Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1991, Page 12, Image 11

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Oregon to host doubleheaders
I Ion I Im* surprised 1<i « .11< h
sonic *»f (lie Oregon softlutll
(ii.1 \i■ rs looking .1 little out of
s\ 111 w licit the\ host three duo
hlelle.lilers tills \\eeketiri
I ll.lt s l»e( .lose .liter Jll.lVIIlg
tt) i otlsei olive ro.nl g,lilies the
I tin ks will lie ex perietu mg
then Inline opener ng.mist St.in
foul toil.it .it < p 111
II the wenther holds up < he
gun |()1 hi I he I’.n 11 ii 1 o
151 h overall) will plnv double
Insiders .ig.unst third Milked
Ari/nmi on S.iturd.iv .tiid
eighth-I.inked \ri/oi..i St.lie on
S u n d ,i s .i 11 e i pi .n i n g two
g.tmes .ig.nnst the ( .irdin.ll on
I rnl.n
II (Iregon is t»» move mil o!
I hr i mi(c 11“ m •• i i*l 1.1 r I hr
Dm ks will Mi'i-d ,i stronger tit
11• iis*■ .mil mini' i 'insistent
l>iii hing U hilc lIn Iimiii s
)iili limg n ml «11*!*• us•• Inn, ■■
slruggli'il must ill tin- season
llir sarin1 i .iiinul lir saul lur the
Dm I.-, offense
l.i-il by first baseman |ulif?
(’avaiiaiigh anil shortstop kirn
Manning. (Iri'gnn s offense
li.nls nnh ln|> ranki il I ( I A in
tin- l*a< III w ilh a ^!‘l f batting
a\ erage
I avannirgh a native of West
(,1'imam li'ails tin1 hit parade
u ith a It, I batting a\ erage to
go along with 1J stolen bases
and 2 t runs st tired
Manning is rigid mi ( a\
.m,nigh •> I,ill w dll ,i i i t .ivit
ago ms home urns .uni 22 runs
t >< 111 < - (J 111 lllll sin- Inis struggled
in ill** field. in.iking 21 i-rmrs
,iii*l i ompilmg .i 7'IH fielding
l<i-ri milage
The ma|ont\ <if tin* piti lung
liulirs hnvi* (alien to In-shinan
K.i* Iii*IIi* I uvlor after .ill * (infer
i'll* *■ pit* her K.ilie Wiese was
dropped from tin* leant for a* a
demit *li*lii leni Ics
I ,1\ lor has |*||| Ill'll mil! li 1***1
ler tins season than her rei oril
would i n d i t a I e Her o l*o
*■.11111*1) run average is sixth best
Turn to BALL Page 16
GetA Goodjobj
When you get ready to apply for that great job , your resume w ill
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Why Don't You Run for the Board?
These positions ore non- available:
• One Freshman position for two-year term
• I mo Sophomore positions for two-year term
• One (iraduate Student Position for two-year term
• One (iraduate Student Position for one-year term
• One leaching Faculty position for two-year term
Nominations lor the available Board positions will lx- taken at
the l () Bookstore
ANNl AI. Ml K list;
on l uesdas. April 16, at 1:30 p in in the Walnut Kixnn of the
I Nil (across from the l S. Post Office!. I or more informa
tion contact the Bookstore General Manager, Jim \\ illiains in
person or at 346-4 331
Phulo h\ \mlrt- Kamrn
Orr^ons 4 \ UWmrtrr rrl.n tram with \hkr \1t ( Irndon rvirixinii thr
baton horn Drxon Hosrx hvrr. will hut' a still i hnlh'iixir tram Mahaina at
thr /V/»w Irani Invitation,ii
Ducks face talented
teams at Pepsi meet
By Ashley Conklin
(rntjiatd Sports Editor
Tlx \( A \ I hampionships aren't sr heduled to open at Hayward
I leld until Mat J‘i
Hut tru< k funs i .in catch an early glimpse ol some ot the best
tr.it k talent in the nation Saturihiv at the lour team Pepsi Team In
vitatlnnal. whir h starts at 1.’ 10 p ni
(Ither than the \( J.A meet, some ot the best r ompetitum ill the
whole countiv 'till he here (at the Pepsi meet) Oregon men's
i oar ii Hill Dellinget said 1 think you'll see some really good
t ompetition d tin* weather is r undue ive
l )n non and Washington State w ill again take part, hut the meet
is even more attrar live w ith Alabama and Indiana joining the field
While both the Duck men anil women have won all tout pre
\ unis Pepsi ln\ nationals, Dellinger doesn’t see Ins team as the la
vorite this time
Washington State has the best in.irks and tlx- best personnel.'
I)ellinger said Tliev i over the events pretty well
Tliev look like thev re serious about r riming down here anil
winning lie sail) "from their entries it looks like thev're going
to rlonhle some people
(in the other side Oregon women's (loach Turn lleinonen sees
his team as remaining undefeated in the Pepsi meet
lleinonen said he did a cautious pre meet form r hart Wednesday
night that hail the (iregon women winning tin* meet h\ 1 it points
fighteen points is a pretty big margin in this meet lleinonen
saul of the international scoring system used tor the meet
Individual events will he stored on a '17 l> i t I g 1 basis with
eai h team restrii ted to nnlv two entries per event Relays w ill he
si oleil on a 0 0 I 1 basis
lleinonen doesn't see the women s meet shaping up to lie quite
as good as the men’s but he isn't apologizing lor that
"It's a damn good meet. he said "I don 1 think it will he as
strong as the guvs bet a use Washington State Oregon might he the
top two teams m the nation
"All I know lleinonen said is that there are solid athletes in
every ev ent
I'hc Washington State men bring a very experienced and talent
ed team to Eugene in hopes ol unseating Oregon as the team
i hainp
I'ony la and I I Olio will he hark to defend their titles in the
high hurdles and 5 Odd meters, resper tivrlv and Ceorge Ogbeide
vv ho won the llld meters last season, is also bat k
Sim e last season, the t lougurs have added Augustin Olohia. the
indont \t AA * i ilieter i liamp, in the sprints and Samuel kihiri in
the 1 add and steeplei hast*
Wahama also is strong in both the sprints and distances Brad
Mil 'u.ng and ( live Wright have alreadv turned m prov isional
\t AA qualifying times uf Id .1.1 ami Id t‘l rt>spet lively in the ldt)
this year Both also ran on last y ear's \'( A A vv inning -t \ 100-meter
relav team
Ain boring the distance events is German Beltran, last year's
Southeastern (lonfereiu e 5.000-meter champ
I he best distance runner in the Pepsi meet will likelv be Indi
ana's Koltert Kennedy, the indoor NCAA mile champ, who was
also the outdoor 1 .'>00-meter t hamp last season
Two (iregon freshmen. I inlev (iandaele and Andy Maris, vv ill go
against kihiri and Kennedy in the 1.500
While the Ducks have been v ulnerable in the sprints before Ron