SPORTS Women’s tennis team to host Pacific-10 duals By Robert Weber I e .i-MKl ' >J y ill', Mf*IX)IS(" I hi- Oregon women’s tennis is i lose lo wrapping up another sin i rssful sc.i son just how iin|)rovi'd .uni sm i cssful t ii.n ii Tom (.rciilcr s Ic.Hii cnils up In mu won’t hr known until .liter tins weekend's I’.iiitu 10 Northern Division I hi.ils in iaigene l’r>t«Tinn this weekends m.iti lies with W.i slu n Klim .mil \\ ashington e Oregon Ixiasts ,t I I rer nrd .mil the knowledge it beaten rver\ Northwest team tills season rxi epl one Washington t,renter iiellevrs Ills team is as reads as they could he for their n tnali Ii w ith the I lllsf les ( ho skill level isn t going to (hange in the next iM hour' (.reidei said I lie -only tiling that is going to i hange is tin- team's attitude .iiid dial's what we h.n r (h i n wurk inn nil If W e get In die twill ilfltl keep lln hall 111 pla\ then uc is ill have