Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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• AFFORDABFF FDl'OATION: Contain t he runaw n\
growth o! Incidental Fees and replat ement revenue.
• 1SSIJK OKIKNTFD: (i.impus Safety. (ihild (Are. t:\1l
Alternative Beer (hardens and Athletics.
It ’s Time For A Change!
Mike Colson, Barclay Grayson for ASI O Presidency
IV»<i fur by ( olson (.raison
*mn ^gm;
ampus Copy Center
As an introduction to the
good qualities of 100% post
consumer waste recycled copy
paper, for the week of April 15
through 22, all 100% recycled
paper will be sold at the price
of virgin paper.
All items copied on 100%
recycled paper will be copied at
the price of those1 on regular
copy paper.
Department orders included
Use recycled unbleached paper
all this week at no extra cost.
Brand says program cuts
only part of slow process
By Tammy Batey
Dim tiling vs hli It programs are
tit tie I lit III till* Wake of Xtt’ilS
tin- Ti and f.n ing tin- resulting
loss ol faculty members anil
students has hi-cn a painful i-\
j»<*rii*iic t-: l 'diversity President
Ms It's Brand said at a I ridas
meeting of tin- Ihigene (.'its
( luh
Anyone who has been in
business knows that rrstrui Ini
ing is a slow and painful pro
i i-ss. ' in- said
"I 11•!t likt* Sophii- in tIn
movie Snphir's I ,'hnit e will) got
oil tin- train in (a li-wish i on
i i- nt ration oa in }> I and vs a s
asked Whk hone of your i lul
(iren do von vs isii to live?'
Brand said at a I rules meeting
ol Pugene ( its ( Tub members
When people dross n t he
(list tiling to go is tile digits
and then the arms and tin- legs
l iie torso is preserved Well
we ve had some healths limbs
amputated." tie said
1 nis ersit v program and lai
nits cuts will have 'monumen
tal r.onseijuetu.es" lor the l-'u
gene Springfield i ommunits
Brand said t he i uts will eflei t
tin- community as would (lie
loss of a $20 million business
Brand said tin- loss of 2,000
students and 200 fat lilts mem
bt'rs from budget cuts ts only
tin* beginning
"(tin- halt of our university
w ill be gone bv |uly 1. 111*1 I
unless we find wavs to find re
placement tax revenue Brand
said "Social services and edu
cation in this slate will fall off
file i lift
Don't wait to see if my pie
dii lion is true, but unfortunate
lv I have a good trai k record toi
predic ting disastei
The l Tiiversitv s date to tall
oft the cliff" is Mav 1992.
whit li is sooner than other state
agent ies bee ause higher edut a
lion must give their employees
a one year-notice before laving
them oft. Brand said
Brand urged ( at v t dub mein
hers to support a bill recentlv
proposed by Hep (arl
I lostic ka. I) Mu-gene. vvlin li
would eliminate the one veai
timely notice requirement
Brand said lie is convnu ed
there will he tax restructuring
but the ' 'c ritical quest ion is
vv hen
Notic e I have not said w hat
the right tax restruc luring
should be bee a use I don't
k now ' Brand said
"Should it he a sales tax or
involve ,i business tax or a lux
urv tax? I'm not equipped to
nnswei that but I want the pen
pie who do know that to get on
the stic k he said
IFC to meet Tuesday night
Ini i■{r-iilrf 1 fpp l umimllep
Et als
I*m ( hi <
S«.|jr l iimjv ( rnh-r
< mluntr uni Ut)n|i
We’ll get the job done right for all students.
COX''ERNMENT lor all students. We mean to be
inelusive. and not exelusive.
• AFFORDABLE EDI CATION: Contain the run
awa\ growth of Ineidental l ees and replacement
• ISSl'E ORIENTED: Campus Safety. C’hild
Care. 1 Ml . Alternative Beer (iardens and Xthlet
"It\ Time For \ Change!”
Mike ( olson. Harelax (.ravson for AM O I'resideiio
Minimis tm I hull «•
. m tlir* ttiifvi Oijor l 'li.i|mwn I .-mm wi
sh r% ivaI ( rnU-r
mi-i-liMg ill h p m m 1 Ml ’ Smtr \
I rshitin Support tiniup
ii.f't! i. t•-» " 111 KM! ( i-nlurv Komii I
\\ mum s I m mu
.uni \\ flliit*• vs it) Ik? hi* hi tm|a\ limn i- •*
to Ip m in i Ml' ( >d«ir rooms l ami I)
Smiors in I rdiisthun Km km Kullris
comp tor wotmtM <<\n 4> \vtil m«t< !.ik’
troiii 11 Mi to H ( all Wunmn m Transition .h
Jo 40‘lo
t III tin- Kodtl In t dildilti ‘ SrttlliHealth
t .ir»* Krtonlirs in OtfRun
VY illaUn-tti? f (all 1 bis i*v,-nt is siHn.vri'il bv
th«- Hu man it ns Cenlttf
I hr lullimmw organi/ation*
ai•nldblf- Im ll.tm.nis lot s.RM up .!*?••
.,0.1 II,turin.it!, O -1 isit K .-on t » lb-mi: ► •
• '
I h vision
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