COLSON/GRAYSON • AFFORDABFF FDl'OATION: Contain t he runaw n\ growth o! Incidental Fees and replat ement revenue. • 1SSIJK OKIKNTFD: (i.impus Safety. (ihild (Are. t:\1l Alternative Beer (hardens and Athletics. It ’s Time For A Change! Mike Colson, Barclay Grayson for ASI O Presidency IV» I and vs a s asked Whk hone of your i lul (iren do von vs isii to live?' Brand said at a I rules meeting ol Pugene ( its ( Tub members When people dross n t he (list tiling to go is tile digits and then the arms and tin- legs l iie torso is preserved Well we ve had some healths limbs amputated." tie said 1 nis ersit v program and lai nits cuts will have 'monumen tal" lor the l-'u gene Springfield i ommunits Brand said t he i uts will eflei t tin- community as would (lie loss of a $20 million business Brand said tin- loss of 2,000 students and 200 fat lilts mem bt'rs from budget cuts ts only tin* beginning "(tin- halt of our university w ill be gone bv |uly 1. 111*1 I unless we find wavs to find re placement tax revenue Brand said "Social services and edu cation in this slate will fall off file i lift Don't wait to see if my pie dii lion is true, but unfortunate lv I have a good trai k record toi predic ting disastei The l Tiiversitv s date to tall oft the cliff" is Mav 1992. whit li is sooner than other state agent ies bee ause higher edut a lion must give their employees a one year-notice before laving them oft. Brand said Brand urged ( at v t dub mein hers to support a bill recentlv proposed by Hep (arl I lostic ka. I) Mu-gene. vvlin li would eliminate the one veai timely notice requirement Brand said lie is convnu ed there will he tax restructuring but the ' 'c ritical quest ion is vv hen Notic e I have not said w hat the right tax restruc luring should be bee a use I don't k now ' Brand said "Should it he a sales tax or involve ,i business tax or a lux urv tax? I'm not equipped to nnswei that but I want the pen pie who do know that to get on the stic k he said IFC to meet Tuesday night Ini i■{r-iilrf 1 fpp l umimllep Et als I*m ( hi < S«.|jr l iimjv ( rnh-r < mluntr uni Ut)n|i • PROFESSIONAL, EXPERIENCED, COMPE TENT, AND COMMITTED COX ERNMENT. We’ll get the job done right for all students. • OPEN, ACCESSIBLE, AND RESPONSIVE COX''ERNMENT lor all students. We mean to be inelusive. and not exelusive. • AFFORDABLE EDI CATION: Contain the run awa\ growth of Ineidental l ees and replacement revenue. • ISSl'E ORIENTED: Campus Safety. C’hild Care. 1 Ml . Alternative Beer (iardens and Xthlet "It\ Time For \ Change!” Mike ( olson. Harelax (.ravson for AM O I'resideiio Minimis tm I hull «• . m tlir* ttiifvi Oijor l 'li.i|mwn I .-mm wi sh r% ivaI ( rnU-r mi-i-liMg ill h p m m 1 Ml ’ Smtr \ I rshitin Support tiniup ii.f't! i. t•-» " 111 KM! ( i-nlurv Komii I \\ mum s I m mu .uni \\ flliit*• vs it) Ik? hi* hi tm|a\ limn i- •* to Ip m in i Ml' ( >d«ir rooms l ami I) Smiors in I rdiisthun Km km Kullris comp tor wotmtM <<\n 4> \vtil m«t< !.ik’ troiii 11 Mi to H ( all Wunmn m Transition .h Jo 40‘lo KKMA SH AM KS t III tin- Kodtl In t dildilti ‘ SrttlliHealth t .ir»* Krtonlirs in OtfRun VY illaUn-tti? f (all 1 bis i*v,-nt is siHn.vri'il bv th«- Hu man it ns Cenlttf IMIKVIIWS I hr lullimmw organi/ation* ai•nldblf- Im lot s.RM up .!*?•• .,0.1 II,!, O -1 isit K .-on t » lb-mi: ► • • • ' I h vision Hiihting is available foi the following |( l‘t*Miu*\ ( ompam will bold .« group mmling \Y••tliH'siias from " to '* p "> 11 I Mt ( ,-iiar KiMim 1 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651