Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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Women’s tennis team to host Pacific-10 duals
By Robert Weber
I e .i-MKl ' >J y ill', Mf*IX)IS("
I hi- Oregon women’s tennis is
i lose lo wrapping up another sin i rssful
sc.i son
just how iin|)rovi'd .uni sm i cssful
t ii.n ii Tom (.rciilcr s Ic.Hii cnils up In
mu won’t hr known until .liter tins
weekend's I’.iiitu 10 Northern Division
I hi.ils in iaigene
l’r>t«Tinn this weekends du.il m.iti lies
with W.i slu n Klim .mil \\ ashington Nt.it e
Oregon Ixiasts ,t I I rer nrd .mil the
knowledge lh.it it li.is beaten rver\
Northwest team tills season rxi epl one
t,renter iiellevrs Ills team is as reads
as they could he for their n tnali Ii w ith
the I lllsf les
( ho skill level isn t going to (hange
in the next iM hour' (.reidei said
I lie -only tiling that is going to i hange
is tin- team's attitude .iiid dial's what we
h.n r (h i n wurk inn nil
If W e get In die twill ilfltl keep lln hall
111 pla\ then uc is ill have <i ihamr
against Washington (.n-idcr added
"’Kveryfoodv is beatable on .1 given da\
so .ill Mi', ha Vi* fn do is i linsi' tin 2 1st of
April betu 1*1*11 in .i in .mil 2 p rn to pl.n
the best tennis we've played .ill \ ear
In s,i\ beating die Huskies is ,1 Inn
deal to (.teider and Ins young te.1111
would be .1 l.irne understatement
I wo weekends ago in the round mlim
version of tile I’m 10 tnurnes 111 Seattle
Oregon shill ked the Huskies bv ( ill lei t
trig four « ms in .Ml mati lies against the
area’s perennial powerhouse
lour wins mas not seem like some
thing to net e\t ill'll about but the lint ks
haven’t lieateii the Huskies since IT'1
and h.idn t won a single match in
(.reider s three \ ears as ( oai h
Oregon-and .Washington State open
tlir weekend's festivities mi Friday .if
liTnoon with .1 J in battle at tfle lath
Avenue courts The < ougars complete
their portion of the tournament when
the\ Mjuare off with intrastate rival
Washington at 10 .1 in Saturday, while
tin' Duck- and Huskies finish up the
tournament Sunday at u a in
Hilary Roberts Oregon's No 1 singles
player and only senior enters the final
weekend of her 1 nllege < areer still look
mg for her first individual win against
Despite the team's suet ess two weeks
ago and the tai t that she has never heal
eii Mary Ketllv. the Huskies top plaver
Roberts doesn't appear to feel any extra
pressure this w eekend
It would he nice to win in singles.
Roberts said hut it s not like my life
depends on it 1 split Iselsi with Mary
Reilly last year and then she heat me in
straight sets this year I'm 1 apahle of
treating her but she has the edge over
Nlthough Suml,iv s mate h with W ash
ington is what everybody is fo< using
on. C.reider knows that his team ran I
overlook the ( nug.irs like they illil Itl
lour in.iti ties in Seattle
"Those losses to Washington State
were basil ally due to a lai k of res|)e< t
for our opponent (ireider said 'll
we re not ready to play Washington
State (lies are definitely i apatde of
treating us
II the four wins the Dinks brought
but k from Seattle aren't enough Id give
them i onlidence against Washington
this weekend then playing at home
should definitely get them ready
II you ( an t get jai keel up about
playing Washington on tout home
i ourt then w e shouldn't he pl.n mg i ol
legr tennis (heider said "We better
be ready to use that to out advantage
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Continued from Page 5
Volunteers must provide ret
ereiu es submit to .1 poli< e
1 bee k anil go through .1 two to
four hour interview before they
are ,i( ( epted into the program
This are also required to make
,i minimum one sear commit
ment to HH HS
Once aei epted volu nteers
are appropriate Is mate bed with
a child. It the child and bis or
her parent feel good about the
mutt ir. then all parties sign a
contract that says they s\il! do
their best to be supportive of
the new relationship
t' n i vers 11 y student I 1 n a
Sougei is one volunteer who
feels the program is vital to
mans 1 hildren’s lives She said
she and her "little Amandine
hastier have been matched for
more than three \ ears
.hunger said she had a Hig
Sistei when she was little and
feels a need to pros ide the
same sort of support tor
hastier It's important to me
to he able to pros ide stabilits
"It's rewarding to me to
make a different e in a little per
son s life she said "Hopeful
Is she'll remember boss spe
1 ial she s\ as
Songer said slic .iiKl hastier
both enjoy the outdoors and
spend time together everv other
week or so "I'm committed to
a lifelong friendship, she
1 have a lot of fun with
i ilia \\ e do a lot of things to
gether hastlei s.ml II the
program was down, it would he
terrible I would hate it
Although she says it's hard
to deny something to a needy
i hild (iaroutle said she hopes
her volunteers will "share .in
ethn of success withtheirl.it
tie brothel oi l ittle Sister
\ irtually all of the children
now served b\ HH US of Mid
Oregon are from low income,
single parent homes Many
have been physically and or
sexually abused Drugs and a!
i ohol are ofti n present in their
homes Often the < hlldren have
hetiavioral problems, but
Claroutte said these problems
usually don’t mean the end of
the matt h
because the program can
onl\ afford to pa\ one < use
manager right now i ases are
accepted by referral only Kven
then. Ciaroulte said, a child will
have to wait about six months
to a \ea r before they are
mail lied with a volunteer