Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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One-time offer: Write
your own editorials
We were going to write ail editorial about apathy
oil college campuses, but we didn't get around to it
lor those ot you who don’t know what apathy is
think of it this wav You know how you feel after
drinking a couple of cups of coffee and then trying to
find an open bathroom in the KMU? Well, apathy is the
opposite of that
Apathy is interesting Without apathy there would
be no editorial today Apathy is also responsible for the
phrases. President Bush and Vice President Dan
We could go into the history of apathy Hut be
cause no one took the time to record this glorious mo
ment. nobody remembers who invented apathy or
where it started However, we re pretty sure it was
somewhere near (lorvalbs
So for today, vou the l hiiversitv students get
to write vour own editorials Kill in the space below,
photocopy it and hand it out to all vour friends and en
It you have trouble coming up with an idea or
opinion for your editorial, here are some suggestions
we haven't got around to i overing vet (but not bet ause
we re apathetic I
• The banishment of all rotisserie sports leagues
• Prohibiting from the classroom all people who
think they know more than the instrm tor (Would
there be am students.'’)
• Make beer gardens a daily event starting at
a m
• The banishment of the World League of Amen
r an f ootball
• Why is the the skv either blue or gra\ ’ 1 o be fail
to the other colors, shouldn't it t hange from day to
(Rt'nwmbur .ill I'diton.tls should be devoid ot am
/ogir al thought or ideas/
Headline goes here
I’ ( I H«*\ M «» > ugi iM I >irjjufi V'4*1 1
The [).».!> t ’’iC'j!-! % , A« tie . 1 ■.! , ••• i
*rc» and >a. ahons by the Oregon 0.» » EmcfaM Pwtj"*»r y Co at the Un .«•'•> !> *
Orng.)-; Eugene Oreg "
The | mcf.i i ,s operated vie; 'Of fly .0 the University *>0' *»«, ,?• the ?r • 1
1 • • the 6 rf> M*"" >nai U' .t .* •. .i fe-nbe* I * the A .ated Pr
The Erneiaij •% ;u ,afe property The jnlawfu emo.ai of use >* paters is prosecut
able by ia*
E dilor A • VV *•»
Managing E ditor
Editorial Editor
Politic* Editor
Graphic* Editor
Supplamants Editor
In Touch Editor
Christopher BiA<f
Hoti Ward
Joe K>dd
MjfK Ylen
l ayn® Ldfeefish
A i ■ ,t R*»fW»n n
N#w* E ditor
Editorial Editor
Spoils Editor
Entaitamment Editor
Supplements Asst Ed
NigM Editor
Chris 8oua<*m
Pd\ KU a h
A',hJ©y Conki.o
CAthe'in# HrtAit'y
Associate t ditors
Community On Pete Student Government Activities ether e Ha*
Higher Education Administration Peter > ,«**►••
Reporters Tam-ny Batey Jafce Berg B! r B • Ht*"»* . • i P«* - >»*!• .1
M «*jan Mr-j Mi'.jnque* J . -r RussePa-a, Rotx-M We her
Photographer* i Evans Andre Ranter
Advertising Kev a ,',?»•?,t*4 M.vi Bondage I .1 •• De*tf Kath, E- d. . H M
. »• i, .• ■*.*• K. •.' i V •:»* v e*hy K • • •- * e' • i u>. ,ri Staler- V • M.»' .1
l '-.a Hi.-h ■-.r Mary Sander•, Kath» Smith h -.!• St'other
Classified lV.,jgy M .» V,» 1,;* M *.* * n- v et Si ' . J *
Business k.i** , .et* Si-.f’. j , 1. ,
Production 1 Jr,1 Pa • 4. ‘ • \if ■ V? A- M 1
Lotus Child, Ca'd Dopp Jim E -ih h Connc F no’ Susa-- Heed Jef- pfe- Huey Linda
*• i.e.’ad Shei a Loren.*, j •• M.i- • A- -a Mo-* f-** * P R • :♦»»♦ Sm.!*
A" 'o Stephenson Jennifer Thomas Hon y\aiher ToddW >an'S
General Manager M # ’
Production Manager M ' r N
Ndwiroom Butmtsi Otfica 346 S511
Production 346 4361
Advertising Director
Display Advertising
Classified Advertising
346 3712
346 4343
WE Dom't
.► ■* * • •"' K * *• ^V
*.c •
>Ppy 4 svw)te^ 'fi
Hi T rlE'NT
1 ,iiu pu/./led bv your front
page story Study in ltd I \ pro
gram under investigation"
(f )l)l April 1)
While studying at three uni
verxitles ill three states I look
ilasses Iron) several I'M client
professors among whom Dr
Immanuel Ilat/.antonis is one
of tile very liest
Sunils am serious student
would think himself or herself
exi eedmglx fortunate "to have
three or four roommates and to
live above j piano bar that
c ranked up even night at mid
night or am other annoying
inconvenitMH.es in order to
have llat/antonis slum them It
\nn Applegate
Matliematu s
Parking wise
As everyone is aware we
have more persons desiring to
park vehii les on campus than
we have parking spates We
would like to see that tills do
