Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1991, Image 1

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Monda\ \pril 1 5, IWI
r uitcm* < Hegon
\ olumc Issue I ' I
Mike ( iiismi h«is
agreed to step down as
chairman of tfir ln< ulen
t.il I ee (unnrniltee I It'
will abstain from voting
on student group budgets
until the Constitution
('onit reaches a dei ision
on the legalits of the
AS I ■( )s investigation
into allegations that he
tampered with !R' meet
ing minutes
See story. Page it
lason Wilson belieses
that as a transfei student
he ( an bring a tresh per
spe» 11\ e to the Incidental
Fee (aimmiltee. Ion l uck
er believes the li t should
allow more student par
Iicipation; and U illiam
Cuskill said zero funding
groups that promote gays
and lesbians, abortion
and animal rights would
be a good w as to deal
with smaller student
budgets next year
See IFC i undulate pro
files. pages it and fi
The (lirgon softball
team is finding the I'ai.if
n in Conferem.e tin from
its liking tins season l’bo
Din ks were swept this
weekend by third-ranked
Arizona and eighth
ranked Arizona State
See story, Page 7
l.isa harnopp
The (Jregon women's
tr.i< k team used its ills
tan< e strength to win its
filth straight team title at
Saturday s Pepsi 1 earn
Invitational at Hayward
See stors Page I 1
I he men's team wasn't
as lui k\ as it was beaten
by Washington State fur
the first time in the
meet's five-year history
See story. Page til
' FVittiu hi ViLrk Vlrn
Yolunlwr Hurry Irantham helps repair a sntenalk in trout ot thr White Hint
( linn Ml h IJth \ vf .is part ot the sexenth annual thinner ( leanup
Students ‘Cleanup’ this town
By Tom Baughman
EmeidlU ConlriDutoi
Tightv five t niversity 1.< < and
( him lull High Si hool students vol
linleereil three hours then tune Sal
iiriius to paint, mun lawns and
i lean up It) luigene service organi
/.itions as part of the seventh aimu
al Hunger ( leanup
Volunteers traveled to sites all
over l-aigene, doing everything from
yardwork to tending gravestones at
a pet i ernetery
I lie clean up is a work a thou
sponsored by liSl’tKt. and the \a
tional Student Campaign Against
Hunger and Homelessness helping
to raise mone\ for hungry and
homeless people I lie event riiised
almost Si 7(H) from pledges solicit
ed li\ volunteers Similar efforts
took plui e on nearly 170 college
i ampuses at ross the < ounlrv
Mark Wagner OSI’IKt. 's l.( I
community service coordinator,
said the I longer ( lean up was an op
port units for students to ai t Inc alls
against hunger and homelessness
"Hunger lias become a wav of life
for 70 million Americans and three
million of these people are w ithout
Turn to CLEAN, Parje h
Campus Copy to
integrate Kinko’s
By Brian Bloch
lineiaia Reporter, ■ ' . : __
\fter >t ttmg up .in emergent S kink" p.u krt sales
out let III till' I All e.irltri this It'rm. tlif ( diii|ius ( ops
( enter Hill sell tin' remaining k mko ■> p.u k«-t m with it-,
beginning tills Week ( ampus l ops has ruIlK illnl
tin- p.u ki-ts triiui tin- trmpiii.il S iHitl*-t IU'\t III tin- I \ll
Kri rr.ition ('rntri tu its mvn li.isrinriit Itm .ition I In
c .1 tilpils lot .iliim s\ ill i (ilitinur tu -.i ll kinkos p.u ki-ts
\\ 11It its own throughout tin inn.imiln ot thr trrin
s.ml 1 'ut\ rrsih printing srrvn r-. .1 im tin U .ivnr Mrr
( .1111 pus ( upv In-gall Selling till- p.u kl'ts 111 thr ultri
math ol a i null ruling restru ling kinko s lopvriglil
Merritt s.ml stmlnits . an pit k up p.u krts printed for
all i I.issi-s inquiring thrm ami i an order pat krts as
thrv an- depleted tlirinighout tin- trim
( a in pus l i ip\ still has p.u krts Im must < lasses ami
spei tal orders ran hr made it a p.u ki t is not in --tut k
Merritt said Hr said orders . an hr pit krd up the satin
das usual Is m four to five hours
I’roplr nrrtl not tear long hues ot ss.uts hr s.ml
"Sttulmils i an get thrm as thrs i ome ill I- vers mir sv ill
