25 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Hreakfast til 2 p m UNIVERSITY Speaker touts energy savings By Brooke Brannon t -i a c ■ ■* i* .* ■ \\ inona I aduke kapshesit environmental activist has .1 simple philosophy about s.n inn I Hi ■ 1 •< OSVSll’H) 'toll take inilv what you need ) 11 k• ■ prnjei I direi tor for tllf While I nth Lind Kim nvrn I’ r t> |(‘( I spoke \\ e il n e s 11,1 V night about the ei ologu al de\ astntion brought about by ener g\ development mi lulling umI .iiiti uranium strip-milling, mi 1 le.11 experiments anil dams 1 he Rex oven I’rojei I 1 oorili n.itos ileyelupmeiil and land ai (positions lor the Chippewa In din ns I .adlike said I S poli ( ics promoting energy develop, ment are destroy mg the in osyx tern She said the gmernment must start working on energy i onservation rather than trying to find substitutes fill pet role urn power bnergv development is the most destnn live thing tins so i ii*t\ does to tile e< os\ stem shi‘ said The so( ial impm t on the Na tive American population has lie' ll intense I^iduke said high suicide rates in v illages snr founding lames Bav ( anada i an lie linked to the massive destruction of ancestral; hunt mu grounds (.rounds that tribes used lor i outlines lire liemg c lean ut and tilled w itli water, she said Massive dam pro|ec ts are also destroying ancient grounds in northern Quebec Manitoba and Ontario Thev're in the pro I css ot devastating all ec.nsvs tom the size ot < aldorma she said In a settlement the < anacban government recently gave1 the ( hippevva Indians $2 1 million \\ moil.i l.adukr hapshesit and 10,000 acres of land out 61 jatinoo ,u res that the Kuvern ment had taken however, it's not monev 1 .aduke and the (ihippewa want I hey just want their land hm k she said IFC office manager runs for seat By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Reporter After working for .1 vear .is lire office manager for the iru i dental Iff Committor*. Anno 1 eig IrfllfVfs shf s leads to l.ikf on thf responsibilities ol .m 11 ( me 111 f >«• 1 A junior business m.i)or 1 mg is ono ot eight simli'iiis running for the three available one year msits She s.ocl she has learned .1 lot ahout the student groups and thi' budgeting pro< ess As the offu e manager I've h.xl to handle almost all ol the student groups budgets, so 1 ve seen thi* that the\ use she s.ilii I s.iis the steps that (lies took tin* instructions tiles were supposed to fnlluss The 1 uTrent fee level of about $!(K) per student ear h term is too high. I eig said (.roups that reads aren't do mg nun h for the c ampus as a whole I think that their liudg ets need to he cut," she said We need to look at groups I till) ti'iui to hr r\t Illsivr don't .u tualls ser\ r .ill thr stu drills I'd 11 k < - to srr thosr budgets lookrd /*<**i Xiftiy v<>tt ■!h( Si’u/df’ore MiuUrttj Ivxkwiurn ptMntt ‘The Land oj tManij Cultures 21 April 1W1 Sunday t'XX.) pm ‘L'M'U ‘Ballroom folk) per person