Oregon DAILY EMERALD Monda\ \pril 1 5, IWI r uitcm* < Hegon \ olumc Issue I ' I Briefly Mike ( iiismi h«is agreed to step down as chairman of tfir ln< ulen t.il I ee (unnrniltee I It' will abstain from voting on student group budgets until the Constitution ('onit reaches a dei ision on the legalits of the AS I ■( )s investigation into allegations that he tampered with !R' meet ing minutes See story. Page it lason Wilson belieses that as a transfei student he ( an bring a tresh per spe» 11\ e to the Incidental Fee (aimmiltee. Ion l uck er believes the li t should allow more student par Iicipation; and U illiam Cuskill said zero funding groups that promote gays and lesbians, abortion and animal rights would be a good w as to deal with smaller student budgets next year See IFC i undulate pro files. pages it and fi Sports The (lirgon softball team is finding the I'ai.if n in Conferem.e tin from its liking tins season l’bo Din ks were swept this weekend by third-ranked Arizona and eighth ranked Arizona State See story, Page 7 l.isa harnopp The (Jregon women's tr.i< k team used its ills tan< e strength to win its filth straight team title at Saturday s Pepsi 1 earn Invitational at Hayward field See stors Page I 1 I he men's team wasn't as lui k\ as it was beaten by Washington State fur the first time in the meet's five-year history See story. Page til ' FVittiu hi ViLrk Vlrn Yolunlwr Hurry Irantham helps repair a sntenalk in trout ot thr White Hint ( linn Ml h IJth \ vf .is part ot the sexenth annual thinner ( leanup Students ‘Cleanup’ this town By Tom Baughman EmeidlU ConlriDutoi Tightv five t niversity 1.< < and ( him lull High Si hool students vol linleereil three hours then tune Sal iiriius to paint, mun lawns and i lean up It) luigene service organi /.itions as part of the seventh aimu al Hunger ( leanup Volunteers traveled to sites all over l-aigene, doing everything from yardwork to tending gravestones at a pet i ernetery I lie clean up is a work a thou sponsored by liSl’tKt. and the \a tional Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness helping to raise mone\ for hungry and homeless people I lie event riiised almost Si 7(H) from pledges solicit ed li\ volunteers Similar efforts took plui e on nearly 170 college i ampuses at ross the < ounlrv Mark Wagner OSI’IKt. 's l.( I community service coordinator, said the I longer ( lean up was an op port units for students to ai t Inc alls against hunger and homelessness "Hunger lias become a wav of life for 70 million Americans and three million of these people are w ithout Turn to CLEAN, Parje h Campus Copy to integrate Kinko’s By Brian Bloch lineiaia Reporter, ■ ' . : __ \fter >t ttmg up .in emergent S kink" p.u krt sales out let III till' I All e.irltri this It'rm. tlif ( diii|ius ( ops ( enter Hill sell tin' remaining k mko ■> p.u k«-t m with it-, own beginning tills Week ( ampus l ops has ruIlK illnl tin- p.u ki-ts triiui tin- trmpiii.il S iHitl*-t IU'\t III tin- I \ll Kri rr.ition ('rntri tu its mvn li.isrinriit Itm .ition I In c .1 tilpils lot .iliim s\ ill i (ilitinur tu -.i ll kinkos p.u ki-ts \\ 11It its own throughout tin inn.imiln ot thr trrin s.ml 1 'ut\ rrsih printing srrvn r-. .1 im tin U .ivnr Mrr ritt ( .1111 pus ( upv In-gall Selling till- p.u kl'ts 111 thr ultri math ol a i null ruling restru ling kinko s lopvriglil freedoms Merritt s.ml stmlnits . an pit k up p.u krts printed for all i I.issi-s inquiring thrm ami i an order pat krts as thrv an- depleted tlirinighout tin- trim ( a in pus l i ip\ still has p.u krts Im must < lasses ami spei tal orders ran hr made it a p.u ki t is not in --tut k Merritt said Hr said orders . an hr pit krd up the satin das usual Is m four to five hours I’roplr nrrtl not tear long hues ot ss.uts hr s.ml "Sttulmils i an get thrm as thrs i ome ill I- vers mir sv ill hr taken rate of it they ss ant to hr Merritt said the i ampus outlet is i aught up and run mug smoolhls alter a paim at the hegnmiug ol the tri m 1st rpt lor till- lust three days its hern Vers man ageable hr said Hr attributed tpm k dIstriliutua ‘ tie pat krts In i cooperative relationship between the t'uisrrsits ad ministration kinko and printing servu rs rltl-re s hern a lot ot eooprration hrlssrrn tls and kinko s throughout this Merritt said lluwevei. i ampus klllko's osvnri I lave (bbson said hr is unsure it ('ampus I ops svill hr aide to sell the p.u krts through s|iruig term or into next sear lie said lu- had not met ss till Merritt lot tss111 h as ( csai 1 have/ president ot the t iiitixi 1 ,irm \\ nrkims ni A merit 1 1 \ pm in tin' KM I * li.illruuni following Ins presentation of .in award letter In I in versitv Presiiient Myles Hrand lur Ins sup port of the grape In iv i ott Over tile p.ist a Visits. Chavez hiis led sever.d well known grape bovcotls in protest of poor living i on ilitiotis for workers, and the pestn ides tliev are exposed to K.ipasfiesit duel lot of White I,nth land Recovery Pro jet t will talk from " ill p in to •t 10 p in Wednesday about bet current fight lo keep the (.anadiati government from installing hvdroelei Ini dams on the rivers adjoining the lames River Hav Stm kvvell, who worked for the ( IA m An gola will speak from 7 to ji in lo 0 to |i m rhursdnv about ( l.\ involvement in < entral Aiiicfii .1 the1 unlit.irism of that region ami the environmental devastation that has 01 i lined. Net tergal I said The organizers of Earth Week said the events I an he important on IV if thev ai t as motivation tin people to i liange their atti lodes and liehav lor What I see out ol Ivarth Day IS that hope lulls it will lie a ( alalvst for people to un dels),mil what is happening and that we're going to have to i liange our lives and the wav we live said l av lor Smith of the Sin vji.il ( enter It leallv is a matter ot how we re living that's destroying that earth 'We've lost respei.t toi the land Nebeigall said I artll Week i an he a ( ata I v st to i hanging out res pec t tor the land and W hat it giv I S Us Turntr EARTH Page b