SPORTS Oregon to host doubleheaders I Ion I Im* surprised 1iii hing U hilc lIn Iimiii s )iili limg n ml «11*!*• us•• Inn, ■■ slruggli'il must ill tin- season llir sarin1 i .iiinul lir saul lur the Dm I.-, offense l.i-il by first baseman |ulif? (’avaiiaiigh anil shortstop kirn Manning. (Iri'gnn s offense li.nls nnh ln|> ranki il I ( I A in tin- l*a< III w ilh a ^!‘l f batting a\ erage I avannirgh a native of West (,1'imam li'ails tin1 hit parade u ith a It, I batting a\ erage to go along with 1J stolen bases and 2 t runs st tired Manning is rigid mi ( a\ .m,nigh •> I,ill w dll ,i i i t .ivit ago ms home urns .uni 22 runs t >< 111 < - (J 111 lllll sin- Inis struggled in ill** field. in.iking 21 i-rmrs ,iii*l i ompilmg .i 7'IH fielding l i t I g 1 basis with eai h team restrii ted to nnlv two entries per event Relays w ill he si oleil on a 0 0 I 1 basis lleinonen doesn't see the women s meet shaping up to lie quite as good as the men’s but he isn't apologizing lor that "It's a damn good meet. he said "I don 1 think it will he as strong as the guvs bet a use Washington State Oregon might he the top two teams m the nation "All I know lleinonen said is that there are solid athletes in every ev ent I'hc Washington State men bring a very experienced and talent ed team to Eugene in hopes ol unseating Oregon as the team i hainp I'ony la and I I Olio will he hark to defend their titles in the high hurdles and 5 Odd meters, resper tivrlv and Ceorge Ogbeide vv ho won the llld meters last season, is also bat k Sim e last season, the t lougurs have added Augustin Olohia. the indont \t AA * i ilieter i liamp, in the sprints and Samuel kihiri in the 1 add and steeplei hast* Wahama also is strong in both the sprints and distances Brad Mil ' and ( live Wright have alreadv turned m prov isional \t AA qualifying times uf Id .1.1 ami Id t‘l rt>spet lively in the ldt) this year Both also ran on last y ear's \'( A A vv inning -t \ 100-meter relav team Ain boring the distance events is German Beltran, last year's Southeastern (lonfereiu e 5.000-meter champ I he best distance runner in the Pepsi meet will likelv be Indi ana's Koltert Kennedy, the indoor NCAA mile champ, who was also the outdoor 1 .'>00-meter t hamp last season Two (iregon freshmen. I inlev (iandaele and Andy Maris, vv ill go against kihiri and Kennedy in the 1.500 While the Ducks have been v ulnerable in the sprints before Ron