hr taken rate of it they ss ant to hr
Merritt said the i ampus outlet is i aught up and run
mug smoolhls alter a paim at the hegnmiug ol the
tri m
1st rpt lor till- lust three days its hern Vers man
ageable hr said
Hr attributed tpm k dIstriliutua ‘ tie pat krts In i
cooperative relationship between the t'uisrrsits ad
ministration kinko and printing servu rs
rltl-re s hern a lot ot eooprration hrlssrrn tls and
kinko s throughout this Merritt said
lluwevei. i ampus klllko's osvnri I lave (bbson said
hr is unsure it ('ampus I ops svill hr aide to sell the
p.u krts through s|iruig term or into next sear lie said
lu- had not met ss till Merritt lot tss<i weeks and had not
real lied a long term agreement to continue selling
k mko's pa. kl'ts at the t'ampus ( ups I enter
Right miss eversthing is up in the air.' Hibson
said \ lot still has to In- i larified
(■bison s.ml Ins business keeps in regular contact
ssilh kmko's corporate i ops right lasvvrrs m \ mitura
I .ilit ss iio an- providing legal .Ills II r to deal ss itll the
iu-ss i ops right restrii lions
lie also said he is meeting svilh Merritt early tins
week to dismiss the legality and feasibility of a i ontin
tied business relationship between the I nisersits and
Merritt said the Universits is also svorking i losely
ss itti its lass s ei s to lout ss as s to lessen the i ham rs of
i ops right infringement
Hibson and Merritt did agree, however, that plan-,
lor printing and distributing i lass p.u krts at the t ni
versify next seal still need to he hammered out
Turn to PACKETS Page 5
Week’s speakers to discuss social issues
By Daralyn Trappe
£mr".i ! Reporter
I’oduv marks tlit Ixigiuinng ot the /lsi an
nual l.arth Week celebration .it ihr l'nivrrsi
t\ w ith a fen us this vrar mi the i onnei lion
between i*nviromm-i)l.il anil six nil issurs
Earth Week
Speakers >111 h as ( csai 1 have/ president
ot the t iiitixi 1 ,irm \\ nrkims ni A merit 1 1 \
<T1A station chief John Slot kurll anil \a
tivn Aini'rn an environmentalist Winona
l.aDuki' hapashesit will talk alxiut thru r\
perien< es and lum six ml and environmen
tal issues relate
\1v vision is that we ran start working
together to bridge the six nil issues and the
environmental issues in .1 united fori r
said Phil Nebergall ol llic Surviv.il Center,
the group organizing the events l'he\'re
so connected .is l.u .is vsh.it we re lighting
Chavez will speak toil.w fmiu iiuiiii In
1 l "> pm in tin' KM I * li.illruuni following
Ins presentation of .in award letter In I in
versitv Presiiient Myles Hrand lur Ins sup
port of the grape In iv i ott Over tile p.ist a
Visits. Chavez hiis led sever.d well known
grape bovcotls in protest of poor living i on
ilitiotis for workers, and the pestn ides tliev
are exposed to
K.ipasfiesit duel lot of White I,nth land
Recovery Pro jet t will talk from " ill p in to
•t 10 p in Wednesday about bet current
fight lo keep the (.anadiati government from
installing hvdroelei Ini dams on the rivers
adjoining the lames River Hav
Stm kvvell, who worked for the ( IA m An
gola will speak from 7 to ji in lo 0 to |i m
rhursdnv about ( l.\ involvement in < entral
Aiiicfii .1 the1 unlit.irism of that region ami
the environmental devastation that has 01
i lined. Net tergal I said
The organizers of Earth Week said the
events I an he important on IV if thev ai t as
motivation tin people to i liange their atti
lodes and liehav lor
What I see out ol Ivarth Day IS that hope
lulls it will lie a ( alalvst for people to un
dels),mil what is happening and that we're
going to have to i liange our lives and the
wav we live said l av lor Smith of the Sin
vji.il ( enter It leallv is a matter ot how
we re living that's destroying that earth
'We've lost respei.t toi the land
Nebeigall said I artll Week i an he a ( ata
I v st to i hanging out res pec t tor the land and
W hat it giv I S Us
Turntr EARTH Page b