ni.ind is alleviated to some o\
tent at least to the best ot our
In light ot this goal the l in
xeisity has implemented the
I I I) Kidershtp program lor all
students lai ult\ and stall and
more mm ently the Parking In
i entne program providing
11)0 peri ent refund for all park
ing permits turned bai k in (ex
cept dorm residents) by indi
viduals willing to explore and
find alternative methods of
transportation to the Universe
t\ Further information on
these programs, is available .it
the t )ff u e of Puhlii Safety
In an attempt to use existing
spar e more offer lively, the 1 in
versity is implementing anoth
er program Beginning Mon
dux April H. certain meters on
tilth Avenue and University
Street w ill display signs which
state that those meters may be
parked at in one of two man
ners if you have a valid Uni
versity parking permit you may
park there without paving; it
not you will need to pay the
meter as usual The affer ted
meters will have the appropri
ate sign .lit.It Ill’ll to It .1 Mil
gle meter will denote lh.it sin
gle sp.il r <i iloillili’ hr.Ill nii-lt'l
will denote both spaces il guv
I In- l 'diversity lioprs lh.it
this slop y\ ill help .ilh’V late
si in if 11I tin- problfins 1 aused by
.1 limited parking spac f supply
II you have am questions or
comments, please < all the 1)1
liie 11I I’ublii S.ilfli I4t. 14-I-4
or l-tt. S-1-17.
Kami Stamm
()tlii e lit Public Salet>
5 still alive
I eu it am of us assoi iated
with the Lniversity are happy
about the consequences of
Measure 1 for our venerated in
stitulnm Mam of us have ex
pressed outrage at the i uts that
our administrators we ton ed to
These cuts, however are
small potatoes when contrasted
with the I uts that w ill be nei es
sary if the stale does not find
replacement revenue before the
beginning of the sei ond bienni
um under Measure V
This university is not the
only important state institution
that Measure r> will destroy II
will also undermine many ot
the other important sot nil ser
vice and public safety institu
lions ol our slate i mating a
monster that only an anarchist
1 mild love
Institutions of higher educa
turn will 1 lose hardened 1 rinu
rials yyill be released from pris
on. children with serious dis
ease will be denied adequate
medical 1 are and some people
with disabilities will not re
reive the minimum support
that any 1 ivili/.ed sor mty
should provide to its citizens
On April 11 a local consum
er group l air Share, will spon
sor a day of lobby ing the Legis
lature for replacement revenue
I enc mirage every one yvho cares
about the future of our state to
partic ipate it possible
If you 1 an not go to Salem on
that day at least yvrite to your
state representative or senator,
demanding that this session ol
the Legislature refer a replace
ment n venue bill to the voters
.it the earliest possible date
The address is Oregon l.egis
lature Salem Ore MSI It!
I s nil k kahle
\ss«n iate Professor
Marketing depart men I
Hip, hip, hooray
Let's hear it tor deurge Hush
and American foreign polios
I el s has e a less more t ham
pagne parts hashes and teles i
sion spei nils glorifying our cm
sade m the Middle Hast and
then settle hai k and access our
brand ness "svorld order
One hundred thousand Iraqi
men. svunien and c hildren no
longer ssalk this Karth kusvait
is stiil .1 monarchical basket
c ase without a democ ratic c lue,
the Middle Last is in environ
mental ruins and (ieorge Hush
is hack in bed vs it h Hussein; I
guess he is no longer a "Hit
ler "
After flying 50,000 sortie
bombing missions, sve now
consider it meddling in inter
net affairs to take out belie nptei
gunsliips ss leaking genocldal
havoc upon t ivilians
Who can he bothered ssilli
sin h Iris i.i ' Hush is on a stellai
ride in the polls and America
is gloss ing ssitfi pride We are
standing tall, and lit spite of -
million freezing starving refu
gees on the borders of Iraq and
Turkey, this Fourth of fills,
should be the best c elebration
lust think, sve can do if all
again in a less sears hs arming
some other psvt hotic dit tator
that sve c all friend It certainly
helps sidotrac k our attention
from Hush's bankrupt domestic
Cierry Kempel
Woe is she
I believe sve should toss out
the svomvn and woman spell
ings and replace them svith
svoeman. a tar more encapsu
lating spelling of the same
word, it not even more ridic
Fthan l.evi